ten - not okay

The Crash


Sooyoung is still closely monitoring her best friend’s condition. She is thinking about what she might been through during those days that she’s stranded in that island.


She cannot imagine what Tiffany has been through during the accident and after the accident. She is afraid that it will really have a big impact on her well-being.


It has been more than an hour since Yuri left to get them some foods to eat but he hasn’t come back since then. With Tiffany still in stable condition, Sooyoung decided to look for him because she is really hungry.


“Hi, I’m just going to get some coffee. Can you look after Tiffany for a while?” Sooyoung asks one of the nurses.


The nurse just smiles at her, “Not a problem. We will be giving her some medicines too in about 10 minutes”


“Thank you” Sooyoung replies and was about to leave when she remembers Yuri. “Have you seen Yuri? The man who is with me?”


“Mr. Kwon? I saw him enters room 309 a while ago” one of the nurses said and to her curiosity, Sooyoung decided to check that room.


Before she can even get near the room, the door suddenly opens and a middle-aged couple walks out followed by a blonde girl that Sooyoung is very certain who she was. “”


When they are all gone, Sooyoung went to the door wanting to confront Taeyeon, the man who is with her best friend at the island. The man who can tell her what happened to Tiffany.


Sooyoung opens the door but stops the moment she hears them talking.


“Have you found her? Is she okay? Where is she?” Sooyoung believes that it was Taeyeon who sounded pleading to Yuri so, she decided to listen to them.


“We’ve found her but she’s not okay”


“What do you mean not okay?”


“She is still unconscious right now and they are still observing her condition”


Sooyoung can see the pain and guilt on Taeyeon’s eyes that all her angers towards him vanished. What comes happens next really convinced her about him.


Taeyeon suddenly get up from his bed and was about to take off his IV. Good thing Yuri is there to stop him from hurting himself. “Taeng! What the are you doing?!”


“Bring me to her, Yul. I want to see her. This all my fault! I should have wake her up this morning before I left her to get us some foods. If only I didn’t leave her side, she will not be like that!” Taeyeon is getting hysterical and emotional while trying to take Yuri’s hand on his arms.


Sooyong finally enters the room that caught the two in surprise to see her. “Do you think by taking those off your hand will make any difference? Do you think Tiffany will be happy if she will know that you are hurting yourself like this?”


The two men stops what they are doing to look at the tall girl at the door. Taeyeon is looking at her with a confused look on his face because it was his first time seeing her.


"Sooyoung, how did you know that I am here?” Yuri asks her and notices that she is looking at Taeyeon


“The nurses told me. So, you are Taeyeon. Nice to finally meet you”


Taeyeon look at her and then to his best friend. Yuri understands what he was silently asking him. “Uhm, Sooyoung this is my best friend, Taeyeon. And Taeng, this is Sooyoung, Tiffany’s best friend and guarding”


The moment Tiffany’s name where mentioned, Taeyeon immediately went to Sooyoung. “Where is she? I want to see her, please”


“She’s here in this hospital too. And no, you cannot see her” Sooyoung tells him and there is no trace of her like she’s only joking that makes Yuri to also look at her.


Taeyeon who begins to cry suddenly went down on his knees to kneel in front of Sooyoung that startled them. “Taeng!”


“Taeyeon! You don’t have to do this!” Sooyoung and Yuri got alarmed and tries to get him back up on his feet but Taeyeon is pushing them away as he kept on kneeling with his head hanging low.


“I didn’t mean to leave her there all by herself. I promised her that she will be no longer be alone as she has me already. But I failed. It should have been me not her. If only I did what she always tells me to wake her up no matter before I go get us some food. If only I am strong enough to fight those men who tied me up on that ing boat! Tiffany- Let me see her please. I want to say sorry for making her feel that she is alone again. I want to apologize for breaking my promises to her" Taeyeon is sobbing so hard as he is telling them all of that.

Yuri and Sooyoung can feel his sincerity with every word that comes out of his mouth. He is obviously very hurt with what happens to him and to Tiffany.


Sooyoung is now convince that it wasn’t really his fault, none of it was his fault. It was the first time that someone is being like that for Tiffany.


She cannot continue looking at him like that so, Sooyoung went down to kneel in front of him and gives him a comforting hug. “I don’t know anything about you but I can feel how much you care for her and how much you love her and that is enough for me. It’s okay, Taeyeon. Don’t blame youself for what happened to her. Get up now and let’s go to her. Maybe she will wake up upon hearing your voice”


Yuri helped him up and fixes his IV before they went out of his room. His nurse saw them on his way to Tiffany’s room and they allow him to pay her a visit.


Sooyoung opens the door of Tiffany’s room to let Taeyeon in. And as soon as he walks inside that room, a very emotional Taeyeon can be seen. His hands are shaking upon seeing her condition and those machines that are connected to her body.


The two of them just let him go to Tiffany’s side by himself as they are watching them from behind. They can see how Taeyeon’s body starts shaking together with the strings of tears coming from his dull and sad eyes.




“Tiffany, I’m here now. I’m so sorry for what I have done to you. I’m sorry. I am so sorry. Please wake up. I know you are mad at me and you probably don’t want to see me again. Just wake up and tell me to not to bother you ever again. Wake up now and hit me like how you always do whenever you are so annoyed at me. Wake up now and I will do anything that you will ask of me” Taeyeon says while holding her hand.


As Taeyeon continues to talk to her, the two at the back cannot help it but to feel sorry for them. They should not be supposed to be like that if not for that certain person who wants to ruin everything.


“Yuri, I think something is definitely going on with the two of them. Based on what he just said I believe he manages to hammered down Tiffany’s thick and tall walls that she is using to block anyone who wants to enter her life. I believe Taeyeon is the one that I’ve been waiting for to help her out of the dark”


Yuri sigh, “We’ve been friends for 10 years and this is the first time that I’ve seen him like this. Taeyeon is a very strong man and it will take you forever to see him cry like this because he doesn’t want to show people his emotions. He is great on pretending to be okay when he is not. And I can say, your friend Tiffany helps him not afraid anymore to show his emotions”


“Out of all the men wanting to have Tiffany, only your friend hits all of my conditions and standards. Don’t you think we should do something about their current situation? It shouldn’t be this hard and complicated”


Yuri frown remembering the root of all their problems; Jessica. “I will take care of it. She cannot do something because Taeyeon will listen to me more than he will listen to her. Taeyeon may looks like he gets easily be fooled or manipulated but he is not. He always has a reversed uno card with him”


“Sounds good. Tiffany is hurt and that I am sure about. I will just keep an eye on her because knowing her, I cannot force her to do anything with her current state of mind. But I know how strong she is but also how stubborn she can be”


“Your friend is very vulnerable and my friend is a strong-willed man that makes them a perfect combination because they compliment each other” Yuri says


Sooyoung can finally smile, “True love will prevail at the end despite being surrounded by forced love”


A short update/gift to all of you on my birthday 😅

anyways, if you haven't read my other two Taeny story just download Novelah or Finovel.

remember me and To let go or to hold is the title.


use 1436889 invitation code to get 30k coins on novelah 


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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1121 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story