Eight - Rescue Day

The Crash


Yuri and Sooyoung together with her team continue their plan to rescue Tiffany that same night. They don’t want to take chances knowing that she is left alone in that unknown place.


Sooyoung immediately calls her dad to inform him about their actions and the conflict with the coastguard. He just tells her to just do everything they need to bring Tiffany home and that they shouldn't worry about the coastguard.


It was very dark as they are sailing towards the place that Taeyeon mentioned and also to where the coordinates are pointing them.


“How long before we get there?” Sooyoung is facing back and forth as she is so worried about her friend. She knows her very well and she can tell that Tiffany is feeling down and alone already.


The captain of the boat checks their position. “Estimated time will be 30 more minutes”


All of them are preparing already to rescue Tiffany while Yuri is working closely with the captain for the coordinates.


As he is focusing on the monitor, he can't stop thinking about Jessica's motive about rescuing Taeyeon. She has nothing to do with him and she got no business on spending that much just for him.


He believes that there is something dark behind her kindness and Yuri knows that everything is an act. There is bigger price that his friend has to pay by being rescued by her and that makes him so mad.


“Are you okay?” Sooyoung asks him after seeing that he is getting lost on his own thoughts.


Yuri run his hand through his hair. “I'm fine. I should be the one asking you that. Are you okay? You look so pale. I think you should relax; we are almost there and I'm sure your friend is safe”


“I am not worried about her safety but for her mental state. She is not yet fully recovered from her previous trauma and now, she has to deal with another trauma again”


“What do you mean another trauma? Did something happen to her before that accident?” Yuri is curious to know Tiffany because he can feel that his friend Taeyeon had fallen in love with her.


Sooyoung starts telling him story about Tiffany but she deliberately left some knowing that her friend is not comfortable about letting other people to know she's been and still suffering from her lost.


Yuri is listening to her carefully and he can't help it but to blame Jessica to what Tiffany is about to experience and go through with what she did to her.


“That ! I will really make sure she will pay for what she did to Tiffany! I just can't understand why she did that. Tiffany didn't even weigh in more than 100 pounds for her not to take her with them! And why the hell did your friend allows her to be left alone. He could have jump on that boat to return to her!” Sooyoung suddenly snaps at him but Yuri let her knowing that she is just upset with the situation just like him.


“2 more minutes. We're almost there!” the captain shouts. All of them suddenly had their hearts beating so fast not knowing what is waiting for them at the Island.


Mr. Lee the head rescuer starts briefing his team about some safety precautions because the island is so dark that they can barely see anything which is very dangerous for all of them.


“Ms. Choi, I advise that you stay here in the boat as we go search for her


“No, I want to help. It’s me who can calm her”


“I’m sorry, Ms. Choi. We don’t know this place and there’ a possibility that wild animals will be somewhere hiding. We don’t want to put you in a dangerous spot. Please, just stay here”


Yuri can understand what she is feeling at that moment so, he got himself some protective gear. “I'll go with them. I promise to bring her to you. Just stay here and wait for us. It won't be long. You will see her again”


Sooyoung cannot do anything knowing that they just want to make sure that she will not be in danger. She just thanks Yuri for his kindness and patiently waits for them to return with her best friend.


As the Island is very dark, all of them are moving cautiously. Holding their flashlights, off the go on foot. “Tiffany!” they start calling her name.


They move as group and continues calling out for Tiffany who still wouldn't respond to them. “Are you sure she's here?” one of the rescuers asks Yuri.


“The coordinates are pointing here. She might be somewhere here. I don't think they went inside they woods” Yuri replies while looking around. He is can’t be wrong that is what he tells himself.


The head of the rescue team trusted him and off they go continue searching for her. They are told to move in group but Yuri followed his instincts.


He went to the opposite direction where his guts are telling him that Tiffany is there. The strong feeling that he is getting makes him anxious to find the girl.


“Tiffany! Are you in here? Answer me if you can hear me!” Yuri started calling out for her. “Tiffany!”



Meanwhile, Tiffany is laying down inside their makeshift shelter. She hasn’t eaten anything that day, even a sip of water because Taeyeon didn’t even make it back to her that morning when he went out to get them supplies.


She’s been crying all day that makes her passed out. She didn’t know what to do with her life anymore. Tiffany felt like there is no more reason for her to live as she wishes to be with her parents by then.


“Tiffany!” she can hear someone calling her but she thought that she might be imagining things. She can feel her body burning due to the cold wind and eating nothing for the whole day.


Tiffany wanted to go out of that shelter but her body is too weak. She body and mind are too weak for her to even function. “Tiffany! Are you in here? Answer me if you can hear me!” she hears it again.


“Taeyeon?” she weakly says.


She can see lights and movements getting near her. And then someone suddenly look inside her shelter where she is laying down. “I found her!”



“Who are you?” she asks the man who she don’t recognize.


Yuri just smiles at her and extended his hands for her to be able to get herself out of the shelter. “I am Yuri. Kwon Yuri. Come on, your friend Sooyoung is waiting for you”



“Sooyoung? Where is she?” Tiffany asks him and then she saw other people going to where they are.



And by that moment, she knew that she is safe. She can go home and be with away from that place that holds a lot of memories that she is afraid that it will forever be in her mind.


She wanted to forget some of it especially the betrayal that she gets from Taeyeon. Yuri wraps her with a blanket as they are walking to where the boat is waiting for them.


“Are you okay? Are you hurt or anything” Yuri continues asking her and she feels safe around him and very thankful.


“I’m fine” that is the only thing that Tiffany can say.


Yuri didn’t ask her any more and just continue helping her walk because she is stumbling as she walks. Sooyoung who is at the boat saw them and she literally jumps out of the boat.



“Fany-yah!” she run to her as her tears are falling. She is so happy to see her friend again. “Fany”


Seeing Sooyoung, she finally broke down. Tiffany starts sobbing so hard when she was able to hug the only person in her life. “Soo”


The two girls are having a very emotional reunion that even the grown-up men that is with them are shedding tears as they watch them. Even Yuri is tearing up along with them.


“How are you?” Sooyoung asks her bestfriend while wiping her tears and she saw something that makes her scared for her.


Tiffany can’t stop crying because being with Sooyoung, that is the only time that everything that she experiences and went through are coming back to her. “Bring me home. Get me out of here, please”



And that brings back the past. That is the same exact thing that she told her before when her parents passed away. Sooyoung is looking at her with so much concern in her eyes.


She knows that she can’t ask her what happened because Tiffany needs some time to think it over and when it is already time for her to let it all out, she will be the one to come to her.


“Alright, but I need to bring you to the hospital to you check. Don’t try arguing with me, Tiffany. You know that I need to be sure that you are really okay before I bring you home”


Tiffany just let her knowing that she will never win against Sooyoung. Back at the boat, they let Tiffany rest and be warm inside the captain’s booth as they all gathered outside.


Sooyoung asks her team to gather around. “Guys, I just want to thank you all for joining me in searching for my best friend. I cannot thank you enough for your time and effort but I still have one more request”


“What is it?” the team head asks her.


“We all know that there are a lot of reporters and media at the dock. I think we did catch their attention when we suddenly sailed away. So, I just want to ask you if you can shield her from all of them in case the swarm in to her”


The rescue team are smiling out to her. “I thought there is one more that we need to search. Don’t worry, we got you. You don’t even have to ask us”


“Thank you”



Back to Taeyeon who is currently at the hospital for his checkup. He can’t stop worrying about Tiffany who he left alone at the island despite promising her that she will never be alone and that he will not leave her side.


Jessica who is with him inside the room can’t find away to talk to him because Taeyeon is visibly so upset with her making her curious to who that Tiffany is.


“Tae, can you just relax as we wait for your parents to be here?” she tells him trying not to sound so annoyed.  


“You don’t have any rights to talk to me! You hear me, so shut the up!” Taeyeon snaps at her that caught her off guard.


“Excuse me? Can you be at least kind enough to me? I am the one who rescued you! I am the one who helped to get out of that place!”


Taeyeon scoffs and pull out the IV that is inserted on his right hand. “Be kind enough? Are you kidding me, Jessica? Are you seriously asking me to be kind enough to you when you didn’t even show a tiny bit of kindness to Tiffany!"


"Tiffany. Tiffany! Can’t you stop mentioning here name for once because it’s getting annoying. Why is she so important to you? You just known each other for like a week?”



“Annoying? Just shut your mouth and don’t talk to me like you really care about me. Did you forget what you did to me? I’d rather be in that place than being here with you. And I’d rather be with Tiffany than you!”


“Taeyeon, that was already in the past. I’m sorry for what I did to you. But you should know that there are a lot to think about the moment you proposed to me. I will appreciate if you not compare me to that woman!” Jessica cannot pretend anymore because it making her mad seeing the man who was once head over heels to her becomes like that to her.


“I should have met her before I met you. Tiffany is the woman that will makes every man fell in love with her. She is a much better woman than you! And she is the type that will makes time for the one that loves her and she loves” Taeyeon defended Tiffany.


Jessica’s face turns red after what he tells her. She will not allow him to compare her to someone else because for her, no one is above her. And she will get whatever she wants.


She took a deep breath because she cannot mess up her plan and she will not be able to get what she wants from him. “I’m sorry. Sorry, for leaving her behind. It was you who is our target and when we managed to get you on the boat, we have to follow the plan”


“That’s bull- Okay. I am the only one on your plan but is it part of your plan to tie me up on that both? Did you have to tie me up just to stop me from going back to the woman that I cared for!” Taeyeon is shouting at her on top of his lung.


The door suddenly opens and it was the Kim’s. His mom and dad are looking at him and then to Jessica. “What is going on here? Kim Taeyeon, did you have to talk to her that loud that we can hear you from the hallway?”



“I’m sorry, mom” Taeyeon bowed his head. That is not what he expected them to see after the accident but he cannot help it not to be mad remembering how Tiffany is left alone in that place.


He is blaming himself already for what is about to happened to her.

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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1122 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story