The New Life

It Started With A GENIE?!


The doctor arrived and he did some check up on me. He said I suffer from a little bit of memory lost because of the accident which I STILL doesn’t know what kind of accident I was in. so the only way to refresh my memory is for the people who’s close to me to always be around me and remind me about all those memory. It’ll come back soon. At least that’s what the doctor said. If you asked me, it’ll never come back because it wasn’t even real! Oh who cares? I got what I want and that’s all I ever gonna need.




The door bell suddenly rang. Both Leeteuk AND Shindong rushed over to open the door. They even fought because of it. Who would have wondered that this grown up men acted like a 5 years old kid? “HYUNG!!” They greeted and invited the person in. when they reached us, I quickly got up and hugged that person tightly. It’s Se7en oppa!!


“~~~~~~~~-ah, gwenchana?” He sounded worry.

“Gwenchanayo oppa…. It’s just that….”


“Bogoshipda oppa….” It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages!

“We just meet each other yesterday….”

“I know but still….”

“Arasseo….” He just hugged me back tightly. After a few second, we broke apart. Both of sat down on the couch next to Siwon.

“So what happen?”

“~~~~~~~ woke up this morning and can’t remember a thing. After she talked to us, she finally remembers some things but not everything. We called the doctor already and he said she suffer from a temporary memory lost,” there you go oppa. Shindong has told you everything.

“Memory lost? Do you remember how we meet ~~~~~~~-ah?”

“Of course oppa! We know each other since we were little from our parents.”

“Do you know how we meet?” Why does Siwon have to ask me that?

“Um….well….Molla yo….” I just acted as if I really CAN’T remember anything. It works because I really DON’T remember anything.

“It’s ok ~~~~~~~. Don’t force yourself. I’ll tell you how we meet….”


“We meet at a café. We accidentally crashed into each other and you spilled your coffee on me. Because of that, I fell in love with you”, ok. Talk about drama-like first meet. I bet this Genie really love to watch drama. That’s why she makes my new life so dramatic.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend? Eunjung?” I really wondered what happen to her.

“We broke off already.”

“Is it because of me?” It’ll be epic if he left her for me.

“No. we broke up because there’s no more understanding between us”, the truth is, it’s because the genie granted my wish.

“I never like her anyways”, Yesung suddenly said.


“She’s always so diva-ing. She thinks she’s a Goddess or something. I really hate it!”

“And you like me?”

“Of course we do! You maybe a bit dumb and clumsy, but we still love you”, is that supposed to make me feel good huh Heechul?

“Hey! MY ~~~~~~~~ is NOT dumb!” Ah! My hero!

“Siwon-ah, it’s a fact”, ouch! That’s painful.

“Yah! How could you say that to me? Oppa! Look at him! He said I’m dumb!” I quickly nudge Se7en oppa signaling him to kick Heechul for me.

“Now that sounds like our ~~~~~~~!” Sungmin rubbed my head and smile.

“~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!” Kyuhyun suddenly ran from Siwon’s room with my hand phone on his hand.

“You got a call from the boutique saying that an important client is already there to meet you”, boutique? Client? Wth?

“Huh??!!” I’m seriously lost here.

“Ottoeke? ~~~~~~~ doesn’t remember her job!” And Ryeowook panicking.

“Ok! Let’s not panic. I’ll take care of everything. ~~~~~~~, wear some decent cloth and let’s go!”   

“What’s wrong with my…. OMG!” I just realized that I was only wearing Siwon’s baggy cloth which totally shows off my legs.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” I quickly ran back to Siwon’s room.

“Why is she acting like we never saw her like that?” OMG! How many days do I spend the night at Suju’s house anyway? Gosh!


After wearing some ‘decent cloth’, I quickly went out to see Se7en oppa already waiting for me. The others just smile at me and gave me a good luck thumbs while Siwon slipped his hands on my waist and gaze into my eyes. “Good luck!” Softly, his lips touch mine. I was caught off guard but I really like it. Choi Siwon just kissed me. Hah! I love you genie.


“If I’m a bit older, I would understand those behavior”, Kyuhyun just stare at us.

“I’m MUCH older but even I don’t want to understand that”, Leeteuk should really find a girlfriend. Maybe I can hook him up.

“Gaja!” And both of us walked away from there.


In the car, I was still dumbfounded by the kiss from Choi Siwon. I could still felt it on my lips. Gosh! It was like a dream come true. It’s actually IS a dream come true. Thinking about it makes me felt guilty. I took something that originally doesn’t belong to me. That is so bad of me. But hey, if a Genie pops in front of you and wish to grant your wish, wouldn’t you do the same as me? I shouldn’t be guilty. I still have two more wish. If in the end things in my new life doesn’t work out well, I could always wish things get back to normal right?


“Hey, are you ok ~~~~~~~~?” Se7en oppa asked.

“I guess so.”

“Don’t worry. Everything will be just fine.”

“No it won’t”, how will it be just fine when I just change the history of someone’s life by one stupid wish?

“~~~~~~~~~-ah, look at oppa”, my eyes wondered around before looking at Se7en oppa.

“It will be ok. You will get through this.”


“Siwon, me and Super Junior will help you remember. Don’t worry. Everything will be perfectly fine.”

“You think?”

“No. I know!” The deep gaze of Se7en oppa really gets me back on my legs. I did make this wish on my own. It’ll be a waste if I didn’t enjoy it. Han ~~~~~~~~, FIGHTING! You can do it. Of course I can do it but this is mmuuaahhxx we’re talking about. How am I supposed to act being Choi Siwon’s love of the life when I know this all happen because one stupid wish? PLUS, how am I supposed to run a boutique when I absolutely had no idea how to run a business. As badly as I don’t want to admit, I’m NOT that bright. That’s why I wish for this in the first place. Aish!


After a few minutes driving, we finally arrived at a very high class look a like boutique in the middle of Seoul. LaStyle Boutique. Ok, that sounds so like me. I guess this is my boutique. The one I’ve been dreaming to have all this while. My God, this is better than what I had imagined it to be. In my imagination, it looks like a small town boutique where middle class people went to when they want to find a classy but affordable cloth but right now, this boutique looks like the one who only stars went to. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not but it’s definitely great!


“~~~~~~~~-AAAHHH!!!” A girl with straight red hair and thick eye-liner ran to me when I walked in the boutique.

“Yah! Where were you?! Do you know what day is it?! We have a meeting with a VERY important client. How could you be late?! Do you know how mess up this boutique is without you?! aish! Jinja ya! Now let’s go! They are waiting for us!” Before I was able to speak anything, she just pulled me towards the main meeting room. Se7en oppa quickly followed us to make sure everything will be ok.


As I walked in, my whole body froze. In front of me was none other than Bi Rain himself. OMG! What’s he doing in my boutique? Is he the important client that red hair girl said earlier? Whoa! I’m starting too really like this life-came-from-a-wish think. God, I know that probably I shouldn’t do this. It’s the same as ruining other people lives for the sake of my happiness which equal to selfishness but please let me enjoy it. I want nothing but that. You already took away my parents, can’t you gave this as a redeem? Please God, let me have this wish for the rest of my life. Please.


“Annyeonghesayo. Sorry for being late. I had some unfinished business to deal with earlier”, whoa! Did I say that? I sound so relax.

“Aniya. It’s ok. I understand”, Rain stood up and smile.

“Sorry again.”

“It’s ok, again. I’m Rain”, he offered one hand to me. I took it with a smile.

“I’m Han ~~~~~~~”, as he gripped my hand, I could feel like myself getting faint. Omo! This is definitely one heck of a day!

“So this is the famous Han ~~~~~~~~. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“I hope it’s a good thing.”

“Definitely good”, we both smiled and sat on the chairs that was ready there.


After a very, very deep breath, we start the meeting. I don’t know how but everything seems really easy for me. I manage to have a successful meeting with the help of Se7en oppa and also something inside me. Does the genie change something inside of me when she granted my wish? I don’t think so because every other part of me stills the same. I’ll ask the genie when I had the chance to.


In an hour, the meeting ends. I let out a deep sigh when Rain and few of his staff walked out. He wants me to design the costume for his next album which is an honor for me. Do you know what Rain is? He’s like Brad Pitt plus Justin Timberlake in Korea. Very hot, talented and awesome. So for me, being able to design a costume for his next album is like a big, BIG thing. If it weren’t for that genie and my wish, it’ll take FOREVER for this to happen.


“Yah! Han ~~~~~~~~! Where were you huh? Do you know how worried I was? Don’t do that again arraseo?!” The red hair girl looks really pissed with me. Can’t blame her though.

“Bom-ah, calm down.” Se7en oppa then looked at me.

“Do you remember her?”

“No”, I shook my head innocently. That girl jaws almost dropped to the floor.

“What do you mean by can’t remember me? Are you crazy ~~~~~~~-ah?! I’m your bestfriend. How could you NOT remember me?” Looking at how furious she was, she’s definitely is my bestfriend.

“Do you remember the accident ~~~~~~~ got involved in few days ago Bom-ah?” She nodded at Se7en oppa’s question.

“It affects her memory. The doctor said that some of her memory is lost so we need to help her get it back.”

“BWOAH! ~~~~~~~~-ah, gwenchana? Sorry for freaking out at you earlier. I didn’t know”, she looked down with a sad face. Omo! So adorable!

“Aniya. It’s ok. You didn’t know.”

“Are you going to be ok?”

“Yes. The doctor said if you guys help me, in a blink of an eye, I’ll get my memories back”, which will NEVER happen since those memories NEVER exist in my memory box.

“Don’t worry. I’ll always help you”, with a smile, she hugged me tightly. I just hugged her back.


I just wished that I’ll be Choi Siwon fiancée but I didn’t just get that, I get almost everything I have ever wished for. A boutique of my own got to work with THE Bi Rain and a girl bestfriend that I never had before. Can’t this get any better? But what will happen after all of this ended? I would loose everything. I shouldn’t think about the end. It’s just starting and if I do it rightly, it’ll never end and I’ll be living happily ever after forever.


After everything is handled, Se7en oppa send me home. He said I need to rest. I just followed his order. I mean like I know where I live right so better if I just let him send me so that I’ll know. When he suddenly parked his car in front of a multi-billion dollar apartment, my eyes ALMOST popped out. Do I live here? It’s impossible! I mean, I know I’m Choi Siwon’s fiancée and owned a boutique and all but I couldn’t be that successful until I’m able to own one of the apartment here. I can’t be! Or can I? I yesterday I was a nobody but today, I just got to work with Rain for his next album. So anything is possible in my life now.


“Gaja!” Without saying anything, I just followed Se7en oppa. We took the lift and went up to the 13th floor. Then we went towards one of the apartment. When we arrived in front of the door, Se7en oppa looked at me.


“Huh?!” What code?

“The house security code. Don’t tell me you don’t remember because if not, there’s no way we’re able to get in.”

“Oh! I remember!” I lied. Standing in front of the door, I think hard about something I would use as the code. Hm…. Is it….


I started to key in a combination of numbers and suddenly the doors opened. Huh? I use my birthday as a code huh? I’m so predictable. “Gaja!” And both of us walked in MY house. “What the….” I was so astonished by how beautiful my house is. It’s my dream house and it looks just like how it looks in my imagination. Wow!


“Oppa, this is my house?” This looks like heaven!

“Ye. You don’t remember?”


“But you remember the code?”

“Yeah but I don’t remember how this house look like”, again, I lied!

“Well this is your house. The one you’ve been dreaming of having ever since you were little.” I smiled to myself. He remembers huh?

“How could all of this happen to me oppa? The last thing I remember was that I’m still schooling and working with you but in just a blink, I’m here. Everything is just so magical!” I said as I sat on the couch. Se7en oppa smiled and sat next to me.

“It’s not magic. You’re the one who make all of this possible. There’s no help from a genie or whatever. You, yourself make everything happens”, I could only look down. That’s where you’re wrong oppa. It’s not me. I do need a genie to make all of this happen.

“Well, I need to go now. You need to rest so rest arasseo! I’ll call you later.”

“Arasseoyo oppa”, I nodded.

“Bye. Take care.”

“Bye oppa!”


After I send Se7en oppa out, I looked around the house. I still couldn’t believe this is my house. It’s just impossible. It funny actually that I think this is impossible when a fairy just granted my wish. Fairy! Yeah! I should call her. She said if I need anything, just call her right? So how to call her again? Ah! Nickhun’s wife right?


“Nickhun’s wife!” I said out loud.




And out of nowhere, the genie appeared in front of me. I looked at her from hair to toe. Now she’s wearing the cheerleader outfit Taeyeon wear in ‘Oh!’ Nice! For a genie, she’s definitely has a good taste in clothing.


“So, you call me huh? What’s up?” The genie said and sat on the couch.

“Nice place by the way.”

“Yeah thanks. Um…. How did you do it?” I sat in front of her.

“Did what?”

“All of this. I mean I only wish to be Choi Siwon’s fiancée. I don’t wish for anything else.”

“Well, one wish changes everything else in your life. That’s how it works.”

“But then what’s the use of having three wish? I mean if one wish make other dream came true, then why don’t genie just granted one wish per person? Isn’t that easier?”

“Good point but there’s a rational explanation why genie granted people three wish. Humans usually change their mind. Like one day they want this and the next day, they don’t want it anymore.”

“Change their mind? But why? Don’t people usually get what they wanted?”

“Yes but sometimes what they wanted isn’t what they needed.”


“Aish! You’re not that bright are you?”


“You’ll know it sooner or later”, I nodded not sure I know what she meant.


“So is that the only reason why you called me?” She asked as she looked around the house.

“Not really. I need you to tell me about this new life of mine”, it’s really hard for me if I don’t know anything about myself.

“What do you want to know?”


“Well as you know, you’re Choi Siwon’s beloved fiancée and a very successful designer who owns a boutique. It’s been three years since you dated Siwon and you officially became his fiancée 5 months ago. The public knows about your relationship and there’s an anti-~~~~~~~ site with almost three thousand people joining it. Your arch enemy is Siwon’s ex who swore to make your life miserable. Your bestfriend now is Se7en, your hot guardian angle, Bom, the red-hair girl who works with you and the rest of Super Junior members.”

“Great! I just started this life and I already have 3 thousand anti plus an arch enemy? Isn’t life great?”

“Hey, everything in life has its good and bad site. That’s just how life is.”

“Yeah. I just don’t know how to live this life”, I sighed. I’m not a great girl, I’m just ~~~~~~~~. A genie might just change my life into a dream but I have to live that dream which so far I don’t know how.

“You know, you should start believe in yourself a little bit more. I might help you achieve this life but it’s your life. You’re the one who decide where it’s going from now on. Not me or anybody else.” I looked up at the genie.

“Thanks. You’re a great listener you know?”

“Hey, I am your genie and you are my master for now. I’m only doing my job.”

“Well as a genie, can you do something for me? Like a favor.”

“Hmm…. Well sure. What is it?”

“You’re not going to count it as a wish right?”

“Nope. I’ll think of it as a doing a friend a favor stuff even though I never had a friend.”

“You never had a friend?!” My eyes widened. How could someone live without a friend? Well she’s not a someone. She’s more like a some genie but still, even a genie needs to have a friend.

“The only friend I have is myself. Why?”

“Nothing it’s just that everyone needs a friend you know?”

“Well I don’t have time to make friends ok. Most of us in the genie community don’t have friends. We know each other but that’s just it. We don’t really have much time to socialize.”


“Because most of the time we’re stuck in the stupid lamp. And when someone release us, we’d be busy granted their wish and after that, back in the lamp. That’s how our life works.”

“That’s terrible”, your life should be yours and not for someone else.

“Yeah. So I’ve been told. Ugh! I wish I could escape this life but since I can’t, I’ll just live it to the fullest”, I smiled. She really is a bright young genie.

“I admire you. Even when you know your life is a complete trash, you still could think positive.”

“I admire you. Being able to live a free life and do as you wish. I’d give everything for this”, both of us smiled. I guess there’s always something we want more in our life.

“So, what do you want me to do earlier?” The genie refreshes my memory.


I looked at her for a while trying to remember what was I want to ask her but I just couldn’t remember it. This always happen to me. One time, I want to say something but after I did something else, I totally forget about it. Sometimes I think I act like an ahjumma. I’m not that old but I already forget things easily. Is it because I don’t eat vegetables? I remember how Se7en oppa like to nag me when I don’t eat my veggies. He sounded like my umma!


“You know what, I can’t remember what I want to ask you so let’s just forget about it”, it’s no use anyway. It’ll take like few weeks and only then I’ll remember what I really want to ask her.  

“Ok but if there’s anything you need, just ask me ok?” For a genie, she really is a nice person. Heck that! She’s even nicer than most of the people in this world. I’m starting to really like her.

“Thanks. Um…. Since you don’t have a friend and all, why don’t I be your first friend?” The genie’s eyes widened as if she couldn’t believe what I just said.


“Yup!” I would be more than glad to have a friend like you.

“OMG~ my first friend is a human! Thank you ~~~~~~~~~ for being my friend”, I smiled watching the genie jumped in happiness like a child. She really is adorable.

“You’re welcome.”

“Well my friend, I need to go now. Nickhun is waiting for me. Bye!”


And just like how she appear, she banish with the thin air. I leaned back on the sofa and looked around the new place I call home. A lot have change in just a few hours but I guess this is my new life. My name is Han ~~~~~~~~~. I’m a fashion designer. Choi Siwon’s one and only fiancée and I have a genie as my friend. This, this is my new life.

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Chapter 4: continue this!!!
Please update soon!!!~ >.<
brokajke7 #3
Oh, I hope you haven't abandoned this story! I would love to see an update :)
AyaMizuhara #4
finally an update ^_^<br />
owh siwon so romantic guy ^_^
AyaMizuhara #5
update soon~~~
AyaMizuhara #6
update soon please~~~~<br />
double please~~~<br />
i really can't wait for the next chapter :-(
AyaMizuhara #7
omo....i really excited for the next chapter....<br />
update soon please ^_^<br />
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