Episode 1

My Boyfriend Is From SHINee [Hiatus]

"Manager hyung, what do you mean we're going to be on a reality show?" Choi Minho poked SHINee's manager for further details, a rather uncharacteristic thing for the rapper to do. The bombshell had been dropped on the five SHINee boys the moment they stepped into their van that Monday morning.

"Starring who, again?" Lee Jinki, otherwise known as Onew, scratched his head, staring into thin air blankly. A fluffy and pink pillow (what on earth was a pillow doing in the van, anyway?) was thrown at him promptly, the assailant screaming an 'US, YOU BLUR BLOCK!'. Not like Onew was going to bother finding out who threw it, anyway, since he was already off in dreamland.

"Will there be female roles? Will there be babies?" Jonghyun asked eagerly, replaying the more memorable moments of 'Hello Baby' in his head.

Their manager sighed, pushing his black framed spectacles up the bridge of his nose. I should've known they would ask so many questions. I should've just kidnapped them like last time and dragged them to the studio instead. At least they'd be quieter then. No, I'm not making any sense, because it's too noisy! By that time, the noise level in the van had escalated to a near-deafening decibel due to the boys' childish excitement.

"SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU! We're almost at the studio, and you'll find out everything you need to know there, so just zip it, okay? You're giving me a migraine!" Their manager exploded, sticking his fingers into his ears to emphasize his point. Almost immediately, the van was silent save for the monotonous hum of the engine in the background. The tension in the van was almost unbearable, as all the members began fidgeting a little. Their manager hardly lashed out at them. Kim Kibum, a.k.a. Key, bit his lip and drummed a meaningless beat on the vehicle window, while SHINee's energetic dancer Lee Taemin began tapping his feet to a song playing in his head.

"Manager hyung, are we at the studio yet?" The maknae asked timidly, careful not to aggravate their manager any further. Hearing the fear laced in Taemin's voice, their manager's expression softened. The other members looked relieved.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we are." The manager responded as cheerfully as possible to try and break the strong tension as the van drew closer and closer to the familiar building up in front of them.

"And we're on in three... two..." The director flashed three fingers, two, then one finger as the cameras rolled into action.

"Annyeong ha se yo, I'm Belle, your presenter for My Boyfriend Is From SHINee! My co-presenter, Sul Jung will be helping me out as well. As its title states, this all-new reality show is all about five girls who will each be paired with one SHINee boy that they do not get to choose, and the SHINee boys, of course! Let's first welcome the five famous boys of SHINee!" The presenter smiled widely at the camera, gesturing towards the side of the stage that the five boys were now entering from.

"Hi, I'm Onew, the leader of SHINee! Next to me are Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin, respectively. It's a pleasure to be on this show!" Onew spoke for the group through his mic clipped to his shirt, even though he himself didn't have any idea what would be going on for the next three months, but he couldn't say it wouldn't be a pleasure either.

Belle clapped, welcoming the boys. "Now, let's introduce the girls, shall we? These five girls are very special, because just like SHINee, they are all part of their very own girl group called JEMMS! Welcome!"

The five girls, each wearing different coloured dresses but the exact same shoes, walked up onto stage, grinning at the thrill of being on their first television show. "Hello, we're JEMMS!" They chorused in unison, giving the camera their best million-dollar smiles. The JEMMS girls' gazes locked with the SHINee boys', and they flashed each other encouraging smiles since they would be spending the next three months together. Sul Jung then got the members to pair up according to their roles in their respective groups, putting Eunha and Onew, the leaders next to each other as an example.

"Don't worry, they may not necessarily be the ones we will pair you up with!" She chuckled, patting Taemin and Jamie's backs.

"All right, so let's get to know each other, shall we? We have ten people here, so each of you shall take turns to introduce yourself and a fun fact about you! Why don't we start with... the leaders? SHINee first, then JEMMS!"

Onew stepped forward slightly, bowing towards the camera. "Hello, I'm Onew and I'm the leader of SHINee! Erm... I absolutely adore chicken! And I'm very clumsy... yeah."

"Everyone knows that already, hyung!" Jonghyun teased playfully. The rest of the members all laughed, as everyone knew Onew's nickname of being the 'Chicken Maniac' with a terrible case of Onew Condition, or Onew Sangtae.Onew chuckled, stepping back.

Eunha stepped forward confidently,smiling at the camera. "Hi, I'm Park Eunha and like Onew oppa, I'm the leader of JEMMS. Hmm... I've never had a boyfriend before, so this show will take me on a brand new adventure in my life!" The other members of her group giggled at her ease of using the term 'Oppa' on someone she had just met five minutes ago and hadn't even talked to yet.

Jonghyun walked forward next. "Hello, I'm Jonghyun and I'm the main vocalist of SHINee. Well, many people have been asking if I'm left-handed due to the fact that I use my left hand to eat as shown in 'Hello Baby', but I actually write with my right hand. Heh... that's a pretty lame fact, isn't it?" He laughed at his own words, pushing Nae Mi forward gently.

"Well, I'm Nae Mi, and I'm the main vocalist of JEMMS. For the fun fact about myself... well, I'm afraid of the dark and thunder. I've been like that since I was quite young." Nae Mi bowed at the camera, flashing a bright smile before stepping back again.

Key moved forward after she had finished. "Hey, I'm Key, and I'm the main rapper of SHINee. I really like horror movies, but I'm also kind of afraid of them. They creep me out! But... somehow, I still want to watch them,"  he laughed and stepped back.

After Key, Shin Ryu gracefully slid forward, leading Flavia to sigh and wish that she would walk properly like a normal person. "Hi, I'm Shin Ryu, and I'm the main rapper of my group! I'm, um, a very messy person and I can't keep anything tidy, no matter how hard I try." She looked expectantly at Taemin.

Taemin stepped forward. "I'm the lead dancer for SHINee, Taemin! I'm also the youngest member. As a fun fact... well, my catchphrase is 'I really don't know anything!', so if you hear me say that in future, recognise it!" He joked, poking Minhee playfully as he retreated.

"Hi!" said Minhee, not bothering to step forward properly in her laziness. "I'm Minhee, and I'm the main dancer of JEMMS! I love photography, and I take lots of time to practice it. Is that counted as fun?" She giggled and stepped backwards.

Flavia was starting to look quite anxious. "Her eyeshadow is smudged," she mumbled to SHINee's manager.

This was when Minho shuffled forward. "Hey everyone, I'm Minho, and I'm another rapper, but I do lots of things really. Well, fun fact...I share a bunk bed with Key? And, um, my nickname is Charismatic Flame, but, I, uh, don't really feel very fiery..." He laughed softly, moving back as he did so. The girls giggled.

Right after he had finished, Jamie walked forward. "I'm Jamie! And I'm the Jack-Of-All-Trades in JEMMS! I like to, um, do aegyo, and try to persuade people that way." She smiled again and stepped back.

The presenter grinned. "Well, there we have it, SHINee and JEMMS! They will be spending the next three months together. Keep watching My Boyfriend Is From SHINee to find out what happens! Next up after the break... the long-awaited-for pairings! Stay tuned to find out more!"

"Welcome back to Episode 1 of My Boyfriend Is From SHINee! This time, we will be getting to the exciting topic of who will be paired with who. But first, I will explain how this reality show works in detail. Listen carefully!" Belle nodded to the two bands, who gestured that they understood and for her to continue.

"First, we will announce the pairings. After that, the couples will be spending three months together. They will be 'stuck together' for three months, and every alternate week we will have a 'Best Couple' competition. During the 'Best Couple' competition, they will all be judged on their chemistry as a couple, their harmony within their relationship, etcetra. The Best Couple at the end of this show wins a mystery prize! Understood?" Belle flashed a thumbs-up at SHINee and JEMMS. Both groups looked at each other nervously.

"I don't want to be paired with ANYONE... Aiya this is all manager unnie's fault..." Shin Ryu muttered to Minhee, who was standing next to her.

"I want to choose who I'm paired up with. I've always kind of liked Onew!" Eunha whispered to Nae Mi in an uncharacteristic fangirl way.

"Onew is mine! Hah!" Shin Ryu quickly retorted, having overheard their conversation. Nae Mi rolled her eyes, refocusing her attention on the presenter.

Belle handed out blindfolds to both teams, requesting for them to tie those around their eyes. Everyone complied, not wanting to embarrass themselves on national television. Without any knowledge of what was going on, everyone's standing positions were rearranged so that they all had a partner of the opposite gender. Practically everyone was bursting with anticipation to find out who their partners were.

"Oh, god..." Flavia whispered to SHINee's manager, having seen who was paired with who. The expression of disbelief on his face echoed hers.

Belle clapped her hands excitedly. "Alright, all of you can take off your blindfolds now!"

The A/Ns:

Hi, Flavia here! I did this [A/N] in a hurry going out so Kelsey will type it onto the story for me. I wrote some parts of the chappie~ so I get an A/N! Much better now, thanks everyone... You'd better love the chapter! 2 of the unsuccessful applicants have also cameo-ed, yay:D Xoxo, bludgerducky.

Hello, Kelsey here! I'm so sorry for the absolutely fail chapter and even worse cliffhanger /is shot D: Once again, I aplologize for my horrible writing. I think the only parts readable are the parts written by Flavia. Argh T^T Don't worry, the pairings will be revealed tomorrow as a Christmas present, I hope. :D

☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Hello Sensei here~ Thank Flavia and Kelsey for their work, I didn't contribute at all to this chapter. Aigoo I'm such a bad co-author D: You see I recently joined Live Journal and it's been taking up my time. But the good news is that I got 'The Beginning' by JYJ finally since I got my first paycheck so yeah *Pats back* Way to go! Lol, please comment and subscribe~<3

Extra comment by Kelsey: OMG SENSEI YOU GOT THE BEGINNING?!?! I'm jealous T^T (Sorry for the extra comment ><)

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Lol. Sorry Jong. XD
babysach #2
update soon please!
CYmu5ic #3
It's okay! I like it a lot. I'm not dead too! Ahahaha!
raindrops_fall #4
WHOOPS WHOOPS WHOOPS. THe first few chapters or so are doubled! X.X Omg. Totally sorry you guys >.> Will go delete the unnecessary part. T.T except i have no access to a computer and I cant edit it using my iTouch. Arrr ! Oh, and Key is ... somewhere ... Eheheh ;D
oh, i know how you feel, i'm quite busy too ;/ <br />
anyways, i loved it! :D <br />
hahaha, poor jjong xDD and onew was cute ;) <br />
where's key tho? xD
HAHAHA x)<br />
I'm so evil >:D<br />
<br />
Update more ^^
forever #7
i got with Minho~~ WOOTWOOT! <3 ^^ Thanks for the update :D
forever #8
love the poster! update :]
CYmu5ic #9
Awesome poster!!
babysach #10
woots!<br />
nice poster!<br />
update soon please!