Back at School

A Gymnast's Symbiote

Chelsea's hotel room... 9:15 AM

Chelsea was in a deep sleep when suddenly she heard a pounding on her door, "Hey Chelse, you ready to go!?"

Chelsea, slowly woke up and turned her phone over to see the time...

"! I overslept," she exclaimed and jumped out of her bed. Fortunately, she pre-packed her bags the night before and just needed to change into street clothes.

She looked down and saw that she conveniently left her Adidas leggings on from last night. She then dug into her duffle bag and got a clean shirt to change into. With a shirt and leggings on, she grabbed her windbreaker, slipped on her flats and hopped out of her hotel room with her bags.

"Whew~ I thought we were gonna miss the plane. Lucky we're so close to the airport, eh Chelse?" Her close teammate, Brittany, suggested.

Chelsea, still groggy, nodded and walked with her friend down the hall. As she walked, Chelsea noticed that her leggings were a bit tighter than she last remembered and slightly damp. But she just went with it as she didn't want to further delay her waiting teammates by changing.

UCLA. 1:30 PM

"See ya at practice tomorrow," Chelsea waved back at her teammates and headed back to her dorm. As she walked towards her dorm, she saw her roommate's boyfriend nearby on the dorm lawn. She wanted to say hi to Zac but it seemed like he was completely out of it; stumbling across the lawn in a zombified state.

She turned away from the lawn and started to climb up the stairs to her second floor dorm. As she climbed up the stairs, she noticed that her leggings were beginning to chafe around her nether regions. Thanks to her bulked-up physique she always needed to size-up her clothes to have them fit without being uncomfortable.

As she stepped off of the stairs, she noticed that the irritation stopped and felt much both looser around her lower torso but still tightly glued to her legs and calves; it was almost as if her leggings read her mind and responded to her complaints.

She headed back to her room and knocked; a perky dirty-blonde haired girl opened with a smile. "Heyyy~ Welcome back roomie!"

Chelsea smiled and greeted her roommate, Chloe.

"How was the tournament?" Chloe asked.

Chelsea sighed, "second place. How was the party last night?"

"It was wild. One of my friends brought me back; it seems like I was completely wasted last night..." Chloe fibbed to her roommate.

"Sounds fun. Was Zac there too?" Chelsea asked.

"You know... I saw him last night but I haven't seen him today..." Her voice trailed as she picked up her phone.

"But anyway," Chloe continued, "I've heard that there's a big party in Santa Monica this weekend..." She finished texting and beamed, "We should go!"

Chelsea nodded and started to unpack her bags.

She met Chloe in her Microeconomics class last semester and they hit it off after they got paired together on a project. She was her opposite: perky, chill, and always full of life. Whereas Chelsea was more reserved, athletic, and often irritable.

"But this year it going to be different", she reminded herself. This year, Chelsea wanted to more social; be more like her roommate. And going to a party next weekend was going to be her first opportunity to open up.

As she unpacked her bags, she threw all of her clothes into the hamper; including the original leggings that she wore to the restaurant last night. Then she sat at her desk and started on her class assignments while her roommate was on her bed texting at her yet-to-responsive boyfriend.

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