Going Crazy II

Best Absolute Perfect

"___!" you walked down the stairs as you heard the inn owner called your name, "you have mail!" A smile spread widely on your lips as you received the package from the owner. "It must be from Bang!" you thought to yourself. It was an average size package which was wrapped with very beautiful paper and a big red bow on the top left corner. Smiling to yourself, you unwrapped the package slowly with care once you were alone in your room. You didn't want the customers in the inn to think you were crazy screaming with joy at the gift your boyfriend gave you. Despite you trying to suppress your scream, it escaped your mouth and brought the owner came rushing in the room.

Crawling towards her, you tried your best not to look at the gift you dropped on the floor when you screamed and fell off the chair. Tears rolled down your cheeks… "What in the world!" the owner exclaimed as she pulled you into a hug. Her eyes were glued on the broken doll head rolling lifelessly on the floor with its body inches away. "Why would anyone send you this horrible thing?" she cupped her hands on your face, making you looked at her. "I… I don't know…" you managed to squeezed out the words through your air-tight throat, "I opened it and…" before you could finished your sentence, you had already burst out in tears. Stealing a glance at the doll, you realized the clothes it had on was the exact same outfit you wore on your three months anniversary. Fear took over you.

"Baby are you ok?" you felt a warm whisper against the bare skin of your neck as a strong arms wrapped around your curled up body. You didn't know how long you had been sitting in your bed staring blankly at the window directly opposite. No feeling in the world could compare to this. No fear in the world could make you feel worse. You looked up to see Bang was looking at you with endearing eyes. You pulled him close and hug him tightly. "I'm scared," you whispered as if you were scared that someone might hear you. "It's ok baby," Bang tugged at your hair and your back gently, "No one can hurt you. I'll protect no matter what." Upon hearing him saying those ensuring words and having him right next to you calmed you down. You swing your arms around his neck and pull him even closer than he already was. Just like that, you fell asleep with your face buried on his shoulder.

Placing you back on the bed, Bang sat on the chair next to you. Pushing the hair away from your face, he planted a soft and gently long kiss on your forehead. After making sure that you were soundly slept, Bang made his way to the broken dolls on the floor. Letting out heavy sigh, he bended down and picked up the doll and threw it into a black plastic bag and carried it down to the kitchen. "Is ___ ok?" Bang jumped a little when the owner's voice broke the pin drop silence of the kitchen. "Yeah she's sleeping now," he answered, trying to plaster a smile over his worried expression. She handed him a tray of two bowls of soup, "I guess you should stay tonight. I'm really worry about her." Bang nodded in agreement and headed back to your room.

"Bang!" as he pushed the door open, he heard you called, "Where are you? Bang!" Hearing sobs in your voice, he placed the tray on the desk and hurried next to you. "I'm here baby, I'm here," Bang brushed your hair with his fingers the way he knew would calm you down. "Hey," he lifted your chin so he could look you in the eyes, "Good news! I'm gonna be here with you all night long!" and shot you his now famous gummy smile.

After finishing the soup, Bang pushed you into the bathroom, "Go clean up now! I want to sleep," then merong you. You smiled at his dorkiness and followed him into the bathroom. To your surprise, instead of letting you brush your teeth yourself, Bang sat you down on the covered toilet seat and started to brush your teeth. "Haha! Ok ok, I can do it myself," you laughed as you wiped the foam away from your mouth. Looking at you, "Uhm… you missed a spot," Bang leaned down and kissed the corner of your mouth.

"Come here baby!" Bang said seductively as he lay on the bed with a smirk on his face. You laughed as you made yourself comfortable next to him with your head on his laps. your hair, Bang sang his part in Going Crazy for you as a lullaby, "Neo na sarang ha ja na, na neo sarang ha ja na ah~" And with that you fell asleep on his lap. "Goodnight my baby," he whispered into your ears and curled up in a ball with you before kissing the back for your neck goodnight.

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I love this fanfic so much :3 ❤
numrock12 #2
@RockyBlue it's inspired by Se7en's story with his girlfriend on Strong Heart YG special edition :3
Chapter 20 is to mu like tablos storg on strong heart, during yg family reunion episode
update update! *pumps fists in air*
Update soon! Can't wait to know what will go on with the relationship :( !!
dreamsunachievable #8
.-. So.... she shouldn't have just ran out like that D: Or the manager should just let them be public already D; its not like that.. broken-doll sender will stop harassing her D:
so much kisses > v < hehehe, that's really sick of someone to send a doll with broken head to her D:< must be someone jelly of them >:3 update soon ^ ^ !!
whoa. it's getting interestiiing~