The reason behinds it

Living the life of the rival's wife

You, your  parents, Jason & the gang send off the Jungs. But you were just standing there putting fake smile & staring at daehyun cause he was smirking all the way.

Without hesitation, you walk in the house & went up to your room filled with anger. There's a knock on your door & its your mom.

"come in." you answered with just a knock on your door. "what is it mom?" you ask.

Your mom seats beside you on the bed, tuck your hair behind your ear, "you know how happy i was when you agreed with the marriage?"

"Ya, i can see that mom. both you & appa is so happy, but im not. you know i hated that guy. he ticks me off mom. he pissed me off, he makes me want to kill him. it upsets me more when you & appa wants to marry off with my own enemy, my rival" you let it all out but your mom just nodded at everything you say.

"there's a reason behind this my daughter" she reply softly.

"what reasons mom? how come i know nothing but he does? he knows im going to be his"wife" soon & yet he seems happy about it. he hated me mom. we hated each other! why didnt he refuse?" you bombared her with questions filling your head.

Your mom sigh & decided to tell you the reason "the truth is, there's someone searching for your dad. they wanted to kill your dad. if they didnt get your dad, they gonna hurt us,his family. so your dad asked Mr. Jung for help, to join forces but with Mr Jung's one condition, that is to get his son & our daughter married, cause that way, it's difficult for the people to harm your dad & us. & also if there's any possible ways your dad, or even me got killed, atleast you still have somewhere you belong, The Jungs Clan." your mom continues explaining leaving you speechless & staring at your mom, disbelieved.

"mom stop, i dont want to hear anymore. if you could discuss it with me before, i believe there's ways to settle about dad. but its too late. i'm tired, im going to sleep now. good night mom" you kissed & hugged your mom good night & went to bed.

The next day

You heard someone knocking on your door the next morning, "dear, arent you gonna wake up & go to school?" its your mom knocking & shouting at your door.

You wake up, walk to the door & look at your mom, "im not going to school, im having "hang over" about last night discussions"

"aigo~ araso, go sleep, i will call your school principal & let them know" your mom understood & pats your head.

"ah, i almost forgot, im going work with appa now, you take care dear" she kisses your forehead while you lay down on you bed facing upwards.

"mmmm" you groan to reply her

1 hour later

You woke up & seats up straight not able to go back to sleep cause your mom woke you up earlier. You took your cellphone & starts typing:

To: Jiyeon & Hyuna

From: You~

Im not coming to school today. I will tell you why after both of you finishes school.

oh, & if daehyun ask about me, tell him im dead. Anyway i'll be waiting for the both of you at our usual place.

p.s: yes, this issue is about that deliquent.

She throws her cellphone on her bed & went to wash up. after washing up, she went into her walk in closet to see what she's gonna wear. She decides with torn faded jeans & a red tank top with birkenstock for later. She still in her pajama after she wash up & went straight down for breakfast.

"hmm smells nice" she traces the smell into the kitchen & saw her 'chef', jason cooking some baccon for breakfast.

"oh missy, good morning. you're up early? not going to school?" jason ask.

"nope, im still in a 'hang over' about last night discussion about my 'marriage'" she sigh & roll her eyes replying jason.

Jason sets a plate for her & for himself together with orange juice, "im sorry to say this missy, but i dont find daehyun that bad. i mean i've watched you two since small, yeah, he does like teasing you & that makes you hate him, but overall he's a nice guy" giving his opinion about daehyun to you.

You look at him & give him the are-you-sure look "well too bad for me. all he does is pissing me off"

"so when is the wedding gonna be held?" jason continues talking about it. seems like he really is happy about it.

You shook your head disbelief & answered "next month".

"oh wow! that's great!" jason reply happily.

"why are you getting so worked up for? & why is everyone in this house so happy about me marrying my own enemy, my rival?!. im done eating!" you stomp out to your room & slammed the door.

You ruffled your own hair & pulling it angrily "AISH!". (lol)

You decided  to get ready. while you were getting ready, your cellphone rings & an unknown number pops out.

you: hello? who is this?

Dae: yaaaah~ why arent you at school? im bored. i want to see my 'wife' so bad.

you: NOL! where did you get my number from?! IM NOT YOUR ING WIFE! WHAT IF THE SCHOOL HEARS ABOUT IT?!

Dae: hahahaha! oh relax will ya, everyone in the school knows about us already.


Dae: calm down, im not the one who announce it, its written all over the newspapers. now the whole world knows about our marriage.

You kept silent & you heard him chuckled.

Dae: anyway, where are you right now, come meet me now, i have something to discuss with you

you: im not free. goodbye!

before daehyun could continue, you hung up on him.

Daehyun's view

"aish this brat! she hung up on me before i could finish my sentence" he hissed

Yongguk who heard everything about your conversations, chuckled, "yah, you should be nice to your 'wife'. she really does hate you"

You look at yongguk & chuckled "are you kidding me hyung? me? nice to her? no way? its fun teasing her"

Yongguk as the elders in the group says nothing & shook his head when suddenly himchan cuts in. "yah! you could hurt her feelings you know daehyun-ah. atleast treat her well, she's gonna be your 'wife' soon"

you look at him & sigh. "araso araso, i will treat her nice, but i wont stop teasing her, especially when she's gonna be my 'wife' soon, im gonna saviour that body of hers" you your lips while thinking about it.

Yongguk walks up to you & smacked your head, "ouch! hyung! that hurts! why did you do that for?"

"Stop hurting her. if she doesnt want it, dont force her" yongguk advised you.

"aish, daehyun hyung is so erted!" zelo shout

"yah! she's gonna be my wife soon, i'll do whatever i want to her" daehyun exclaim. All the BAP just shakes their head.


You are ready & about to head out when jason calls you, "missy where you going? you shouldnt go out".

"yah, im not sick, im fine, im just....urgh forget it jason, im going out to mit hyuna & jiyeon. if appa & umma ask about me just tell them i'll be home not later then 12 midnight" she says facing her back to jason, looking for her birkenstock. "im foo jason!". she closed the door.

She look at her watch on her wrist & its only 12pm "2 more hours to go. what hould i do?". She decided to take the bus to Seoul City Shopping Mall.

Upon reaching, she roam around & end up doing some shopping. Without realizing, she bought things for the marriage like, make-ups, nail polish, perfumes etc. She dont normally use all those stuff. She then proceed to the usual hanging out place, which is the bistro. its only 5 more minutes til school finish. 

She received a text from hyuna

From Hyuna

To: You~


Yah, we'll be reaching in about 10 minutes. wait for us!

You then reply:

To Hyuna

From: You~


Hurry up! i cant wait to break the news & let it all out!

ok 'll stop here, cause im heading out & im late! GAH!! i hope you enjoy it!

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katu09 #1
my favorite is Jiyeon hehe, i like the fic thanks for updated ^^