nine - rescued

The Crash


Sooyoung and her team manages to shield Tiffany from all the reporters who wants to get a glimpse of her.


Even at the hospital, reporters are swarming at the entrance because that is the only hospital in that area. Thankfully, Sooyoung’s dad already called the President of the hospital who happens to be his college friends.


The President let them used the backdoor that is restricted and only for executives and VIP’s can use it. With everything already arranged for Tiffany, they quickly settled inside her private room.


“Fany, are you really sure that you are fine?” Sooyoung asks her again as she is getting worried about her condition because Tiffanly looks really sick and pale as they are waiting for the doctor.


Yuri who is still with them also notices that something is definitely wrong with her. “I am going to call the nurses. She is not doing well”


“Oh my god! Tiffany! Wake up!” Sooyoung is panicking when suddenly she fainted. Seeing Tiffany unconscious scared the hell out of her.


The nurses and doctors rush in to check on her. They put her up on IV and other machines were put in to her body. Yuri comforts Sooyoung who is crying as she is watching her friend like that.


Many things are running through her mind, “Yuri, I can’t lose her. We still have a lot of plans to do, dreams to fulfill. Tiffany doesn’t deserve to suffer like this”


“She will be fine. She is a fighter. Look, there are lots of professionals helping her. She will get through this” he tells her as he can she how scared his new found friend is at the moment. Yuri is not known to be a serious person but, in that situation, his funny and cheerful side vanished.


As the nurses continues putting up some wires and medicines on Tiffany, Dr. Park speaks to Sooyoung, “I believe you’re her guardian?”


“She has no family left. What happens to her?”


Dr. Park took a deep breath, “She is stable for now but we have to continue monitoring her for the next 24 hours. I suspect that she is having a hypovolemic shock, a condition in which severe blood or fluid loss in the body that makes her heart unable to pump enough blood. With the accident, I believe she is having an internal injury somewhere and also, she is severely dehydrated. If her conditions stabilize, we will have her CT scan and MRI”


“Just do everything you need to do, Dr. Park. When will she wake up?” Sooyoung asks while looking at her best friend.


“That I can’t give you an answer. Her body is so weak at the moment. It’s up to her when she will wake up. We gave her medicines that won’t affect her waking up process. If you still have questions, you may ask the nurses, I already brief them about the patient’s condition”


Sooyoung sat on the chair beside Tiffany’s bed before holding her hand. “I know how badly you wanted to see your mom and dad. I know how badly you wanted to be with them again but please not now. we still have many things to do together, dreams to fulfill. You promised me that you will be the godmother of my future kids. Fany, be strong and please wake up now. Don’t sleep too much, okay?”


Yuri is watching her talking to her best friend is getting emotional too with how Sooyoung is crying for her friend that reminds him of his own best friend. With all that is happening, he forgot the main reason why on the first place her travels to LA.


“I will just get us some coffee and foods. Do you want me to get you something in specific?”


Sooyoung faintly smile at him, “Coffee and any bread is fine with me. Thanks, Yuri. For everything even though we just met today”


“Don’t mention it. I have nothing else to do. And you and Tiffany are my friends now and friends don’t leave each other in times like this”


“Speaking of friends, try checking if your best friend is also here. This is the only hospital in this area. If he’s not here, then maybe that is hiding him from people”


Upon mentioning Jessica again, both of then had a very dark aura. Even without saying it, both of them has that overflowing anger towards that woman after what happened to Tiffany. “I will be back” that is the only answer he gave her before getting out of the room.


On his way to the cafeteria, on the same floor and hallway as Tiffany’s room, just few rooms apart, a loud noise echoed.


As he continues walking, he stops near the nurse station. The nurses are gossiping about the commotion that is going on in one of the rooms.


“The patient in 309 has been shouting to his girlfriend when they arrived in here”


The other nurse replies, “I feel sorry for his girlfriend. I don’t get it why he is so mad at her knowing that it was her who rescued him”


Hearing the word ‘rescued’, Yuri is certain that it was Taeyeon and Jessica who they are talking about. He knows that he needed to do something for his friend.


Yuri went to the nurse station and they immediately recognize him, “Mr. Kwon, is there any problem with Ms. Tiffany?”


“No, she’s fine, still sleeping at the moment. I don’t want to be nosy but I hear you talking about someone. Is it Kim Taeyeon you are talking about?” he asks them


The nurses look at each other knowing that they cannot disclose any information with regards to their patient. Yuri saw it so; he took out his phone and shows them all their photos together.


“Look, Taeyeon and I are best friends for 10 years now. Please, I need to see him now”


“Room 309. Just don’t tell anyone that I told you about it. His girlfriend clearly instructed us that no one is allowed to visits him or know where he is”


Yuri had his fist balled as his anger towards Jessica is growing as she is begging to cage Taeyeon. “No worries. Oh, by the way. She is not his girlfriend nor she is his friend. She is only the daughter of our boss” he clarifies making the nurses jaw to drop open.

He left their station to go to Taeyeon’s room but before he can even knock on the door, a loud voice erupted again inside.


“Mom, dad, you don’t understand why I am being like this to her” Taeyeon raises his voice to them while glaring at Jessica.


His parents didn’t like what he was doing and they are so disappointed on him. “Kim Taeyeon, is that now we raised you? Is that how you will thank the person who did everything to bring you back to us?” his dad asks him.


“You’ve been missing for a week. We didn’t know if you are still alive or not. Jessica is the only one who volunteers in finding you despite of your past, she still did all of this for you. I expected to be reunited with you in an emotional way but why are you being like this? We didn’t teach you to be this disrespectful and ungrateful!” Mrs. Kim speaks to him in a very stern way.


Taeyeon cannot believe what he was seeing and hearing from them, “Did you all forgot what she did to me before? She is cheating on me all throughout our relationship! And you know what she did today? She left Tiffany alone at that island! Now, you tell me if it is wrong for me to be like this to her


“That was all in the past, can’t you forget and forgive her already? Jessica is here for you now to make it up to all her mistakes. I don’t know who that Tiffany you’re talking about. Jessica and her team are not a government own rescue team. They are a private team. I will do the same thing that she did because it was you who is the focus of their search. Their priority is you and nothing else” Mr. Kim firmly tells him that Taeyeon couldn’t believe that he just said all that.


He then saw Jessica acting like she is very hurt, trying to manipulated Mr. and Mrs. Kim that Taeyeon cannot believe it. “Leave me alone. I want to rest”


“Auntie, Uncle, I will stay here with him tonight. You can go back to the hotel. If something happens, I will immediately call you” Jessica tells them, acting like she is really is looking after him.


Taeyeon scoffs, “I said, LEAVE ME ALONE. I want you all out of here now because I want to rest!” he emphasizes the word alone to let them know that he doesn’t want anyone around him already.


“You can’t be alone here by yourself. Let Jessica to stay here with you tonight in case something happens to you” his mom tells him.


Yuri who’s been listening throughout their conversations took it as his cue to enters the room and save his best friend from all of them.


They all look at him and Taeyeon can finally relax seeing him but Jessica is not happy to see him. “What are you doing here? And how did you that he is here?”


Yuri didn’t look at her instead he greeted Taeyeon’s parents before reuniting with his best friend. “I will stay here with him tonight. You can all rest and just come back here tomorrow morning”


“I am asking you, Yuri. How did you know that he is here?” Jessica asks him again knowing that Yuri will makes her plan to fail.


“This is the only hospital in this area and with how loud your voices are, it is not that hard to find where is he”


“Just let Yuri to stay here with me tonight. Just please leave” Taeyeon almost begs them because he cannot be with them for another minute. He needs some time alone without them to process everything that had happens.


The Kim’s agrees to let him be with Taeyeon knowing that the two are inseparable and only Yuri can make their son to calm down.


Taeyeon never thought those people who he respected and admires the most is capable of saying things like that to him. He expected them to side with him instead of Jessica.


He is so disappointed with them. He wanted to at least hug them but he can’t knowing that they are being manipulated by Jessica already.


As soon as the door closes the two of them look at each other, “Have you found her? Is she okay? Where is she?”

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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1122 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story