The Wish

It Started With A GENIE?!


“Han ~~~~~~~~, go cleaned up the basement!” Mrs. Shin, our manager shouted at me. Aish! I hate it when I have to do all the thing she asked me to do? If this isn’t for my fashion school bill, I wouldn’t work here. Better off sleeping on my comfy bed in my nice apartment.

“But it’s scary and dark down there?” I protested.

“Do I look like I care about it? If I said you have to do it, than you better do it or I’ll cut your salary”, she always used that words to make me follow her wish.

“Urgh! Fine!” slowly, I make my way towards the basement. Carefully, I walked down the creepy stairs and opened the light.

“Owh”, I was shocked to see the basement not-so-creepy as I thought. It’s very nice and clean actually. Oh yes! This will make my job a lot more easier.

“Where should I start cleaning first?” I asked myself as I look around the basement. After thinking quiet a while, I decided to clean the boxes of old things first. Who knows I might find something interesting. We never know right.


There’s absolutely LOADS of stuff here. Some old photos of someone, an old diary, some papers and other stuff. Suddenly my eyes caught something shinny underneath the whole box of papers. Carefully I pulled it out. WOW!!!! It was a genie lamp. Hahaha! I didn’t know such things exist in this world. I guess the words ‘nothing is impossible’ is true. By any chance, does this thing works? I mean if it does, I’ll get three wish from the genie right? That would be SO COOL!!!!


“Let’s give it a try”, carefully I rubbed the surface of the genie lamp like they do in the movies. Guess what, NOTHING happen! Stupid me! There is no such thing as magic.




Suddenly some smoke comes out the lamp. I was shock so I ended up threw the genie lamp. What was that?! I walked closed to the lamp and….


“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed on top of my lungs when I saw a girl wearing those army outfit that SNSD wore for their Genie promotions.


“What are you?!”

“A genie? What do you think?” Am I dreaming or something?

“If you’re a genie, than tell me will I have a boyfriend soon?” It’s to make sure she’s a real genie and I’m not going crazy.

“Uh hello! I’m a GENIE not a FORTUNETELLER. I grant WISH not seeing the FUTURE”, it does makes sense.

“If you’re really a genie, than why are you wearing that?!” I pointed at her outfit. Shouldn’t genie wore something like those Arabic look? At least that’s what I thought.

“I like SNSD ok. Can’t a genie change her personality?”

“Well it does look good on you”.

“It does doesn’t it. I ask my stylist to make me look just like Taeyeon since she is my favorite member in SNSD”, stylist?

“You have stylist in that lamp of yours?”

“No silly. Not in the lamp but in the genie world. My father is one of the rulers there so I have almost everything that I want”, ok…. WOW!

“So do I look like Taeyeon?” I looked at the genie for head to toe. Wow! Her stylist did a great job. She looks just like her. Even their voice is the same.

“Yeah. You look like her”.

“Great! Now let’s get to business. Since you help me out from that lamp, I will grant you 3 wishes”.


“Yeah. Now tell me what is your wish?”

“Can you give me a second to think?” I need to make a really good wish.

“Ok. Go ahead”.


So what should I wish for? Um…. Let’s think. What if I wish for me to get the hell out of this terrible working place and make me work at some place that the boss couldn’t yell at me? Or maybe I should wish for me being a billionaire instead? I could wish myself being the greatest designer too! Owh wait! What if I wish myself being Choi Siwon one and only love. Like his wife. Urgh! Wife is just too much. Fiancee  sounds better. I mean, all my other wishes can be granted if I work hard but not this. it will take a miracle for him to even see me.


“Ok. I’m ready!”

“Now what is your first wish”, and the genie started to do all her magic moves.

“I wish that Choi Siwon of Super Junior will love me with all his heart and I’ll be his fiancee”, I said every word clearly so she would understand. She does something with her hand and….

“DONE! Next”, that was fast.

“That’s all for now. I want to keep the other two wishes for desperate moment”, who knows, I might need it.

“If that is your wish. So if you need me, just call my name and I’ll be there”.

“What’s your name?”

“Nickhun’s wife”, I gave her a you-got-to-be-kidding look.

“What? I like him. He’s so cute but your Siwon is ok to”.

“Hey! He’s mine!”

“Yeah….yeah…. take him. Well, I’ll be going now. Bye”, with a blink of an eye, she disappeared from my eyes. Than suddenly I felt so tired and I fall asleep.



“HAN ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


My eyes opened widely after hearing a really LOUD voice screaming my name. it’s Mrs. Shin. My annoying manager. Urgh! What happen? Let me think. I dream about finding a genie lamp and there was a genie looking like Taeyeon SNSD and she granted my wish. It was just a dream huh? What am I thinking. Of course it was a dream. Things like that won’t happen. At least not to me. I guess I have to live this horrible life again.


“What are you doing? I told you to clean this pace up. Not to sleep here and rest”, I think I know how it feels being a MAID!

“What’s going on down there?” Se7en oppa walked down the basement. He looked at both of us.

“~~~~~~~~~~, you look tired. Just take the day off and take some rest”, he said and before Mrs. Shin could say anything, I quickly walked off after I said thank you to Se7en oppa. He’s my savior. Now and always. Every time I’m need a help, he’s always there. that’s why I love him. He’s like my brother and my only family. Since my parents died, he’s been taking care of me. He actually offered to support my whole life but I turned down his offer. It’s good enough he take care of me since little and give me his apartment. I decided to work in his café to own money on my own to pay my fashion school fee and support my life. But Se7en oppa does help me here and there.


I quickly lay on my bed just as I arrived at my house. I don’t know why but I felt so tired. As if I did some really hard work. Ok, I did do a lot of work but it’s the same everyday and I’m used to it. Somehow today I just felt so tired. Owh whatever. Let’s just sleep. I’m hoping tomorrow will be a better day than today. 

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Chapter 4: continue this!!!
Please update soon!!!~ >.<
brokajke7 #3
Oh, I hope you haven't abandoned this story! I would love to see an update :)
AyaMizuhara #4
finally an update ^_^<br />
owh siwon so romantic guy ^_^
AyaMizuhara #5
update soon~~~
AyaMizuhara #6
update soon please~~~~<br />
double please~~~<br />
i really can't wait for the next chapter :-(
AyaMizuhara #7
omo....i really excited for the next chapter....<br />
update soon please ^_^<br />
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