Burn it up 1

Best Absolute Perfect

"No!" the manager shouted at Bang, "Bang Yongguk!! Are you out of your mind?!? This is a serious matter!! Don't you dare joke about this kinda stuff!!" Bang shook his head and mumbled something to the manager. "What are they talking about?" you wondered to yourself, sitting on the sofa in B.A.P waiting room looking at them having a secretive conversation. Both of their faces showed great intensity. The manager suddenly shot you a glance then patted Bang on the shoulder before walking out of the room. As Bang turned and looked at you, you looked back to him with a look in your eyes as if screaming to ask "What the heck is going on?!?"

To make things worse, your boyfriend didn't even tell you what they were talking about. All he said was, "You'll know it later." Later?!? When is his later?? Immediately today or a couple of weeks, months or even years later? But do you have a choice? Your only choice now is to wait for things to unveiled itself.

Just after your train of thoughts left the station, you were knocked out with awe just by seeing Bang coming out of the changing room. "You look amazing!!" you exclaimed then blushed immediately when you realized that you just complimented him out loud, in front of all the stylists. Bang smiled at your bright red tomato face then walked towards you and gave you a gentle peck on your cheek before leading you out of the room. "Follow hyung ok? I need to meet the boys now," he instructed you before running off. Somehow, seeing him running off like that reminds you of the scene in those 007 movie. The suit he was wearing complimented his body shape and he just looked so stunning, as always.

"___" you turned around to find that manager standing at the door of B.A.P waiting room. you followed him back into the room and to your surprise, you saw a beautiful knee-length white fluffy dress hanging in the room. Seeing your sshocked face, the manager smiled and asked you to change into that dress and wait for him in the room. With that, he went out of the room.

You did everything as intructed. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't even believe your eyes. The dress fit you perfectly just like a glove. The makeup artist then helped you to do the makeup and hair. Taking a last glance of yourself in th mirror before following the manager, you told yourself that you were prepared for anything and everything looking like that.

"Sit here ok?" the manager intructed you, "Don't worry, everything is gonna be alright." Not knowing what he really meant, you just sat there on a princessy chair in a dark room, waiting for something to happen.

And true enough, screaming was heard. Then the melody of Secret Love was played from above. Within seconds, Bang's husky and low voice was heard. "What is going on?!?" you asked yourself again. Fear started to take over your body. Even before you could think straight, the chair beagan to vibrate then moved upwards. The ceiling above you opened up and light was shining right at you. "You don't know me, never ever ever know. You don't know me, never ever ever," you heard Bang's voice much clearer and louder then. To your surprise, the chair was elevated up to B.A.P first concert in Korea during their performance of Secret Love. Not only that, Bang Yongguk, your boyfriend was standing right in front of you with his hand extended to you in front of millions of his fans.

Screaming was even louder than what you had heard before. Everything was so surreal to you and you didn't even know how to react to all these.Seeing Bang was smiling at you, you took his hand and followed him to the front of the stage, hand in hand.

As you walked closer to the crowd, the screaming got even more intense. But somehow the music, the screaming and especially the fear tha you had earlier had completely disappeared now that you know, Bang is by your side.

After Deahyun sang the last word of Secret Love, you looked at Bang as if asking for the next instruction. Assuring you, he gave you his signature gummy smile that not only make your heart but all his fans skip a beat. "Babys!' he suddenly spoke into the mic, "Do you wanna know who she is?" Millions of fans shouted furiously, craving for the answer. Firmly he stood, facing you, he replied, "She's... my one and only... girlfriend."

Despite the overwhelming happiness that was lingering in your veins, a certain fear came along side with it. That was the moment you had been waiting for and for the first time, your relationship was no longer kept in the dark. For the first time, your love finally received it's rightful spotlight. However, you were afraid that B.A.P would lose their fans and get into trouble because of you.

So many thoughts were running through your min at that point of time. Too many that you didn't even notice that the crowd had become even louder than before. Turning to Bang, you found he was on the floor with one knee. "___," his husky voice was now a little shaky yet still very gentle, "Will you marry me?" The crowd went insane at his sudden proposal. As for you, you were speechless. So many thoughts and emotions were taking over your paralyzed body. However when your eyes came in contact with Bang's eyes, all your fear and woes took wings and flew away. The love in his eyes lightened up your world. Finding the correct word to describe your feelings and your love, you just simply said, "yes!"

He lifted you in the air and spin you around. The rest of the members joined the two of you for a group hug as the fans' cheering filled the whole venue with love and happiness. Who says the end and beginning can't go hand in hand? That night was the living prove of a beginning of an end. An end of your Secret Love.

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I love this fanfic so much :3 ❤
numrock12 #2
@RockyBlue it's inspired by Se7en's story with his girlfriend on Strong Heart YG special edition :3
Chapter 20 is to mu like tablos storg on strong heart, during yg family reunion episode
update update! *pumps fists in air*
Update soon! Can't wait to know what will go on with the relationship :( !!
dreamsunachievable #8
.-. So.... she shouldn't have just ran out like that D: Or the manager should just let them be public already D; its not like that.. broken-doll sender will stop harassing her D:
so much kisses > v < hehehe, that's really sick of someone to send a doll with broken head to her D:< must be someone jelly of them >:3 update soon ^ ^ !!
whoa. it's getting interestiiing~