
Perfect Nurse

After she'd gotten over the initial joy of seeing her boyfriend, HyeSoo pulled away. 

She eyed him somewhat playfully, but murmured with a serious voice, "What took you so long?" 
MinWoo glanced impulsively at the door. He didn't really want the nurse listening in on their conversation- he'd been waiting so long to trash talk this hospital.
Even after the look he gave him, the nurse didn’t leave, so MinWoo just lowered his voice and whispered, “It’s a long story. Take a seat?” He gestured to the bed.
The two both sat down, letting the slow sink of the mattress take away some of the tension.
“This hospital is seriously weird. First, they said they didn’t have any records on you. Then they said you were in critical condition and that I shouldn’t visit you. Your nurse took me down here. Did you know that your room is practically in the basement? It looks like it should be used for storage.” 
HyeSoo raised her eyebrows. 
“Wait-” MinWoo’s eyes glimmered with a little bit of disbelief. Then he smiled and took her face in his hands. “You’re not dying, are you?”
Those words hit home to HyeSoo. Five years. Could that be considered dying? 
She put on her most convincing smile, “MinWoo, we’re all dying. Right now. Woah, look at that. You’re five seconds closer to death already.”
MinWoo’s smile faded; he was unconvinced.
Quickly HyeSoo laughed and added, “I’m fine. You look sicker than I do.” 
MinWoo shook his head and just laughed. “Yeah, sure I do. You must not know how pale you are.”
HyeSoo simply shrugged, thinking about the words MinWoo had said. Her room was practically in the basement? 
She glanced up at the high window.
What exactly was going on here?
If her parents knew about how the hospital was treating her- oooo! They’d get it-
Her parents. Her horrible father. Her loving mother… No one had visited her; no one had cared.
Suddenly, something in HyeSoo’s brain clicked and an immense smile spread on her face, “So, that’s why my mom hasn’t visited me? The hospital wouldn’t let her in?”
She didn't know? MinWoo blinked at her with shock, but HyeSoo didn’t notice. She was too busy celebrating.
The high school girl stood to her feet enthusiastically, as if ready to dash out of the room right then and rid herself of the abandoned feeling that had been eating away at her heart.
HyeSoo laughed, her eyes almost completely closed due to the intensity of her grin, “It all makes sense now. And I was thinking they didn’t care.”
MinWoo stood also and grabbed his girlfriend’s hand, squeezing it comfortingly, “HyeSoo…”
HyeSoo pressed back, thinking it was simply an affectionate gesture, and turned toward him, meeting his eyes, “Hmm?” 
The expression of pure happiness on HyeSoo’s face broke MinWoo’s heart, but she needed to know the truth, “HyeSoo, your parents… they-“
“They’re dead.”

Really late update! I'm so sorry guys! I've been so busy with school and sports, I haven't had ANY time to write. *tear- I hope you will forgive me. Expect more frequent updates now. I give you permission to hunt me down if I don't.

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I haven't updated in forever! Sorry! I'm on summer break now, though, so next chapt will be out soon!


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Omgxprincessmegan #1
Chapter 24: The feels T-T
omg!!!!~ imma re-read this story :'D
are you planning on writing another tragedy story? i wanna be the first to know!
Love your story! oh my god i cried for while haha its alright though,i like stories that can get me so emotional
hye121 #5
its so long. and interesting.but i dont rlly like the ending. :( but nice; )
Oh my gosh, it's over?! -Le sigh- IT WAS SO SAD D: I honestly thought that she might've gotten better :'( But it was honestly a very awesome story. So many emotions and twists and turns. I really liked the ending :) GREAT JOB!!
Awe :3 This was a very cute chapter. MinWoo is very sweet :) great job, hwaiting~