High School Is Full Of Surprises


Jiyoung's POV:

" OMG,OMG OMG!" Subin gasps.

We are in front of Seoul Performing Arts High School, checking the board to see if we got in.
Subin and I are the only ones here.
We didn't want to bother Minjung after her 'date' with Kwangmin.
I feel Subin shake my arm.
I look at her and see her point to three different names.
Our names.
We drag our eyes along the board to see if we got accepted.

Ahn Jiyoung

Lee Minjung

Pyeon Subin

" AHHHHH!!!!!! We got in Jiyoung! We got in!" Subin squeals, hugging me.

" I know!" I exclaim.

" We better call Minjung and tell her," Subin says, pulling out her phone.

She puts the phone on speaker and we wait.
After 3 rings, she picks up.

"Yobseyo?" she says.

Without waiting, we start shouting in her ear.

" We got in, we got in! We were accepted to Seoul Performing Arts High School!" Subiin yells.

As soon as she hears this, she starts screaming as well.
People walking down the street are looking at Subin and I weirdly.
We try to compose ourselves, but grins still cover our faces.

" Guys, I'm gonna go," Minjung says

We say good bye to her and Subin and I part ways.
I walk into my house with a grin on my face.
My mother senses what is causing my happiness overload and pulls me into a tight hug.

" Congratulations honey, she whispers.

She pulls away.

" Your father would have been so proud of you."

I smile at her, thinking of my father.

" I know."

~~~~~The Next week Monday~~~~~

Subin's POV

I wake up with a big smile on my face.
I'm starting high school today!!
And not just any high school.
I got into Seoul Performing Arts High School!
Many famous celebrities went to that school, and look where they are now.

I rush to the bathroom, take a quick shower, then pull on my uniform as I do my hair.
Walking down the stairs I can feel my face forming into a smile.
I grab breakfast and look at the clock.

I choke on my food.
School starts at 9:00!
Even if I run, I'll be late.
Taking my chances, I grab my  bag and run out of the house, yelling a good-bye to anyone who cares.
My heart is pounding in my chest, my feet slapping the concrete of the sidewalk as I sprint as fast as I can.
I make it to the school with exactly 57 seconds to spare (yeah, I was timing myself).
I run through the gates and join the swarm of tenth graders.
I hear someone calling my name.
I turn around to see Minjung waving like an idiot.
I walk over to her before she gets unwanted attention.

" Why were you so late?" Minjung asks.

" I ran all the way to school," I pant, still out of breath.

" Why did you do that?"

" I had no choice."

She rolls her eyes at me.

" Do you ever check your phone?" she asks sarcastically.

I pull out my phone to see I have 3 new messages from Jiyoung.

Message 1: I am coming to pick you up. Be ready by 8:50! >.<

Message 2: Where are you?

Message 3: I'm leaving ur place. It's not my fault if your late!

I sigh and hide my face in my hands.

" I'm such an idiot," I say.

" Yes, yes you are," Minjung agrees with me.

I glare at her and open my mouth to say something but the bell cuts me off.

" Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please." a deep voice says on the PA.

" All ninth graders, please make your way to the auditorium," the voice says.

Minjung and I follow the mass of tenth graders.
Somewhere along the way, Jiyoung found us.
Once we reach the gym, we take our seats.
I look around and inspect the other students.
At one point, I see a blond head.
Then it disappears.
I start freaking out but the princple makes his way to the stage so I bring myself back to reality.

' There's no way he could be here.' I reassure myself.' The chances are one in a million.'

After the principle is finished talking to us, we get our schedules and a school map.
The three of us have 3 out of 8 periods together.
Our first class is Music History.
We make our way to the class room and take three seats at the front.
Soon, everyone has arrived and class starts.
Our teacher, Mrs.Kang wants us to introduce ourselves.
She starts at the back of the room.
About 6 kids have a turn before I hear his voice.

" Hello, my name is Jo Youngmin. Please take care of me!"

I whip around to see if I was dreaming or not.
I turn so fast, I almost fall out of my seat when I see him sitting behind me.
He just smirks at me.
This guys has the nerve to smirk at me.
I feel like slapping him.
The girls around us are swooning and giving me death glares.
I ignore them and turn away.
As I do, I catch a glimpse of Kwangmin and Minwoo.
Kwangmin is sitting beside Minjung and Minwoo is sitting next to him.

' This is going to be a long year.'


Hey Everybody!!!
It's asian_ninja937!!
Mihane for not updating sooner!
BTW we will not be updating every Friday.
We will update at random times.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!
We will try to update soon!



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momo (the author in japan) will be updating chapter 13


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Can't wait for the next update ~!
Chapter 13: Update update update soon!!! This is so cute!! :)
Chapter 13: Good story! Keep it up, update soon.
I like your story :) Update soon!
tinecrust #5
update pleeeasE???
boyfriendboyband #6
Update soon i Love the story
JouJouBexotobap #7
update sooooon !!
ForeverFifi #8
Wonder what's going to happen next.
Update soon ^_^
JouJouBexotobap #9
waaaaaaaaaw!! love it love it love it so much!! really thank you <3 kwangmin <3