One Last Time

Bad Feels Good
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     Four days and fifteen hours. That’s how long it took Baekhyun to gather up all the courage he has left to knock at Seolhee’s front door. No, he didn’t come to ask for her forgiveness, or beg her to take him back. He’s not sure what he really wants and before you can even say that you hate him, he has already done it to himself.

     Three knocks. No answer. Baekhyun takes a deep breath. He waits and waits for another minute, and for another more. Baekhyun doesn’t know if it’s the right thing to show up at her door after four days without anything to say.

    Two hours. Baekhyun stood there, frozen. Just to his luck, Seolhee doesn’t seem to be home. If she was, he would be stuttering right in front of her like a fool.

     One last knock. That’s the last time, Baekhyun thinks. He doesn’t speak nor does he move. His palms are sweating and his heart is beating rapidly. No, he can’t do this. He’s still not sure. How dare he show up his face after their argument, after four days. Four days to think about what to say, to plan about the future, and he still hasn’t come up with any of them.

     Shameful. That’s what he is. It’s Shin Seolhee, the girl who has made realize that it was still possible for him to love and be loved. She’s his miracle, his one reason.

     That was the last time Baehyun ever tried to contact Seolhee. Until three weeks later, he’s walking by a coffee shop and saw her. That’s her, he was sure. He stood outside, keeping a safe distance as to not get noticed by her friends. She’s with them, including Kyungsoo who is sitting beside her and they are laughing. She’s laughing.

     Her laugh. God, he misses that.

     Deep breath, swallow the lump in your throat. Baekhyun walks past the shop, walking as swiftly as he can to blend in with the crowd. Unfortunately, or luckily, he’s not sure which, Suho notices him. And Seolhee, being the bold woman that she is, stands up and runs after Baekhyun.

     “Hey!” she says. He loves it when she calls him. But this time, he’s afraid.

     Baekhyun slowly turns around, hands in his pocket, constraining them just so he wouldn’t reach out and hold her hand. He turns to face her and he doesn’t say a word, and neither does Seolhee. So they just stood there in the busy streets of the city, letting other people pass them by, looking at each other with the same love even after the short time that passed by.

     “Baekhyun,” Seolhee speaks. “Can we talk?”

     Yes, of course. Baekhyun nods. Everything you ask, Seolhee. Whatever it is, I would do anything to give you whatever you ask. Seeing her again is overwhelming for him. I’m an idiot for letting you go. He wanted to say. And the unknown reason why he didn’t say it, he would beat himself up for it for a very long time. He already knows by then that not fighting for her, for them, will be the biggest regret in his life. And in a few more years, that same regret would start to eat him up. In a few months, he would wish that he could take this moment back, redo it just for the sake of his sanity.

     Seolhee leads the way until they reach an elementary school. Since it was their summer vacation, the place was almost empty, except for some security guards walking around the campus. They sit on a swing and Seolhee starts clearing her voice, making sure that it wouldn’t tremble once she starts talking.

     “I’ve talked to my friends about what happened and they really help me get throu

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Parsa82 #1
Chapter 22: That's it? He didn't even tell her that he was gonna try? I have nothing against angst but the ending just gives the vibe that the writer woke up and was in the mood of writing angst. It was so out of place that it didn't even make me sad I'm just confused af.
ByunBossHyun #2
Chapter 1: she's kinda creepy for stalking him but it gets cute sometimes 😭
Chapter 22: oh my God I can't handle the angst
Chapter 21: Idk what happened, one moment they were all fluffy and everything, and then the next they are breaking up :((((
Chapter 14: Aww this chapter is soo cute and fluffy
AiiSoo #6
Chapter 22: Things were so good in the middle and it suddenly went downhill in the few last chapters..! I’m sure there were some things that they weren’t telling. It was weird to give up that fast when they fought so hard to be together before. Now I can’t wait to read the sequel.
Thank you for this storyy…! It is a good writing and I binge-read this in one sitting. I can’t sleep without finish reading this. Hahaha
Chapter 22: Uuuh the angst!!! It hits the right spot!! Not too angsty, but still manage to squeeze one or two tears. Hehehe.. I'm gonna go read the sequel now!! <333
Chapter 22: ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️
mandysang #9
Chapter 22: Oh i felt that TT
vero3lee #10
Chapter 22: Omg I just cried
I can't believe how angsty yet cute this is.. If you love her, let her go.. That's one thing that hurts the most