The Delusions that Haunt You... (Letter Rewritten...)

Curiosity killed her as she held the box.


She tried opening it but there was a lock.


They were letters, not numbers. Four letters.


She shouted in frustration. It could be anything!!!


The a voice rang in her head.


"Rinnie~ I ____ you~"


She thought about it and entered LOVE in it.


Surely, it clicked open and Kyung Rin was surprised of what was inside...

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hmm, your background isnt visible!!~
doraemonmojacko #2
dfmsklajfdiasjfkfuase! cute and awesome!
Soooo goood~~~ this was so simple yet cute XD thank u~!
ChemicalLuvs #5
This is sweet and simple~ >__<<br />
You should do more ^^<br />
I like this story but I wished Dongho's message could have been longer. Like a sweet love confession. But thank you for the story :)
ppz_uk #7
OMG! Dongho died???<br />
it wasn't true, was it??<br />
update soon plz! so curious of the next chapter!(:
haha~ okie~ ts been edited n added~ sry f it ~ lol~
ppz_uk #9
oh gosh!!!<br />
update more plz!<br />
a longer chapter maybe?:D
pinkypn #10
i love you was the message, thats it