Introducing the Pairings

My Boyfriend Is From SHINee [Hiatus]

The car ride to the SHINee dorms was a chaotic one. Due to the fact that the ten boys and girls had to share transport back to their home for the next three months, a special bus was chartered to accommodate all of them plus the girls' oversized luggage.

"Unnie~ Did you have to bring those electric hair straighteners and dryers? Now that you have no space in your luggage, you stuff it in mine--” Jamie puffed, trying to push her bag up the steps. “My bag's already very heavy, you know!” Nae Mi rolled her eyes, an action she realized she'd been doing very often after being made to share a room with the maknae once ‘JEMMS’ was formed a while back.

"Let me help you!~" Taemin cooed. He had already gotten on the bus and was smiling cheerfully, eyes sparkling with delight.

Jamie clapped her hands and left Taemin holding the rest of her luggage. Oblivious to Taemin’s grunting, she straddled herself into the bus and sat down next to Minhee who was dozing off, not caring as Jonghyun looked at her in complete disgust. Something clicked in Jamie’s mind as she gestured her finger, telling Jonghyun to come closer. He hesitated at first (seeing that crazed expression on her face) and leaned in towards her face.

“Don’t mind her, she’s always like that. The members and I think she’s cute when she's grinding her teeth and drools buckets of smelly saliva in a mere five minutes.” She paused as she saw Jonghyun’s face turning pale. “Don’t you think so?”

“Oh god.” Jonghyun backed away from Jamie and hopped off the bus. He ran towards the garbage disposal and held his stomach as he panted for desperate breaths. “Ugh, please not that one.” He grunted as he tried not to hurl this morning’s breakfast.

Shin Ryu chuckled as she indolently plugged in her earphones and looked through the windows. Jamie, satisfied with her evil plan, dug into her little backpack and pulled out a medium sized bag of Sour Patch Kids.

Onew walked back from snooping around the apartments and saw Jonghyun hurling into the garbage disposal. He mouth shaped as an ‘o’ and quickly ran over Jonghyun, trying not to stumble on his own two feet. “Y-You okay? You look sick!”

“Gee, thanks hyung, that’s what exactly what I want to hear. That I look sick rather than---” Jonghyun leaned forwards towards the disposal as Onew patted his back. “Onew that’s too--”

“Sorry! I’m putting more strength into it!” He slammed his fists into ’s back repeatedly.

“That’s too hard you idiot!” Jonghyun shouted as he grabbed the leader’s collar.

“Oops.” Jonghyun rolled his eyes as he released his grip off of ’s collar. “But it seems like you don’t need to throw up anymore.”

Jonghyun felt the vomit shoot up from his throat again as he made a beeline towards the garbage disposal. “Thanks for reminding me, you meat head!” Onew, still shocked, began to pat Jonghyun’s back again. “Don’t touch me!”

“S-Sorry! I’ll just go eat chicken then.” After Onew mentioned chicken, Jonghyun's groans became louder as more vomit left his body. “Oops.” Onew ran back towards the bus, leaving puking Jonghyun behind.

Back on the bus, Nae Mi plonked herself onto the vacant seat besides Eunha. “So, how do you feel about the pairings, unnie?” Eunha shrugged neutrally.

“Aw, come on, unnie! You’re just jealous that Shin Ryu got paired up with Onew oppa and you got stuck with Minho!” Nae Mi poked her leader playfully.

“Yah, I am not jealous, you—“Eunha’s sentence was stopped by a random cameraman who informed her that swearing was not allowed on national television. “I wasn’t going to swear, babo. I was going to… never mind.” She muttered underneath her breath.

“Yah, Nae Mi-ah! So you like being with Key-ssi, huh?” Eunha smirked, seeing the vocalist’s face turn red abruptly.

“N-no! I don’t! This is just a television show, unnie!” Nae Mi stuttered, flushing. Eunha just smiled, putting her headphones on and bobbing her head to the beat. Nae Mi groaned, covering her face.

Jonghyun stumbled back onto the bus, still a little green and with Onew right behind him.

“Not feeling too good, Jongie?” Jamie asked, smiling sweetly. Jonghyun groaned, collapsing onto the nearest seat. Onew contemplated where to sit for a while, before deciding to sit next to Shin Ryu. Jamie rolled her eyes. How typical.

“Minhee! Why don’t you sit next to Jonghyun?” Jamie whispered to Minhee, not caring that she was asleep. Minhee opened her eyes, hissing a short ‘No!’ to her before going back to sleep.

Jamie shrugged. Figures.

Kelsey's note:  Omg omg omg super short and kind of a filler I know! I wanted to make it longer by continuing on what Sensei has written, but then I decided to post this first so you guys know I haven't died x.x Anyways, school has started for me and I've got really major exams coming up this year so I may not update often. Miahne -bows- ><

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Lol. Sorry Jong. XD
babysach #2
update soon please!
CYmu5ic #3
It's okay! I like it a lot. I'm not dead too! Ahahaha!
raindrops_fall #4
WHOOPS WHOOPS WHOOPS. THe first few chapters or so are doubled! X.X Omg. Totally sorry you guys >.> Will go delete the unnecessary part. T.T except i have no access to a computer and I cant edit it using my iTouch. Arrr ! Oh, and Key is ... somewhere ... Eheheh ;D
oh, i know how you feel, i'm quite busy too ;/ <br />
anyways, i loved it! :D <br />
hahaha, poor jjong xDD and onew was cute ;) <br />
where's key tho? xD
HAHAHA x)<br />
I'm so evil >:D<br />
<br />
Update more ^^
forever #7
i got with Minho~~ WOOTWOOT! <3 ^^ Thanks for the update :D
forever #8
love the poster! update :]
CYmu5ic #9
Awesome poster!!
babysach #10
woots!<br />
nice poster!<br />
update soon please!