My Wish Come TRUE?!

It Started With A GENIE?!


Hum…. What a good night sleep. I can’t remember the last time since I had my good night sleep. I’m always distracted by the sound of my alarm. I wonder why the alarm doesn’t ring today? It’s Saturday. Maybe. Yeah. If not, that stupid alarm will be ringing madly at my ears like Mrs. Shin’s voice. Hum…. I should go back to my sweet sleep. Swiftly, my hand hugged the pillow next to me.


Wow! This pillow is so buff! And warm too. Is this heaven or what? I think God finally hear my prayers and He’s starting to make my life better. Yeah! With a smile, I hugged the pillow tighter and it hugged me back with his two long and big hands. I felt save, comfortable and warm in it’s embrace. My pillow hugged me back.


…………………………………………………………………………………………. MY PILLOW HUGGED ME BACK??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My eyes quickly opened it itself to revealed a guy, who’s half in my bead sleeping peacefully while hugging me.



OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I screamed on top of my lungs which makes the guy quickly wake up from his beautiful dreams and stare at me. Our eyes meets each others.




Am I crazy or is it Choi Siwon is the half man who’s right now staring inside my eyes with a deep stare that could melted any girls heart? I’m crazy. Yup! It’s official now. Called the ambulance or whatever and ask them to send me to the nearest Crazy people hospital. I don’t care.


“~~~~~~~~-ah, gwenchana?” He even knows my name. I am crazy. Aish! Never thought this fangirling disease could effect my brain.

“He’s not real ~~~~~~~~~….” I tried to convince myself.

“Who’s not real?”




“Are you ok ~~~~~~~-ah?”



“Yes…. Aish! Why am I having a conversation with you? you’re just a flinch of my imagination. After I count to ten, you’ll be gone!”


I close my eyes tightly. Than I count from one to ten hoping that the imagination Choi Siwon would be gone. Truthfully, I like the view of him half but this cannot do! I need to make sure my fangirling attitude towards him won’t effect my brain because I need it to become a fashion designer. Have you ever see a crazy fashion designer? Never right?


“10….” I opened one eyes to peeked if he was still there or not.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!” I jumped in frightened when I saw he was still in front of me gazing at me strongly.

“Baby, are you ok?” He called me what?!

“Aish! That accident does effect you after all huh….” He sighed as he patted his back head. Wait! What accident?


“LEETEUK HYUNG!!!!!” Leeteuk is here too?!


Dashingly, Leeteuk walked in our room wearing his Pooh boxer with a sleeveless white shirt. damn he looked messy in the morning.


“Leeteuk to the rescue! What’s up?” He just lay down the bed like it was the most finest thing to do.

“I think what the doctor said is true. The accident is causing an effect on ~~~~~~~.”

“What kind of effect?”

“She doesn’t remember me….:(….”


“Ye hyung.”

“If she doesn’t remember you, than she probably don’t remember what happen two days ago right?”


“YES!!” And this Pooh boxer guy jumped as the sign of happiness. Eh? I’m really confuse now.

“Yah hyung! This is not a thing to be happy for!” Siwon just throw a pillow which headed straight towards Leeteuk face.




Leeteuk falls down the bed when the pillow hits his face.


“Yah! Choi Siwon! It’s not nice to do your hyung like that.”

“Hyung-ah, helped me with ~~~~~~~.”

“Ok, ok. I don’t want her to be like this too but what can I do? I’m not a doctor you know? I don’t even study back in the school days….” That just shows how dumb he is.

“You’re the oldest. Do something!” Leeteuk just sighed than walked straight at me. He stare at me which cause me to take a few step back.

“Are you sure you don’t know us or are you just playing dumb ~~~~~~~-ah?” What playing dumb? What’s going on here? Se7en oppa. where are you? I was on the verge of tears when Leeteuk pulled back.

“Ok. This is an emergency. ~~~~~~~ doesn’t remember us moreover you! I’LL CALL THE DOCTOR!” Leeteuk just ran out of the room like a maniac.


I was too scared and dumbfounded so I just pulled my knees up and hugged em while putting my head down.


“Baby, shh! I’m here. Don’t be scare. Everything will be fine….” Siwon carefully hold me inside of his arms.


“I better call Se7en hyung,” wait a minute! He knows Se7en oppa?! how?! Siwon kissed my head before walking out of the room to call Se7en oppa.


Aish! What the heck is going on here? Am I being punk or something? This doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t make sense? Wait! Basement! Lamp! Genie! Yes! I remember it now! I make a wish from that Taeyeon look a like genie. I wish for Siwon to be my fiancée! Yes! So that wasn’t a dream after all. It was real. Way real! OMG! I can’t believe this. that genie is actually worth the magic huh. Wow!


Donghae, Eunhyuk and Sungmin suddenly rushed into the room making me jerked up a little. God this guys scared the heck out of me!


“~~~~~~~~, this is Donghae oppa! the one who always brings you out when Siwon is busy. Don’t you remember me?” Ok. Dramatic much.

“Omo! Our daughter doesn’t remember us. Ottoeke?” Daughter? What’s up with Eunhyuk and Donghae.

“Oh stop being melodramatic you two!” Thank you Sungmin!

“Our little boy Siwon must be really worried because his fiancée don’t remember him….” Are you sure little is the right word for Siwon, Eunhyuk?

“Hyukkie, don’t worry! We’ll fix this up!”

“How Donghae? By being more gayish?!” Sungmin said which cause the two honey-bunny to gave him a death glare.

“Ok! Sorry. Geez! Stop with the glares!” I chuckled seeing Sungmin’s scared face. He doesn’t like it when people glares at him especially those two. How do I know that? I’m not sure how actually.

“~~~~~~~-ah, do you know your full name?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Of course! Han ~~~~~~~~!”

“Yah! She remember herself!” And those two jumped in excitement.

“Oh lord!” Sungmin just shook his head.

“So do you remember us now?”

“Ye Sungmin oppa. it’s just everything is a bit blurry now….” I acted as if I was ditzy and all when the truth is I’m not.

“SIWON-AH! ~~~~~~~ CAN REMEMBER US NOW!” Donghae quickly informed Siwon which cause him to ran back at me.

“Hun, are you ok?” He looked at me in concern. never once in my life I though this day would come.

“Ye. I’m fine oppa. I’m just a bit ditzy. That’s all.”

“Can you remember us? Me?”

“Yes but not everything….” Because I don’t know anything other than that.

“Thank God!” He looked so relief knowing that I remember him. Aww! Siwon is scared I’ll forget about him. No way that would happen.

“I’m sorry if I make you worried.”

“It’s ok baby. I only need you safe”, Siwon just hugged me as tight as he could. My heart was pounding so hard that time but I just enjoy being hugged by Choi Siwon.


“Aww, look at our little boy. All grown up now. I’m so proud!” I just laughed at the side of Donghae and Eunhyuk. I though Heechul was gaying enough, now I know that this two is the same as him.


“Siwon-ah, the doctor is on his way”, Leeteuk announced as he walked in.

“Oh! Ok hyung! ~~~~~~~ remember us already but I still thinks she needs to see the doctor. Se7en hyung is also on his way here.”

“Let’s leave Siwon and ~~~~~~~ so she could calm down a bit”, Sungmin suggested and everyone agreed so they walked out the room leaving e and Siwon oppa alone.


Siwon just helped me lay down and pulled the covers up. Than he took a glass of water and gave it to me. I just take a sip of it and put the glass down.


“Gwenchana ~~~~~~~~-ah?”

“Ye. Gwenchanayo oppa”, I just smile to assured him.

“~~~~~~~….” Siwon pulled my hand and hugged me tightly.

“Do you know how relief I am when I know you remember me? Don’t do this to me again. Arasseo?” He was truly worried about me.

“Arasseo oppa.”

“I don’t know what I should do if you were to forget about me.”

“But I’m not oppa. don’t worry. I won’t.”

“Saranghae. Tangsinul sarangheyo ~~~~~~~~-ah!” And he hugged me tightly. I’m going to enjoy as long as the wish is working. Han ~~~~~~~, fighting! 

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Chapter 4: continue this!!!
Please update soon!!!~ >.<
brokajke7 #3
Oh, I hope you haven't abandoned this story! I would love to see an update :)
AyaMizuhara #4
finally an update ^_^<br />
owh siwon so romantic guy ^_^
AyaMizuhara #5
update soon~~~
AyaMizuhara #6
update soon please~~~~<br />
double please~~~<br />
i really can't wait for the next chapter :-(
AyaMizuhara #7
omo....i really excited for the next chapter....<br />
update soon please ^_^<br />
<br />
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