
A Gymnast's Symbiote

Chelsea awoke the next morning feeling surprisingly refreshed and ready to take on the day. But before rolling out of bed, she lazily reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone. Upon waking it up, she saw a message that her roommate left her and decided to tag along at the dining hall before they stopped serving breakfast. She let out a little yawn and stretched her arms before lifting herself up and getting out of bed. But as she got up, she realized that she wasn't wearing any nighties under her sheets and quickly looked around her dorm. With the coast clear, she shot out of bed and briskly walked into the bathroom to get showered and changed.

Meanwhile, her slumbering leotard began to bubble underneath her bed as it sought to ensure its host didn't leave it behind. It moved itself onto her bed and formed into a pair of raven-colored pants that were adorned with a pair of trinkets at the end of its drawstrings. While it morphed itself, the ooze was still buzzing with excitement from last night's folly and now needed to reenergize itself with something tangible before the end of the day.

As Chelsea strolled back into the dorm with a fluffy towel over her body, she leaned over and grabbed a pair of neatly folded black pants and a newly washed rock-band shirt from her closet. While tying her waistband, her eye caught a glimmer that shined in between her fingers. She looked down and briefly fondled with a pair of sparkly spider-shaped insignias. After a few seconds, she snapped back to reality and finished her Saturday outfit. She fished out a pair of Vans and dashed out of her dorm; feeling even hungrier than ever.

"Hey there roomie~" Chloe greeted with a wave. "Not gonna lie, I'm still thinking about last night..."

As Chelsea pulled up a chair, her stomach made an audible growl that made her roommate chuckle.

"Here's something to get you going," Chloe said as she gently tossed a chocolate muffin at her roommate. Chelsea whole-heartily accepted and took a small bite.

"Honestly Chels, I owe you one; big time. If you hadn't stepped in we'd be on the news for sure. And not for a glamour shot. I'm still wondering who those guys were..." Chloe continued as she sipped on a glass of apple juice.

"It was nothing..." Chelsea replied, now with a mouthful of muffin, "... just glad we got outta there."

Chelsea covered with one hand and realized that she totally devoured the hand-sized muffin with just two bites. She quickly got up to get a drink and wash down her muffin with some water. But as she neared a water fountain, she saw stack of chocolate milk cartons behind a refrigerated case and began to fixate on them. She typically avoided sugary drinks to maintain her workout regime, but she now had an unexplainable hankering for something creamy; like chocolate. She opened the case and reached for a carton of chocolate milk... And then another...
And then another...

By the time she snapped out of her pillaging stupor, she had half a dozen open cartons in front of her and a distinct tan-colored milk mustache just above her rosy lips. She felt her cheeks heat up as a wave of embarrassment washed over her from not only downing a half gallon of milk in less than a minute but also doing it at the serving counter instead of bringing it to a table like a civilized human being. She quickly dumped the empty cartons into a nearby bin and dashed towards the bakery section to get a tray of food. When she looked around to make her selection, she felt a tingle run up her spine as she lunged forward and grabbed an assortment of chocolate-centric desserts.

When she sat back down, Chelsea immediately went to town devouring her tray of sweets all while her roommate looked on in surprise.

"Girl, slow down. It's not a mukbang!" Chloe teased as she watched her basically swallow whole pastries one-after-another.

"I just... have a craving... for a little chocolate..." Chelsea muttered in between chews.

"Last chance to binge before midterms I guess~" Chloe laughed as she took a picture of her compromised roommate with her phone.

While preparing for her midterms, Chelsea continued to crave for certain types of sweets, mainly chocolate, which made her grow concerned about her well being. As an athlete, she stuck to a steady high-protein diet but now she was worried that her unexpected binging would throw off her competitive edge. For the next week, she attempted to keep a log of what she ate along with daily check-ins to a scale to see how her increased appetite affected her weight. Strangely however, whenever she would weigh herself she continued to hold steady at just under 100 lbs (45kg). It was almost like the extra fat from the chocolate didn't go straight to her hips, but rather directly to something else nearby that fed on the candy's innate characteristics. On the flip side, all that chocolate did make her feel happier and a lot calmer which certainly helped her diligently study and ace her exams.

As she finished her last midterm exam of the quarter, she suddenly received a barrage of messages from her roommate.

"Come quik! Got a surprise ;)" One text read.

"?" Chelsea replied back.

"Just come!" Chloe quickly replied. Chelsea sighed to herself and made a beeline across campus to her dorm.

"Okay, now what?" Chelsea asked as she closed the door behind her.

Chloe leapt out of her bed and hopped towards her roommate with a big smile on her face. She shoved her phone up to her face and shrieked with glee. "Get ready Chels, I just got us tickets for Disneyland tomorrow!"

Now that their exams were over, maybe this was a perfect opportunity for Chelsea to get away from school and her life and just chill out at an amusement park. Or maybe... this trip would be the catalyst for something much greater for dear Chelsea.

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