I Remember IIII

Best Absolute Perfect

You and Him Chan sat there enjoying your hot chocolate in the semi awkward pin-drop silence. "So…" Him Chan broke the silence, and you secretly was thankful for that, "Did you know YongGuk hyung before today?" His sudden question nearly made you throw your drink out but fortunately you was able to hold back the shock. Looking up at Him Chan who was staring hard at you, waiting for an answer, you wondered if you should tell him the truth or just lie through the situation. After a moment or two, you decided to tell him the truth.

"What?!?" Him Chan shouted, just loud enough to shock you, "Are we talking about the same Bang Yong Guk?" You nodded in agreement. "YongGuk hyung is not like that!" he denied strongly and kept on refusing to believing that the nice and really caring hyung he knows was the one who broke your heart and abandoned you five years ago.

"No!" he shouted while putting his cap on, "You're clearly a liar!" Him Chan slammed the table and walked away. You just sat there feeling the whole world had turned its back against you. It was so unfair!!! The guy who abandoned you ended up being loved by so many people and now everyone thinks that you're the bad guy!!! Putting your head on the table, tears started to flow out of your eyes. You didn't know how long was it before feeling a hand patting on your shoulder.

"Hey…" it was Him Chan, "Uhm… you're ok?" You wiped your tears and looked away from him. He pulled the chair next to you and sat down. "Sorry for shouting at you just now," he apologized gently, "just that I can't believe YongGuk hyung would actually do something like that!" Upon hearing Bang's name, you started to cry again and even more aggressively than before. "Oh please!" Him Chan begged, "Please don't cry!" Seeing a girl crying her heart out right in front of his eyes he couldn't help it but to give you a shoulder to lean on.

Him Chan put his strong arms around you and pulled you into a embrace. You rested your head on his shoulder and continued to cry even more vigorously. He looked down at you when he could no longer hear sobbing and realized instead of crying, you had already fell asleep from exhaustion. He carried you back to the office and placed you on the chair with his jacket over you before heading back to his dorm.

"Hey man! Where have you been?" Bang asked the moment Him Chan put his bag down on the bed in the bedroom that they share. "Just walked around," he replied weakly while remembering the tears running down your cheeks when he said Bang's name. After having a dead or alive debate within himself during the long shower he took, Him Chan decided to confront his hyung about you.

"Hyung!" he called as he closed the door behind him, preventing the other members from hearing their conversation. "Yes?" Bang replied, still with his eyes glued to his laptop screen watching a war movie. Him Chan asked if they could talk and Bang said yes, still refusing to look away from the screen. Annoyed, Him Chan shut the laptop down, forcing Bang to look at him with shock and annoyance in his eyes. Now that Him Chan finally had his hyung's attention, he started, "Do you by any chance know the designer just now before meeting her today?"

His question made Bang's jaw dropped a little but he kept his head and replied no as causally and coldly as he could. Bang's answer started the spark of anger in Him Chan. The image of you crying in front of a stranger like him because the person you love was involved in the conversation kept on replaying very vividly in his mind until he couldn't take it anymore and gave the wall behind him a fist full of anger. Surprised by Him Chan's strange question and action, Bang rose to his feet and walked towards him. "Are you ok?" he asked softly, "Why did you suddenly ask about that girl?" "THAT GIRL?!?" Him Chan snapped, "ARE YOU CALLING ___, YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND, THAT GIRL?!?" He couldn't care about manner or being polite now that he saw red, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I ACTUALLY DEFENDED YOU WHEN SHE TOLD ME WHAT YOU DID TO HER!!! I'M SUCH AN IDIDOT!!!" Bang stood there rooted to the floor speechlessly. "What… what did she tell you?" he said weakly after hearing Him Chan screamed your name out loud. "Are you scared of others knowing what you did to a girl to make her cried like crazy to a stranger like me?" "___... She cried?" Bang asked, even softer and weaker than before and dropped to his knees as if all his energy was being out of him. Unknowingly, tears rushed out of his eyes…

Despite being mad at Bang, seeing his headstrong and tough hyung totally broke down on the floor really scared him. Calming himself down, Him Chan walked towards Bang, "Hyung, are you ok? Hyung! Oh please hyung!" He shook Bang as hard as possible to bring his soul back into the dead corpse kneeling on the floor. Finally, Bang was able to let his words escape from his lips, "What did she said?" Seeing Bang's bloodshot eyes and teardrops on his face, Him Chan told him everything you said.

By now, Bang had totally paralyzed with both pain and guilt. "It's not true!" Bang cried, while telling Him Chan how he was feeling back then and even now. He loved you then and still loves you now and will love you in the future. He wanted to tell you how he feels but he was scared. s and the manager was there, he didn't want to make the situation awkward. He knows that his manager will change the designer if he knows there is something going on between the two of you and Bang wants to see you so bad!. Of course he wants to hug you so tight that you both can't breathe but for now just seeing you for a few minutes when B.A.P comes to try the clothes on is all he asks for.

"You should tell her, hyung!" Him Chan said while handing a can of beer to Bang. "How?!?" he asked hopelessly, pouring beer into his mouth in frustration. "I don't know…" Him Chan replied softly, looking at his hyung worryingly, "Just tell her I guess. Don't care about the manager hyung. She loves you hyung!" Hearing "She loves you hyung" made Bang's heart beat like a drum and he realized that nothing can stop him from loving you, not the manager, not the members if they ever oppose it, or even he himself. No one on earth can ever kill his love for you.

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I love this fanfic so much :3 ❤
numrock12 #2
@RockyBlue it's inspired by Se7en's story with his girlfriend on Strong Heart YG special edition :3
Chapter 20 is to mu like tablos storg on strong heart, during yg family reunion episode
update update! *pumps fists in air*
Update soon! Can't wait to know what will go on with the relationship :( !!
dreamsunachievable #8
.-. So.... she shouldn't have just ran out like that D: Or the manager should just let them be public already D; its not like that.. broken-doll sender will stop harassing her D:
so much kisses > v < hehehe, that's really sick of someone to send a doll with broken head to her D:< must be someone jelly of them >:3 update soon ^ ^ !!
whoa. it's getting interestiiing~