Chapter 6 / Final

Love through music~

The next couple of weeks were great. You woke up, either alone or with Jonghyun by your side every morning. When you woke up alone, there was always a message on your phone, saying goodmorning from him, when you woke up beside him, you were the lucky girl who woke up in the arms of SHINee’s Jonghyun.

Such mornings were the best.

You used your daytime, either with SHINee, 2PM or in the park where you played guitar and sang. You actually earned some money by it, but you had to hide yourself a bit. Your father still looked after you, but it wasn’t around the news anymore. He had pulled that back.

In the nights, you practiced your Korean writing and the words, and you could feel that you improved day by day. It was a good feeling.


“What will Jonghyun like?” you mumbled to yourself. You walked around in a market and looked at different things. Jonghyun’s birthday neared and you wanted to buy him something special, but what?

“Are you looking for something my dear?” you looked up and saw an old lady look at you with a smile. You nodded.

“Uhm… present… boyfriend,” you tried. Your Korean sentences were still not that good. The old lady smiled even more.

“Ouh I see! And you don’t know what he wants?” You nodded.

“Neh. I don’t…” The lady made a sign for me to follow her, which I did after a short hesitation. If she tried on something I would be able to defend myself, right?

But why would an old lady attack me?

We went to a little room in a building behind the market. She send me a gummy smile and opened a box.

“I should first start selling this in the next week,” she said… or, I think she said. I tilted my head, a bit curious. She held up a box and handed it to me.

“Open it,” she said wit an excited voice. I slowly opened it and it revealed three black leather strings. I looked at her.

“Ehh?” I didn’t knew the Korean word for this. She smiled.

“One to each of you, the last one to the sea,” she said, “bind them around each others arms and the last one to a piece of wood. Together, you throw the wood into the sea and let it float away~ That way you’ll be together forever!” In some way I wanted to laugh. Who had come up with this idea? It sounded ridiculous! But the lady looked so happy for showing it to me that I didn’t felt I could just refuse.

“I… how much?”


You were at a TV Station, waiting for SHINee to finish their performance. Their manager had let you in, and you sat in their waiting room with a cake and your present. Besides the leather strings, you’d also bought him some new sunglasses.

“…did well! Great job guys!” You heard Onew say as the door opened. You got up and saw the guys stiffen in the door.

“Tass? What… why are you here?!” Jonghyun exclaimed, “how did you get in?” You chuckled and let him pull you into him and kiss you. It felt so nice~
“Your manager let me in. And I’m here to wish my boyfriend happy birthday,” you said and kissed him back, “happy birthday~”


~ Three years later ~

“Honey, we’re going!”

“Yah, Kim Kibum! It’s my fiancée!”

“But I love her too~”

“She’s mine!”

You chuckled and took a last check in the mirror. Everything looked fine! You grapped your handbag and ran downstairs to the two quarreling members.

“I’m ready~” You smiled and turned around yourself, “do I look okay?” Jonghyun nodded and pulled me into a kiss.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered. Key pouted at you.

“Are you cheating on me again?” he asked, acting sad. You chuckled.

“Sorry dear~” Jonghyun kissed your forehead again.

“Are you ready?” he asked. You took a deep breath and nodded.

“I am…”


It had just been announced that the plane would land in ten minutes and you could feel your body tense. Three years. Three years and some months, so long had it been since you had left Thailand and this was the first time you went back. It had taken a year before your father fully stopped searching for you after a lot of pleading mails you’d sent from internet-cafés.

“Relax,” Jonghyun whispered and squeezed your hand, “everything is going to be okay. Don’t worry…” you nodded and sank. It was only Ratana and Amanda who knew you were coming. You had been able to keep in touch with the two of them, but not so often. Once or twice in month it was, but it was better than nothing, right?

The plane landed and you put on a facemask, some sunglasses and a cap. SHINee only put on their sunglasses. Fans knew that they were coming anyways, but they still didn’t knew that you and Jonghyun dated.

“Keep in the middle of us,” Onew said, “the fans will probably only focus on us anyways, but we’ll try to hide you as good as possible. Good thing that you’re short,” he chuckled and you pouted.

“Oppa!” He send you a smile and you sighed.



So, it took it’s time to get to the van, but it succeed! But all the way to the hotel, taxi’s followed you.

“If anybody asks, you’re our translator,” Jonghyun said with a dino-smile and you rolled your eyes.

“Good thing I still remember how to speak, huh?”

“All thanks to Nichkhun~” Minho said from the seat behind you. You turned around and smiled.


You arrived the hotel and got inside, and first then, you were able to move the disguise. And what a happy sight that welcomed you. Amanda, Ratana, Amanda’s family and two boys welcomed you happily. Amanda and Ratana went to hug you tight while whining how much they’d missed you. You laughed, hugged them back and whined with them.

“Gosh, you look beautiful!” Ratana said and touched your hair as she had pulled a bit away, “and you’ve changed so much!” You bit your lip and looked down Ratana’s body, which gave you a huge shock.

“Girl, are you pregnant?!” you exclaimed. Ratana blushed and nodded.

“Yes…” You widened your eyes.

“How could you not-”

“Tass, we have to get our stuff to our rooms,” Jonghyun said, suddenly standing beside you, “you can catch up later, okay?” You pouted.

“Yah! I haven’t seen them for three years and-”

“Later,” Jonghyun said, “it’s not a good place to play catch-up-games. We’re in the lobby!” You sighed and nodded. He was right.

“Jonghyun, don’t order her around. She isn’t your puppet,” Key said and rolled his eyes. You chuckled.

“Don’t worry Key. I think I order him around more to times than he does,” You winked and Key laughed.

“You’re right!”

“Hey! English thanks!” Amanda said, “we don’t understand a word!”


You was shaking. Really.

You stood in front of your father’s office. SHINee had to go to a schedule and Amanda and Ratana didn’t dare to face him since they both had said that they didn’t knew where you were the last three years. So there you was, all alone, mentally preparing yourself to face the man you’d ran away from. You took a deep breath and entered. The receptionist was the same as last time you was here. The same woman as always. You sank and went to her.

“The CEO… is he here?” You said, silently hoping for not being recognized. She looked up and widened her eyes. Damn.

“Miss Nitaya?” she whispered in disbelief. You send her a tiny smile.

“Hi. Is he here?” she nodded slowly.

“I… yes… oh God… Miss Nitaya!” she held a hand against , “it’s you!” You nodded.

“Yes. Is he free or in a meeting?” She nodded.

“He’s… he is free… let me… he got a new office last year,” she got up from her chair, “follow me!” She was really confused to look at, something that made you feel more comfortable. You felt less stressed.

“Where have you been? Your dad has been worrying sick!” You hesitated before you answered.

“Korea. South Korea,” You said. You’d talked to both the boys, their manager and Nichkhun about this. She turned around.

“S-South… are you kidding me?!” she asked in disbelief. You shook my head.

“I’m dead serious.” You had stopped in front of a big door, “is it here?” She nodded.

“I… I… good luck…” she said. You send her a tiny smile before you knocked the door.

“Enter,” his voice said in the same tone as three years ago. You took a deep breath before you opened.

He looked up from his papers.

“Who are…” he paused and his face only expressed shock. He didn’t move. You bowed nervous against him.

“Hello… long time no see,” you held your gaze lowered so you didn’t knew if his face changed. Next thing you heard were a chair got pushed back and his steps nearing. You sank. Would he hit you now? You kind of deserved it. For running away and dishonoring him in front of the entire country.

“T-T-Tasanee?” his voice said, unbelievable close to you, “is it… is it really you?” You nodded.

“Yes father…” you said.

“Look at me,” he said, “don’t lower your gaze…” You took a deep breath and lifted your head again. His face wasn’t far from yours, but it wasn’t what shocked you.

He was crying. You had never seen him cry before! Not even when your mother died he cried, at least, not in front of you.

“It’s you,” he whispered and laid one of his hands on your cheek, “my daughter… it’s really you…” he said. You smiled a bit.

“Yes… it’s me,” you said and placed your hand on his.

“You… you look beautiful,” he said, “you have your mothers genes… so beautiful…”

“Thank you…” you whispered, “I… I’m…”

“Don’t say anything… you’re finally here,” he said as he knew what you was going to say. You sank.

“But I’m sorry…” he shook his head.

“Don’t be… I was the one who was wrong…”


You sat in your father’s office with a cup of tea in front of you, talking to him. You didn’t hide anything. You told him everything. About SHINee, about you met them, how Jonghyun had confessed to you and you decided to move to Korea. You told him about your new life there. After some months, living in Seoul, you started composing songs again and one of your songs had made it to SM Entertainment and ended up being a hit on Super Junior’s albums a year ago. You finished telling him that you now was secretly engaged to Jonghyun.

Jonghyun had proposed to you exactly four months ago, new years eve, on a rooftop under the midnights fireworks. It was the best night in your life.

“So… this Jonghyun… he is a singer?” your father asked you. You nodded.

“Very famous in Korea,” you said, “so not many knows about out relationship… yet…” you smiled a bit and just as you said it, your phone started ringing.

“Can I…”

“Just pick up,” your father said, “it may be important, right?” you smiled to him and nodded. You found your phone and saw Jonghyun’s caller ID. You answered the phone and took it to your ear.

“Yeoboseyo?” you bit your lip.

“It’s me~ Are you still at your fathers?” Jonghyun asked. You nodded.

“We’re catching up. Wae?”

“Is he treating you well? Or else…” You shook your head.

“He is nice. I have a good time,” you send your father a smile. He looked confused, apparently since you spoke in Korean.

“That’s good! Invite him to the dinner at the hotel tonight then!” Jonghyun said, “I wanna meet this man… after all I’ve heard about him, I mean…” You nodded.

“I’ll see you back at the hotel, ara? Saranghae~”

“Saranghae~” You hung up and looked at your father.

“Would you like to join me and the boys for dinner tonight?”


Your father hadn’t scolded your for working with music. He hadn’t scolded you for being engaged to a pop star. He hadn’t even scolded you for running away. He had only apologized for his way to treat you back then.

“Can I come in this?” Your father looked down himself and you nodded.

“Of course. You look handsome,” you said and smiled. He blushed like a kid and you chuckled.

“You still remember some English, right? The boys don’t speak Thai very well…” Your father nodded.

“I did live in the States once,” he said. You smiled as the car stopped in front of the hotel. You took a deep breath. Time to let everybody meet him…


Jonghyun were kind of nervous. He was now going to meet that man who once had made his fiancée’s life a hell. He didn’t know how he had to treat the man. He decided to let his instincts and you help him.

“Hyung, they’re here,” Taemin said and pointed against the door as you and your father entered, “he looks nice…” Jonghyun looked at the maknae who decided just to shut up. He noticed that you pointed at him and pulled your father with you. You went to Jonghyun and took his hand and looked at your father.

“This is Jonghyun. My fiancée,” you said in English, then turned against the boys, “guys, this is my father. Be nice, okay?” You said the last thing in Korean and the boys nodded.

“It’s… it’s nice to meet you,” Jonghyun said and reached his free hand against your father, “I’ve waited long…“ Your father nodded.

“Me too… Tasanee tells me that you’ve been taking good care of her the past three years. I hope it’s true,” he said. Jonghyun nodded.

“I love her,” he simply and non-embarrassed said, “I will never hurt her.” You looked down and blushed by his words.

“Hyung, so cheesy!” Taemin exclaimed and Jonghyun chuckled.


A/N: I decided to end it here. And no, I won't make a third story... ;D
- You have to imagine how things will go. 

Thank you for reading these two stories~ I hope you enjoyed it and liked my writing-ideas :D
I know there was some grammar-mistakes, but yeah... English isn't my first language <.<'

If you're interested in reading other of my stories, don't hesitate to look at the links to the left on this page ;D
I'm currently writing on 'Minhyuk's Noona~' with CN Blue as the main-idols, and 'We Got Married, EunLea version~!' where Super Junior - and especially Eunhyuk - are the main-idols. 

But again, thank you for reading! Please leave a final comment, will you? :)


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Chapter 6: Loved the sequel. It was really nice.
I liked how things ended. :)
cliffhanger.. LOL
Good thing she made up with her father.. :D
immaninja13 #3
Ah, nice story ^_^ I agree with your "Oppa"'s criticism as well, but overall it was nice... (I personally liked "A Dumb Girl from North Korea" and WGM EunLea Ver. better though) Continue with your imagination because you have many original ideas!
Also, if you ever want someone to help you with some of your reoccurring English mistakes, just ask (but I wont be able to until toward the very end of April... I have 3 books to read for school -_-)
Okay so I think, this is my first comment on this story, since I've been reading it on my phone xD
I'll try and be a bit constructive, so don't take it personally, okay? xD
I really loved the whole storyline - it was thought through, and you knew where you were going with it.
But I think you were a bit rushed. - Not that I'm dissatisfied with the ending - I like open ending, but I think you should practice a bit in explaining things a bit more?
- Like explaining the feeling a bit more - compare things. Maybe explain a bit more about what's going on around the person.
Idk... it's hard to explain xD
I'm really bad at it myself, and I'm only practicing too, so I know how hard it can be~ :D
You're doing a good job! Fighting! :D
such a nice ending!!
immaninja13 #6
Awww, sweet~ ^_^
immaninja13 #7
Super Junior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder which members... (the one that looks like Jonghyun is Donghae, right?)
She should choose her words very carefully when she tells her father...
Update whenever ^_^
Im so so so happy your writing a sequel! Update soon ~ <3
update soon...
immaninja13 #10
So Ratana likes Show Luo?! Cool ^_^ have you seen when SHINee and him were on the same show?