Meet The Ex

It Started With A GENIE?!


Early in the morning, I was awaked by a surprise visit by Bom who brought breakfast! I don’t know her much but I like her already! Hehehe…. We ate our breakfast happily while do some chit chatting. I took the liberty to find out more about myself. It seems like everyone in my new life knows more about me than I do.


“Bom-ah, am I a good boss?” I might just be bossy and annoying. Who knows right?

“You’re a great boss! All of our staff loves you. Every year, you would bring all of us plus our family on a trip. You said you want to do the company annual trip in Korea this year. So do you have any idea where you want to go?” Annual trip huh?

“Wait! You said that this year I want to do it in Korea right? Before this, where did we go?” I can’t remember a thing! Of course I can’t! It doesn’t exist in my memory box.

“Usually Europe. You say it’ll give us more inspiration to create wonderers thing for fashion”, OMG! I’ve been to Europe and I don’t even know it?! I’m so going to Europe again.

“I’m that nice huh?” Thank God!

“Yup! That’s why Siwon is madly in love with you”, we both laughed. Hearing Siwon’s name makes my heart goes all crazy. I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of this craziness I have every time I see or even hear his name.

“Oh! Talking about Siwon, I have a bad news for you today”, Bom’s words caught my attention. Bad news? What kind of a bad news?

“What is it?”

“You know the CF about the phone brand?” I gave Bom a whhaaa~t look and she quickly remember that I DON’T remember anything about my life for the past few years.

“Oh! Forgot! Well, our company will sponsor outfit for some phone CF.”

“Oh! That’s great!”

“You won’t say that once you hear who’s the main star of the CF is.”

“Who is it?” Now I’m starting to get worry.

“Eunjung. Siwon’s ex a.k.a your worst nightmare”, I swear to God my body shook hearing that news from Bom. OMG! I have to work with the girl who swore to make my life a living hell? That is just WAY wrong! I’m just not ready to confront her right now.

“Do I have to meet her?”

“Yup! In the contract say YOU will be the one to style her that day”, great! Just great! Aish!


For your information, even in my previous life, Eunjung is known for her iness and cruelty. There are once a new actress accidentally spilled plain water on her dress and she makes that actress suffer and her career just banish along with her. That new actress just ACCIDENTLY spilled PLAIN water on her dress and I practically TOOK her boyfriend, I’m sure she’ll treat make me regret living in this world. My life is such a mess up!


“Bom-ah, I don’t want to meet her”, I really don’t.

“We don’t have any other choice unless you want to get sue”, both Bom and I sighed. I guess I can’t run away from this.

“Hey, don’t worry. You teach that a lesson once and I’m sure you can do it again”, red-hair-girl said what?!

“I used to what?!”

“You used to teach that a lesson once”, me, teach Eunjung a lesson?


“One day before your engagement day with Siwon.”

“Seriously? What happen?” I need to hear full details about it. I mean it’s not always I could teach Korea’s superstar a lesson.

“Well she tried to ruin your engagement day by ruining your dress and all. Not just that, she make a rumor about you cheating on Siwon. It was pretty hectic that time. You decided to confront her so you went to see her. At first you were trying to talk nicely to her but after she calls you a ing , you slapped her hard on the face and threaten to tell the whole world about her iness and she quickly shut the hell up. You engagement day went smoothly the next day”, wow! I’m pretty though huh. Of course I am. This is Han ~~~~~~~~~ we’re talking about. She might look nice and cool outside but inside, she’s biting!

“Now don’t you worry ~~~~~~~~-ah. Everything will be ok. I’ll be there to help you”, Bom gave her comforting smile. She is such a great girl. I’m so lucky to have a bestfriend/worker like her.

“Let’s eat and get ready for work!” Both of us finished our breakfast with big smile on our faces.


After done getting ready for work, Bom and I took her car and went straight to the boutique. I was shock to see Siwon was already there waiting for me. He came huh. Aww…. So sweat! Seeing his face right now makes me feel a lot better. Somehow Siwon really makes me feel at ease. When he’s around I feel much relax and cool. Even though I practically just know him for a few days, I already feel very close to him.


“I’ll leave the both of you together”, Bom said and left us. Siwon who looked at me with a smile took my hand and hold it tightly.

“How’s my future wife doing? Are you feeling better?” Knowing that he really cares about me makes me feel like I’m the happiest girl alive!

“I’m feeling much better now oppa. What are you doing here? Don’t you have a schedule to attend to?” Idols have a VERY busy schedule. Sometimes they don’t even get to sleep. That’s why most of the idol has a very bad dark circle around their eyes.

“Today, I’m all yours baby.”

“Eh? How?” I don’t think his management company would just let him run around with his fiancée just like that.

“The CEO knows about your condition from Eeteuk hyung and he decided to let me go and be by your side for a few days so here I am!” I love his CEO already! Hahaha!

“I’m so glad you’re here”, I didn’t know why but I suddenly hugged him tightly. Somehow I really, REALLY miss his presence. Just yesterday I was shock to death to see him sleeping on one bed as me but now, I can’t live without him around me.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Siwon asked in concern. I just shook my head.

“Nothing. I just miss you.”


Siwon smiled and hold me much tighter. “Don’t worry. I will always be right here for you”, yeah. Always will right? Why? Because the genie granted my wish. How much I wish all of this was a real truth. But no matter what it is, I’m still going to enjoy it. “Gaja!” We both walked in after we broke the hug.


The boutique is so busy today. We have a lot to do since we have few projects and tender to organize this month. Today, it’s the CF with Siwon’s ex in it. Aish! I look at the outfit for the shoot and make sure it’s all perfect. Seriously, I am so worried about this. Eunjung feels like my worst nightmare came true. Ugh! Why am I acting like this? I used to teach that gal a lesson right so why am I all scared now? Probably because it really wasn’t me who did that.


I looked at Siwon who was reading some book on the couch. Should I ask him to accompany me today? He did say that he’s all mine today. Hm…. Yup! I should. I don’t think I can go through it without him. At least when he’s around, Eunjung wouldn’t dare to do anything to me.


“Oppa~” Siwon looked up to me.

“Yes honey!” I love it when he called me honey. It sounds so y! Hahaha!

“Um…can you accompany me today for the phone CF shooting?” I let out my pleading look so he couldn’t say no. Siwon chuckled and nodded.

“Of course I would. I’d do anything for you but why do you need me there?”

“Eunjung’s going to be the star of the CF.”

“Oh! In that case, I DO need to be there”, yeah! You do.

“When’s the last time you meet her?” I just want to know. They are both superstars and I’m sure they meet each other once in a while.

“Um….three weeks ago if I’m not mistaken. Why?”

“Does she treat you badly?” I really hope not! I’ll feel much guiltier that way.

“No. She couldn’t actually. Every time we meet, there are always fans around us. She can’t be seen treating Super Junior’s Choi Siwon badly in front of the fans.”

“Oh!” Or maybe she couldn’t treat you badly couse she stills love you. You broke up with her because of me. This wouldn’t happen if I didn’t ask the genie to grant my wish.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Siwon got up and sat next to me. I let out a huge sigh!

“Somehow I feel like I’m the reason why you and Eunjung broke up. That’s why she hated me so much”, actually, I AM the reason why.


Siwon took my chin and lifted my face up softly so that our eyes would meet. “It’s not because of you. Even if you didn’t show up in my life, I would still break up with Eunjung. She’s not compatible with me. We always fought, all the time! In fact, we broke up more than hundred times already when you came into my life. If it wasn’t because of you, I wouldn’t know that Eunjung cheated on me so many times already. Thanks to you, I wasn’t the blindly in love Siwon anymore. I am now the mature and ready to be a family man kind of guy. So stop feeling so bad about it”, Eunjung cheated on him huh? Why? Isn’t it enough to have one of Korea’s hottest men as her boyfriend already? That girl is so stupid!


“Thanks oppa for making me feel so much better now.”

“Anything for my love”, at that moment, Siwon soft lips touches my lips once again and I could hear fireworks around me. I really love it when he kisses me. It feels as if I was up on the air. I would never get tired of this feeling.

“Ehem!” Bom who accidentally went in the room clear . Both of us ignored her and kept enjoying the heaven-like kiss.

“Oh, seriously?! Get a room!” Bom rolled her eyes in annoyance and walked out. The two of us smiled and went on with the kiss.









ON our way to the filming site, Se7en oppa called me. I quickly answer the phone as soon as I see who it was. I’m always more then happy to be able to talk to Se7en oppa. He’s my appa, my umma, my brother, my sister and the only family I have left. I don’t know what would happen if Se7en oppa wasn’t there to take care of me. Probably I would starve to death on the streets. Life these days are hard!


“Yeobosayo oppa!”

“Someone seems to wake up on a good side of the bed today. What’s up?” I could imagine Se7en oppa smiling all happily. He would feel so happy when he sees me happy. That’s how he is.

“Nothing. Why are you calling me?”

“Are you free tonight?”

“I think so. Why?”

“Umma and appa wants to invite you and Siwon for a dinner tonight”, ah! It’s been a while since I meet umma and appa. Se7en oppa’s parents are like my parents. I call them umma and appa cause they are the one who’d been taking care of me other than Se7en oppa. Even in my old life, I haven’t seen them for a while and I think it’ll be good to go and see them.

“Arasseo oppa. Tell umma and appa that we’ll be there.”

“Good. Bye ~~~~~~~~~-ah.”

“Bye oppa”, I hung up the phone.


“Who’s that?” Siwon who’s on the driver’s seat asked.

“Se7en oppa. Umma and appa wants to see us tonight. Can you go?”

“Of course!”

“Great!” I’m sure Siwon had already meet umma and appa but I’m still excited about this. They probably love Siwon. Who wouldn’t right?


After I put back my phone in the bag, I leaned on the seat and looked outside the window. Everything out there looks the same to me but it seems like I’m the only thing that doesn’t seems the same anymore. Maybe because I’m not the same anymore. I used to be the orphan who likes to be alone but now I’m not anymore. I have friends, family and a loving fiancée. Everything I could ever wish for is now mine. I should be happy right but somehow there’s this feeling deep inside of me. I feel guilty. Because of my selfish wish, other people’s life is now ruined. Am I even worthy for all of this?


I know I should feel this way but I just couldn’t help myself too. It’s not mine. All of this are not mine! If it weren’t for the genie, none of this would have happen. This feels like a heaven for me. A real heaven in earth. If only it was a perfect reality.


While I was busy thinking about stuff, we already arrived at the filming site. Both of us quickly walked out and saw Bom and the outfit already arrived. I looked around to find Eunjung but couldn’t spot her. I guess she’s still haven’t arrive yet. Thank God!


“Siwon-ah!” The mid 30 guy who I think is the PD came to us. Siwon and him shook hands and greet each other happily. I guess they know each other. Probably they used to work together.

“Hyung! Nice to see you here!”

“Me too. What are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m with my fiancée”, Siwon took me by the hand and smile.

“Hyung, meet my future wife, Han ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~-ah, meet Jinyoung hyung, the PD I always work with.”

“Annyeonghesayo”, I bowed to him and he did the same.

“Yah! You guys look so good together”, I could feel my cheeks burn when he said that.

“Thanks hyung.”

“Do you guys know that Eunjung will be starring this CF?”

“Yup! That’s why I’m here”, yeah!

“Ah! Good. I’m sure she’ll try to do something to your fiancée if you’re not around”, even the PD knows about Eunjung’s cruelness huh? I guess she must really be as bad as the rumors say. 



“~~~~~~~~~-ah!” Bom called me.

“Excuse me”, I said and leave the two guys to talk. When I arrived besides Bom, Eunjung walked in the set looking all snobby and y. Aish! She’s here. I’m dead!


She didn’t realize me for a while and went straight to the PD and Siwon who was talking. It seems like she was shock and happy to see Siwon there. I could feel my blood boiled up when I see Eunjung put up her fake smile on to seduce Siwon. Back off you ! He’s mine.


After talking to them, Eunjung walked towards us to get ready for the shoot and that’s when she saw me. All her smiles dropped that moment. I see someone’s GLAD to see me here today. She talked to her manager, well more like yelled at the poor girl and went straight to me.


“What are you doing here?” She said while looking really pissed.

“For work. Why do you care?” Whoa! Was that me? I can’t believe I just said that!

“You’re going to style me today?”

“Yup! Have any problem with it?”

“Cancel it! I don’t want to work with this !” Eunjung yelled at her manager. Someone really needs to teach this girl some manner.

“We can’t Eunjung-ah. This project is important. We’ll get BILLIONS of money if we do this project”, the poor manager said. Eunjung growled and glared at me. Like I’m sacre of her!

“You better not ruin my mood today!” She said and sat down on the seat.

“I won’t!” I’m too tired to do that today.


After making sure all the stuff is there, Bom put a make-up on Eunjung’s face while my other staff works with her hair. I swear to God she glare at me all the time they were setting her up. Seriously, stop doing that! Your eyes will suffer.


I quickly asked her to wear the first outfit of the day which was a white long dress after they finish with her make-up and hair. Without words, she took it and went to the changing room. After a while, she walked out looking beautiful in that dress which Bom said I design. Even by looking at it, I knew I design it.


Looking at Eunjung right now, I have to admit. She looks beautiful. That’s the reason why she can make it big in this industry. Not just that, she has a great talent too. Even though I hate to admit it, I still have to. People might hate Eunjung for her iness, but they still gave her work because she’s a great actress and model.


I walked around her and fix the dress. That’s when Siwon came and hugged me from the back. Eunjung glared at me AGAIN but this time more intently. Like she was ready to eat me alive. Calm down Eunjung-ah! Don’t eat me just yet. I’m not ready to be eaten. Go eat some bread or something!


“Honey, are you ok?” Siwon asked all sweetly. I know what he’s trying to do. He’s trying to pissed Eunjung off. Aish! Bad Siwon.

“Yes. Why don’t you go sit with the PD and let me finish my job?”

“Arasseo. Just call me if you need anything”, after giving me a quick peck on the cheek, Siwon walked away from there. Now I feel worst. Thanks Siwon-ah!


“You know, we used to spend every night in each other arms before you took him away from me”, Eunjung started saying. I just ignore it and did my job. I have no time to hear you Eunjung-ah.

“Do you know how hot Siwon look every morning? Especially after our special nights”, Eunjung laughed evilly to make me feel mad. I do feel mad but I just keep it inside. Han ~~~~~~~~~, you cannot kill someone. It’s wrong. Just ignore her.

“Tell me, did he ever make breakfast on bed for you? Well he surely did for me. Almost everyday”, everyday? Does that mean….

“Yup! He sleeps with me almost everyday”, hearing that just makes my blood boiled like crazy! Calm down ~~~~~~~~-ah. Calm down. She’s not worth it.

“He even went crazy when I’m not next to him every time he went to sleep”, ignore….

“Every morning, he would wake me up with a passionate kiss”, just ignore it….

“I bet he never spends the night with you because you’re so ugly”, ok that’s just it! I ALMOST choke her to death when Siwon came and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Baby, let’s try make baby tonight. I just can’t wait until we get married”, Siwon whispered ily inside my ears but was loud enough for Eunjung to hear it. She looked really went “uh!” and stopped away from there.


As soon as she’s gone, the both of us laughed. Take THAT you idiot ! Hahaha! Looks who’s getting mad now, you! I turned around and put my arms around Siwon’s neck. “You are one naughty hot guy, you know that?” Siwon laughed and nodded. “For you, I’ll be more than that!” I just couldn’t help but to smile. I love him. I really do.


“So, are we on tonight?” I looked up at Siwon with a confused look.

“What on?”

“Making baby”, he said oh-so-ily.

“Oppa!” I slapped his body lightly.

“You are so naughty!” But I like it. Hahaha! Siwon laughed.

“Just kidding. Gaja!” Hand in hand, we walked towards the filming site where Eunjung is busy shooting her CF.


I looked at her. Meet the ex. She’s y, annoying and just plain pain in the but she’s also beautiful, talented and professional. But whatever it is, Siwon love me and only me. No matter what his ex will do to break us apart, we’ll be ready for it.       

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Chapter 4: continue this!!!
Please update soon!!!~ >.<
brokajke7 #3
Oh, I hope you haven't abandoned this story! I would love to see an update :)
AyaMizuhara #4
finally an update ^_^<br />
owh siwon so romantic guy ^_^
AyaMizuhara #5
update soon~~~
AyaMizuhara #6
update soon please~~~~<br />
double please~~~<br />
i really can't wait for the next chapter :-(
AyaMizuhara #7
omo....i really excited for the next chapter....<br />
update soon please ^_^<br />
<br />
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