Seven - Day 6 and 7

The Crash

Day 6


Taeyeon and Tiffany hot into a very heated make out session in the middle of the woods. When they stop for a while, both of them are feeling something within them. They both looked at each in the eyes.


Taeyeon hold her hand and run back to their shelter. As they are going back a is running through their minds especially Tiffany. She is thinking if she is doing the right thing with Taeyeon because she knows it is still early to fully give herself to him but there is something pushing her to follow her mind and put all her walls down.


On the other hand, Taeyeon is already sure of Tiffany. He knows that Tiffany is no ordinary girl and he cannot compare her to anyone that he knows. Taeyeon knew that he is ready for whatever it is that will happen to them.


It's already dark when they manage ti return to their shelter. Both of them quickly went inside their makeshift shelter. Because of how small that is, Taeyeon is able to be on top of Tiffany.


"Are you sure you want to do this?"he asks.


Tiffany bit her lower lip not because she is seducing him but because she is hesitating as she hasn’t done it before. Nonetheless, she nodded in agreement.


"Yes. This is my first time. I trust you, Tae" she tells him.


"I haven't done this before too but I promise I will be gentle. I won't hurt you" Taeyeon promised her before leaning closer to capture her luscious lips. Tiffany then places both of her hands on Taeyeon's face as they continue kissing each other.


Because they didn't even put on their clothes after dipping in to the falls, Tiffany is almost and she can something poking her. "Wait. I have a confession before we continue" he says


"What is it?"


"Remember the first time we swim not when we were looking for a place. Since then, I've been fantasizing you, your body" he suddenly blushed upon confessing. Little did he know is that Tiffany already knew about it.


Tiffany removes the last piece of clothing that she is wearing making Taeyeon’s face to turn red. “I know that. I saw you gawking at me. And I do too, sometimes been checking on you. Just do it, Tae. I am giving myself to you tonight”


“You will be my responsibility now. You’ll be stuck with me and I will never leave you because I think I’m in love with you”


And that night both of them surrender their selves to one another. It feels so right and they knew that the moment they will open their eyes the next morning, they are holding on to their promises. They are ready to face whatever that is on their way.


The morning comes.


Day 7 at the Island.


At the port in LA, Jessica’s team are all ready to go. The water is much calmer that the previous days. She formed two teams, one will be searching around the crashed site while the other boat that she will be in, will go down further on an island that they believe Taeyeon must be in.


“Don’t stop until you find him. Give us all an update from time to time. Remember, Taeyeon is our top priority and nothing else. Once you see him just drag him to the boat and leave. Okay? Let’s move now” Jessica gives them an instruction before they start the search and rescue operation for Taeyeon.


Jessica had already notified the Kims’ regarding the search and they are so thankful for her. In times like that, all of them set aside whatever issue they have for one another as they are all on the same page with one goal; to save Taeyeon.


Meanwhile, Sooyoung and her team are facing a big problem. The coast guard won’t let them sail even though they already completed all the documents that they are asking them.


“What do you mean we can’t leave right now?” Sooyoung angrily asks one of the officers. Her team is all set and she won’t let another day past by without bringing back her best friend, Tiffany.


“I’m sorry, ma’am. But that’s an order from the higher ups. There are a lot boat heading that way and we can’t let anyone go now as you might compromise the on going investigation” he explains, completely lying.


The reason why they are preventing anyone is that because the Jung’s already paid them. They really wanted to be the one to rescue Taeyeon for the reason that they badly needed them. One, for the company as Taeyeon holds the program that will save them from going bankrupt and two, Mr.Jung wanted Taeyeon and his daughter to be together to tie him up with them.


“That’s ridiculous! The ocean is too big for us to compromise whatever investigations that is. We won’t be directly staying to where they are, we are headed down further! You don’t understand how crucial it is letting my friend somewhere out there!”


The officer just told them they can sail tomorrow morning as it is already crowded to where they are heading to. Sooyoung and her team had no other choice but to stay for the night and wait.


On the other hand, Yuri has just landed in LA and went straight to the port where he knows he can get a stronger signal, a much higher frequency.


While looking for a place where he can set up his equipment, Yuri accidentally heard Sooyoung and he decided to approach her to ask if they can join forces on the search.


“Excuse me. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I heard your friend is Tiffany, one of the missing survivors, right?” he says earning her a weird look coming from the tall woman. “I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kwon Yuri and my best friend is one of the missing survivor, Kim Taeyeon”


By then, Sooyoung remembers the other missing person on the news that is reportedly last seen with Tiffany. “Oh I see. Are you here to look for him too?”


“I am. It’s hard to explain but Taeyeon is a genius in terms of technology. Before the crash, the two of us are inventing a watch that has a tracking device that can go thousand miles and I believe Taeyeon is still wearing it because I can still detect signals coming from his watch”


Sooyoung and her team quickly pick up what he was trying to tell them. “So, meaning to say you can locate them using the tracking device of that watch?”


“Yes, that’s right. I just have to get a better signal to have his coordinates”


“Would you mind if we invite you to join us? You see, we have everything that we needed for the search and the only thing that is left is their location” Sooyoung tells him knowing that it’s a win-win situation for them.


Yuri is smiling at her because that is what he wants to tell her. “I’m in!”


“Great! But we have to wait until the next morning before we can go” Sooyoung tells him with a bitter mode while looking at the water, hoping and praying that her friend is safe and alive.


Yuri proceeds to set up his equipment. He believes that he can bring his friend back to his family.


Few minutes later.


“Yuri, did you get some signals now?” she asks him


“I am getting a signal but I don’t know. It’s getting weaker then, it will spikes up again. I am trying to use different codes now. but one thing is for sure, the coordinates are showing only one location. I think they are staying in an Island” he is still very positive that he will be able to locate his friend.


Back at the Island.


It was already late in the afternoon when Tiffany wakes up. She finds Taeyeon already gone when she opens her eyes. Her body can still remember what they did last night and she is smiling so big feeling happy.


While putting on her clothes, Tiffany can still feel the touches that Taeyeon gave her. She can still clearly remember it all.


From the enjoyable moment at the falls until the night where they become as one. No regrets, that’s all she can say. Before she went out of their makeshift shelter, Tiffany saw Taeyeon’s watch beside her. It is very unusual of him not to wear that because according to him that is their lifeline.


Something is not right; she can feel it. She went outside to see to check if he is just nearby but she couldn’t find him anywhere nearby. Tiffany suddenly had her heart beating so fast that she can tell something very bad is happening.


“Taeyeon! Where are you? Taeyeon!” she calls him over and over again but he is still nowhere to be found. She then went to where he usually goes to get them some foods, but still, he is not there.


Tiffany kept on searching for him but an hour later she still couldn’t find him. She is getting nervous by the minute that he is missing. Just then, she remembers that Taeyeon used to go to the other far side of where they are staying.


Still far from getting there, Tiffany saw a boat and then a blonde woman hugging a man that she can tell is Taeyeon.


Her feet suddenly cannot move, she is standing there watching the man that promises her that he will never leave her is slowly getting away from her.



While watching them, she can tell that Taeyeon is happy while hugging that blonde woman. And her world came crashing down again for the third time, when she saw him getting on the boat.


“Taeyeon, why? I thought you were different. I shouldn’t have trusted you. You betrayed me and I don’t think I can ever forgive you” Tiffany turn her heels back to their shelter as she can hear the boat sailing away, leaving her alone at the Island. She doesn’t want to cry, she is used to being left alone but Taeyeon’s betrayal is much harder for her to bear.


She went inside their shelter where all their memories for the past  days are stacked. She cries thinking that no one is ever gone be with her and she’s starting to give up on her life.


“Mom, dad, just take me with you. I’m tired”




Taeyeon is so mad that Jessica tricked him again. He is looking at the Island and she can see Tiffany lifelessly walking back to their shelter.

He’s trying to call her but he is already too far from her.


‘We can’t leave her alone! Jessica, you told me that we’re going to get her too that’s why I agreed to be in here! Turn around now!” Taeyeon is going Berkshire. He knows Tiffany is scared to be alone and not after what they did last night.


“Someone will definitely rescue her, Tae. We can’t go back now. Aren’t you happy that you’re going home now and that you will be able to see your parents again?”


Taeyeon is happy knowing that he will see his parents again but he cannot be fully happy knowing that someone is being left alone because of him.


“I appreciate that you did this for me but not to the extent that you will let someone their alone! You left Tiffany! I left her because of you. You don’t understand how this will impact her! So please, just turn around and go back there. She needs me and I needed her!” Taeyeon keeps on shouting at her and all onboard are looking at them because they can understand Taeyeon’s sentiment.




“For sake, Jessica. Open your ing eyes! I cannot believe I fell victim of you again. You fooled me once and yet, I let you fooled me again. this life”


Jessica didn’t know what to do because she has never seen him like that before. Taeyeon is known by everybody to be a sweet, kind-hearted and happy man.



At the port.


It is getting dark, Sooyoung and her team together with Yuri are all camping inside the boat when all of a sudden news reporters, ambulance and cops are there.


“What’s going on here?”

The reported look at them, “Don’t you get the report? The missing survivor has been found”


Sooyoung and Yuri suddenly felt goosebumps hearing that good news. “Oh my god. Yuri, they are safe. Taeyeon and Tiffany are safe!”


“I’m sorry but according to the report, it’s only the male survivor who were rescued tonight. And there is no female survivor” the reported says before walking away.


Sooyoung almost collapses, good thing Yuri is behind her. “She is safe. I know you will be able to see her again” he tells her trying ot give her a comfort after that devasting news.


Few hour later/


A boat is coming to their direction and they believe that this is the one who has Taeyeon. There are a lot of media covering the news , when the boat anchored down, Yuri can see from a far Taeyeon is coming down with Jessice.


“Jessica? What the hell is going on?” he ask himself in disbelief after seeing Jessica with him and now it makes sense why Tiffany is not there with them


Jessica talks to the press while Taeyon is being escorted to the ambulance for initial checking and Yuri manages to sneak in. “Taengo!”


The security saw him was trying to stop him but thankfully Taeyeon saw him. “Yuri-ah!” the two best buddies hugs each other after not seeing each other for a long time. “Yuri, you have to rescue Tiffany from the Island. You have to bring her back. Jessica and her team left her alone there when they got me” Taeyeon is begging him.

“The watch? Where is your watch?” Yuri asks upon seeing that he wasn’t wearing it.


“I left it with her this morning. The watch is still on. That’s the coordinate. Use the program and decode it using Go now! Hurry up! She is afraid of being alone!” Taeyeon instructed him. It took Yuri a while to get everything that he told him.


Yuri return to Sooyoung’s boat and she saw her still arguing with the coast guard but that’s not important to him. He quickly went inside to his computer, type the coordinate and the code that Taeyeon gave him.


It only took him 5 seconds to up the system. “I FOUND HER!” he shouts. “Soo, I found her!”




“There! You see that big red dot? That’s where she is and that’s the same coordinates that Taeyeon gave me. It’s approximately 3 km from the crash site”


Hearing Taeyeon’s name, Sooyoung face turns dark. “Where is that man? How could he leave her alone after everything they’ve been through?”


“Calm down. It wasn’t his fault. You see that blonde woman? Taeyeon told me that it was her who left her there”


“Who is she?” Sooyoung asks.


“Taeyeon used to date her but when my great friend proposed to her in front of everyone in our company, even her dad is there, she rejected him because according to her, she is not yet ready to settle down and that she will be flying to New York to open her own business leaving Taeyeon heart broken. But in reality, she’s been dating her business partner even when they are still together!” Yuri explains as they are watching Jessica giving her statement to the press.


“!” that is the only thing Sooyoung can say.


“That inded she is. Anyways, is Tiffany afraid of the dark or being alone?”


Sooyoung got surprise when he ask her that. “She’s not afraid of the dark but she is afraid of knowing that she is alone again. Wait, how’d you know that?”


“Taeyeon. He begged me to bring her back. I think something happens with the two for my friend to be that concern”


“But those ers won’t let us go!” Sooyoung is glaring at the coast guard that is watching them.


“Then we go with or without their permission. Sue as if they want but we cannot let your friend be there alone in this dark night. It’s tomorrow or right now, it’s your choice”


Everyone on the boat is waiting for Sooyoung’s decision, waiting for her instruction. All of them are trained professional divers and licenced rescuer and they also wanted to go and rescue to poor girl.


“ them! Let’s go. I’m sure dad can handle them!” Sooyoung tells them and everyone starts the preparation.


“Let’s go bring Tiffany home”

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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1121 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story