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After hearing Jeongyeon and Sana from the other room, Mina's pretty sure that Jeongyeon likes Sana back. The former pushing the latter away was another issue she knows she shouldn’t meddle with. Even knowing that her crush likes somebody else, she doesn’t feel as upset as she thought she would be. She even feels sad for them both because they seemed like star-crossed lovers.

With that said, she isn’t sure why doesn’t react strongly to this newfound information. Maybe, she thinks, the years she spent without much interaction with other people has affected her too much, that’s why she doesn’t feel strongly. Yes, she is upset, but not as upset as people would’ve been, or like how Sana was upset with Jeongyeon to the point of crying.

And then, there’s Chaeyoung sleeping in front of her.

At that time, when she saw the younger girl at the alley, her mind went blank, unsure of how to react. The freshman just popped out of nowhere with a blade embedded on her shoulder. She might’ve looked calm that time when she approached her, but deep inside she was panicking. 

She moved on instinct. She tried to help her out, but then she discovers that Chaeyoung is currently a spirit.

“Chaeyoung’s alive, so don’t go on bawling,” Yoona told them in the car on the way back to the Im home. Up until now, all information people were throwing about made her confused.

What actually happened in the garden? What the hell were Sana, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon doing? Why is Chaeyoung a ghost? What sun and moon are those thugs talking about? These are some of the questions Yoona promised answers to. Later, she said, when everyone’s okay to talk with. For now, she’s stuck with Chaeyoung.

The young girl is currently peacefully sleeping on Yoona’s bed, her fingers twitching every now and then. However, her chest isn’t rising and falling like usual. It freaked her out at first, but the others told her it’s because she’s a spirit, what matters is that she’s alive. It’s all confusing, but Mina knows she’s happy to see Chaeyoung again, even if the circumstances were like this. 

She tries holding the younger girl’s hand, but her hand goes through. Mina wanted to cry then and there, but she didn't. So, she tries again, going for her torso this time, and, just like with Chaeyoung’s hand, her hand goes through the girl’s torso. She doesn’t feel anything, even with her wiggling her fingers “inside” the freshman’s torso.

That hand “in” her torso is the first thing Chaeyoung sees now she’s woken up. She screams. Mina screams with her.

“I’m sorry!” Mina retracts her hand, refusing to look at a panicky Chaeyoung.

“What were you doing?!”

“I was–I didn’t–You–” Mina stammers, refusing to look at an agape Chaeyoung staring at her in curiosity. “I just wanted to touch you!”

Mina, with her eyes closed, screamed with so much passion that Chaeyoung was taken aback. If a ghost could turn red and hot in embarrassment, Chaeyoung might’ve gone so. She gapes at Mina, who still looked unaware of what she just said. Awkward.

“You,” Chaeyoung squeaks, “you wanted to touch me?”

Mina opens her eyes wide, finally realizing what she just said. She gapes, her face turning redder than ketchup.

“I–No! I mean–I–” The junior looks up to see Chaeyoung’s pale but obviously embarrassed gaping face. She unintentionally looks at her ghostly lips and she internally explodes, beyond embarrassed of her actions. They both look away at each other.

“I’m sorry.” Mina apologizes after a few minutes, still not looking at Chaeyoung, her ears still red from embarrassment.

“It’s okay.” Chaeyoung squeaks, finding her fingers more interesting than anything.

A snort takes their attention away, and they both look at Nayeon, still in her school uniform, standing by the doorway. The senior has an amused smile on her face, and Mina realizes that she has been standing long enough to witness what happened.

“That’s …. interesting.” Nayeon quips and the junior hides her face in embarrassment. “Now, if you’re done awkwardly flirting with each other, Yoona-unnie’s asking for us downstairs. You know, explanations.” Nayeon’s amused smirk then turns into a worried look. “Is your shoulder fine, Chaeng?”

“Yeah, no wounds.” Chaeyoung pulls her blouse down to show her ghostly, but clean shoulder.

Mina, who Chaeyoung seemed to forget was there, sees the freshman’s collarbones. Surprised at how y it looked for somebody young, she chokes, opting to look at the wall behind Chaeyoung. The other two look at her, one in worry, one in amusement.

“Are you okay, sunbae?” Chaeyoung asks, her blouse still pulled down. The poor, flustered Mina remains frozen.

“I’m pretty sure she is.” Nayeon answers for her, amusement seeping from her voice. “Pretty view, Miss Myoui?” Mina squeaks and Nayeon howls in laughter. “Just, go down after you calm down, both of you.” She turns around to leave but stops. “Oh, and put your shirt up, Chaeng. You don’t want heart attacks downstairs.”

Chaeyoung does as she’s told, still unaware of her effect on Mina. She moves out of Yoona’s bed to follow Nayeon. Mina, who calmed down a bit, follows quietly.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Chaeyoung turns around, still worried about Mina. The latter snaps her head in surprise.

“Oh, yeah.” She answers, a bit dazed. “Don’t worry.” She smiles warmly to cover up her embarrassment for the past few minutes, making Chaeyoung flustered. It’s the first time she saw Mina’s smile up close.

Beautiful. She thinks, shamelessly staring at the still-smiling junior.

A smirking Nayeon clears , snapping both girls out of their dazes.

“Now, if you’re finished flirting, can we go down?”

“We’re not flirting, unnie!”

“Whatever. Let’s just go”

The three girls go down to the living room and their relaxed demeanor suddenly changes when they sense the tension floating around. Jeongyeon sits at the end of the sofa, staring at nothing, while Sana sits at the other side. Momo sits in between them, fiddling her fingers, not knowing what to do.

“Is Sana-unnie still angry with us?” Chaeyoung whispers to Nayeon, who only shrugs in return. The senior sees Mina look away in her peripheral vision. She narrows her eyes at that.

“Nayeon,” Yoona suddenly pops up from the kitchen. “Change your clothes first.” 

Nayeon observes the others, and she realizes that she’s the only one in her school uniform. Jeongyeon, Mina, and Momo are wearing either hers or Yoona’s clothes. Sana’s wearing her pajamas, and Chaeyoung’s school blouse returned to normal as if no blade ripped it in the first place. Her varsity jacket was still missing. 

“Oh,” she says after a few seconds, “just a second.” She turns back to go up just as Mina and Chaeyoung proceed to go down to the living room.

“Wait.” Yoona stops her then. “Remove your blazer, I’ll throw it in the washing machine.” Nayeon freezes. Although her shoulder seems to be fine now, she’s pretty sure it won’t be pretty to look at underneath the blazer.

She should’ve changed clothes immediately earlier to avoid her predicament now, she groans to herself.

“I’ll just change up and give everything to you when I go back down.” She tries, hoping her sister would relent. Now, everybody’s attention is on her.

“No, just remove your blazer here.”

“But–” One look from Yoona was all it took to shut Nayeon up. The younger Im sighs before removing her blazer slowly, her shoulder still stiff, revealing a bloody school blouse underneath. Everybody, except Chaeyoung, Sana and Yoona, gasps in surprise.

Chaeyoung looks guilty, Yoona looks unimpressed, while Sana looks exasperated.

“You said you’re fine.” The latter grumbles to herself.

“What the hell Nayeon? You’ve been hiding an injury all this time?!” Momo angrily exclaims, panic obviously dancing in her eyes.

“Look, Momo, it’s nothing–”

“Don’t fool me, Nayeon! That bloody blouse isn’t nothing!” She runs toward Nayeon. “How did you get this?!”


“Your blazer doesn’t have any rip, nor does your blouse! Where did you get this?!”


“There’s so much blood and–”

“Momo!” Nayeon grabs her shoulders to calm her down. “It’s okay, really.” She smiles, touched at how Momo fusses over her. However, the latter looks unconvinced, her eyes still trained on the bloody patches on the senior’s school blouse.

Seeing skepticism from her best friend, Nayeon starts moving her shoulder around freely, albeit a little stiff. She caresses her best friend’s face and makes her look at her eyes directly while smiling. (She doesn’t know where she’s getting the courage to do these things to her love, but wouldn’t tell that she almost let her knees buckle with the intensity of Momo’s gaze on her.)

“Trust me,” she whispers, “it’s fine.” She smiles before breaking her gaze on Momo to look at Chaeyoung sitting at one of the sofa chairs. “Right, Chaeng?” 

The ghost simply smiles before nodding.

“Sorry about that, unnie.”

“It’s fine, Chaeyoung, really. I’ll change really quickly.” Nayeon throws the blazer to Yoona and runs up to her room to change quickly, leaving a dazed Momo behind. 

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bore_d1020 #1
Chapter 22: Wait so who’s the spiritists and who’s the medium and beserker? This is so confusing. There’s only one medium and one beserker - is that referring to Nayeon and Chaeyoung? But then what about Sana and Jeongyeon? And who’s the spiritists?
1521 streak #2
Chapter 22: The berserkers have Chaeng's body and their trying to torture her and Nayeon :<
1521 streak #3
Chapter 21: I really want to know Momo's involvement in this one
Wivern #4
Chapter 20: We're almost there. 🌞🌝
1521 streak #5
Chapter 20: So I was thinking who's the seer between the three sisters. I can't really remember who last time... I do have a feeling it's Jeongyeon now. Or maybe I'm jumbling who's who now. Lmao. Can't wait for the next update
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 20: OMG!!! Very chaotic and info overload. The Sons and the Yoos are all berserkers? So all berserkers have red eyes? And now they have to bring MiMo with them too. LoL... even more things to do and people to take care of
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 19: Nayeon is the Sun, Chaeyoung is the Moon’s essence , Sana is gonna protect Nayeon no matter what, and hates beserkers to the core but the person she love, Yoo Jeongyeon is a beserker. And now Mina and Momo seems to know that Chaeyoung is among them. Wait.... Seungyeon, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung took whose surname again? Chaeyoung’s mother or father? So the person who kidnaped Chaeyoung is either Jeongyeon’s father or Chaeyoung’s father? Is the story getting to where it stop last time??? I’m dying to know the ending.
1521 streak #8
Chapter 19: Now, the drama I've been waiting foooor
1521 streak #9
Chapter 19: Now, the drama I've been waiting foooor
1521 streak #10
Chapter 18: Maaan, I can't wait for more