chile limon-flavored kisses


A/N: i wrote this last night after seeing nayeon's post on b*bble hehe. just a little fluff for us all minayeon shippers. enjoy! (not proofread so please pardon any mistakes.)




3 hours is the only time Nayeon has tonight to sleep.


It’s 2:45am. She just got home from recording her parts in their upcoming album. Recording is gonna be her biggest concern this whole week. But, they were promised to have a whole day’s rest for work. It’s still work but at least they’ll get to rest.


She was excited when they got the news that they’re scheduled to film their next series of “Time to Twice” episodes tomorrow, but she’s also anxious because their call time is too early.


She has to wake up at 6am, so she quickly changes into comfortable clothes and washes up. She goes to bed and uses her phone, hoping that it will help her fall asleep but the light from the device isn’t helping. Of course she knows that she shouldn’t be using her phone right before going to bed. But she’s hard-headed just like most people. After about 30 minutes, she finally puts her phone away and tries to sleep.


She now only has about 2 and a half hours to sleep. The bed tonight feels uncomfortable. She turns to her other side. After several minutes, she rolls on her stomach without opening her eyes because she feels like she’ll become more awake if she did. After what seemed like a quarter of an hour, she rolls. . She curses mentally. It’s already 4 minutes past 3am. She desperately wants to get some sleep before the filming or else, she might get grumpy the next day.


She closes her eyes again and imagines herself laying in bed, sleeping. This strategy used to work on her all the time when she couldn’t go to sleep when she was younger, but it hasn’t been working lately. But she still closes her eyes and tries to not think. She tries to push her frustration away.


She doesn’t know how long she’s been in the same position but her eyes aren’t still getting heavy. Why am I wide awake? Mind, please stop thinking. Stop thinking. Stop thinking.

She shuts her thoughts up. It’s not gonna help if she’ll keep on talking to herself.


Okay. Let’s try again. She focuses on the darkness to keep any thoughts away. This has to work just like how it did a few months ago.


It’s working. Her eyes and head start to feel heavy. Her mind's getting lost in the dark. She’s falling. She’s falling into a slumber. Just a few more seconds. But then her senses awaken again when she hears a quiet voice calling her name.


“Nayeon unnie?”


And then, another one.


“Nayeon unnie.”


She ignores it. But she hears the voice again and she gets frustrated.


“Nayeon unnie. You have to get up now or manager unnie will get mad. The makeup team is already here.”


Nayeon gives up. She’s not gonna get her sleep.


She opens her eyes and she looks exasperated as she says,


“Shut the up!”


The girl who’s been calling her name stands in shock.


“Uh, I’m so sorry, unnie. But they told me to wake you up because everyone’s already preparing.”


“!” She murmured. “I got it, Mina. I’m getting up. .” She says infuriated.


The frightened girl leaves her room and bangs her door.


Just at that moment, Nayeon felt bad for what she did but not enough because she still felt really annoyed for getting woken up when she hadn't even gotten her sleep at all.


After an hour, all the members are all ready and are heading to their vans.


There were two vans waiting for the girls. They just hop in randomly to whichever van. Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung goes into the first van in line. Then, Nayeon, Momo, Tzuyu, and Jeongyeon go into the next one. Mina had to go back to the dorm to get her phone but it didn’t take 5 minutes till she got back and hopped into the van that’s waiting for her. The other van has already gone ahead. She opens the door and sees Nayeon seated beside the empty seat that was reserved for her.


They had a split-second of eye contact. Nayeon averted her gaze quickly and so did Mina.


Why do I need to ride with this one? Mina thinks to herself.


She doesn’t have a choice so she just sits beside her.


It’s an hour-long ride, but Nayeon still can’t fall asleep even if she tries. She just looks outside the window while listening to music with her airpods on.


They arrive at the beautiful site. They’re in the middle of nature and the air smells clean and fresh. The place definitely has a healing vibe.


Mina walks behind all her co-members and Sana, who’s walking beside Dahyun, turns to look at her and reaches out her hand to Mina. The latter takes it and walks beside her.


“You okay, Mitang?”


“Yeah. I’m fine. Just a bit under the weather. I barely had any sleep.” She had the same schedule as Nayeon the day before.


“Aww. You’ll be fine.” Sana flashes her comforting smile at her and she nods and smiles back.


They hear their oldest member bragging about how she didn’t sleep just to prepare for this trip.


Mina huffs at the remark.


Their leader, Jihyo, asks them what task they want to do. All the members choose except for Mina so she asks her, “Mina, what about you?”


“I’ll take whatever’s left.” She says with eyes half open because the sunlight’s too strong for her eyes.


“Then, you’ll be in the preparation team.”




The girls go to their designated areas.


Mina went to change into more comfortable pants and when she was approaching the table where they will prepare the food, she sighs when she sees Nayeon sitting there with Tzuyu.


Of course, I have to be on the same team as her. This shouldn’t be that hard to deal with, right?


She sighs again as she sits down in front of her teammates. She listens as Nayeon tells them what dishes they are going to prepare.


Pizza and rice cakes. That’s easy for Mina.


They start doing their work and Nayeon’s obviously not feeling comfortable around her either but the older girl is the one who tries to initiate talks with her and her other teammate, Tzuyu.


When Nayeon asks her questions, she just hums if she meant to say ‘yes’ and says the shortest responses when she has to.


The preparation team prepares the table for their lunch. While Tzuyu is in the kitchen, washing the things they used, Mina and Nayeon bring the foods to the table.


While waiting for the others, Mina sits on one of the three treads that lead to the traditional, short-legged dining table. She just stares at the butterfly that’s fluttering around the plants near her. While, Nayeon sits 3 feet away from her, watching the others clean up.

“Everyone! The table’s ready!” Nayeon shouts. 


Jihyo stands up from her seat. “It’s ready?!” She shouts back.


“Yeah. We can have lunch now.”


“Okay, we’re coming.”




After lunch, they laze around the area. Mina just sits and stares at anything. Nayeon goes to the table where beads and strings were prepared. The others go to the table where the staff prepared t-shirts, shoes, and fabric paints.


Nayeon plays mellow songs and starts making a beaded necklace. After around 40 minutes, Sana joins her. Nayeon saw her earlier talking to Mina so she asks, “What’s wrong with Mina? She doesn’t seem in the mood for anything today”, as if she doesn’t have an idea.


“She said she didn’t get much sleep last night.”


Oh. Then that makes two of us.


“But I saw her crying earlier at our dorm. She didn’t say anything and just left.”


“She cried?”


“Yeah. Did you snap at her?”




Sensing that she’s having difficulty in finding her words and her guilt at that, Sana cuts her. “Jihyo asked her to wake you up because the manager unnies were getting mad because you still haven't gotten up when everyone’s already getting their makeup done.”


“Well, I only snapped at her because I was finally falling asleep when she barged into my room.”


“You should apologize to her, unnie.”


Mina checks her phone but sighs in defeat when she sees that there’s no signal reception. She got bored so when she saw Tzuyu going somewhere, she followed her after a while.


“Mitang~!” Sana calls out to her. “Feeling better?”


Mina smiles and says “yes” in a subdued voice.


“I think Nayeon unnie has something to say to you.”


Nayeon gives Sana a look and she gives it back to her. 


Nayeon looks at Mina. “Uh… I’m sorry for what happened earlier.”


“And?” Sana looks at her, encouraging her to continue.


“And I’m sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m sorry.”


“Are you being sincere or are you just apologizing because Sana told you so, unnie?” She says gravely.


Nayeon scoffs in disbelief and rolls her eyes.


“Unnie?!” Sana hits her hand, making the beads from her string fall off.


Tzuyu gasps along with Sana and Nayeon. Mina just leaves.


“No! My necklace!”


“Oops, sorry unnie!” Sana sincerely apologizes. “I’ll help you remake it. I’m really sorry.”




A week later, Nayeon and Mina are still not talking to each other. Jihyo asked her other members about what’s going on between them and Sana tells them what happened.


The members have been into cooking and baking lately. Tzuyu baked some cookies and gave them to her unnies.


Mina decides to spend her rest day baking a loaf of banana bread. She takes a picture of it and sends it to Bubble. She tells their fans that she’ll take some slices to work the next day to share it with everyone, and by “everyone”, she meant “everyone she’s friends with”.


The next day is Nayeon’s day and on that day, her co-members are bragging about the banana bread Mina baked on their Kakaotalk group chat and on to their fans on Bubble.


Nayeon tells herself she doesn’t care, but she does. She loves banana bread and she’s upset that Mina didn’t share some with her. 


She is not jealous. And she doesn’t feel left out. Not at all. 




She does. So she buys a whole loaf of banana bread for herself from one of her friends. She brags about it on Instagram and on Bubble, but not on their Kakaotalk group chat to protect her pride. She even tells her fans that it’s the best banana bread in the world.


Mina saw her post on Instagram. She tells herself she doesn’t care.


A lie.


She does.




Another week passes and the two are still not on good terms. Jihyo calls for a meeting with her eight  co-members.


“Didn’t we talk about making things right with each other when problems arise as soon as possible to avoid any more damages in our working relationship?” Jihyo says, sitting at the head of the table in one of their company’s meeting rooms.


Jihyo hears a simultaneous response of yeses.


“Nayeon unnie, Mina.” Jihyo looks at the both of them who are sitting across each other.  “Can you please make up already? It’s affecting your performance and it’s affecting the whole group as well. We are one, of course, we’d expect that to happen.”


“I’m sorry.” Mina looks at Jihyo. “I’m sorry everyone, and”, she looks at Nayeon. I’m sorry unnie.”


Her apology was enough to melt Nayeon’s anger and frustration. “I’m sorry, too.” Nayeon looks back at Mina. “Really.” She offers a hand to her and smiles. “Friends?”


Mina smiles back at her and takes her unnie’s hand and squeezes it reassuringly. “Friends.” 


Nayeon does the same.




The next few days, there was still tension between the two girls although they’ve already stopped ignoring each other. They’re on good terms now. But something’s been bothering Mina. She still feels guilty for the way she treated Nayeon for the past few weeks. She shouldn't have reacted that way. She never reacts that way whenever Nayeon or any of her co-members snap at her because she understands the frustration of not getting enough sleep and rest amidst their super hectic work schedules. She understands where they’re coming from whenever they snap.


She’s looking at her phone, contemplating whether she should send the message she’s been wanting to send to Nayeon which is “Nayeon unnie, it’s my rest day, too. Wanna have lunch together?”


She looks at the clock and it’s almost 12 noon. She doesn’t know if the other girl already made or ordered food. Or maybe, she’s already out, eating lunch at some restaurant.


it. Just send it.


She hits the send button. She stares at it for a few seconds.


Her eyes widen when she sees that her message has been opened and read by the recipient.


She quickly turns off her phone’s screen, then, she throws it on the side of her bed, screeching.


She hears the sound of a new Kakaotalk message notification. She grabs her phone and opens the messaging app.


“Sure :)”, it reads.


She closes her eyes and lets out a relieved sigh.


Nayeon, on the other side of their dorm’s building, smiled when she saw Mina’s message. Her heart fluttered, even. Maybe it’s just because she missed the younger girl. Although they’ve made up a few days ago, they still haven’t really talked to each other outside of work because of how busy they have been.


She’s so glad that the notification came in when she just woke up.


After sending her reply, she quickly gets up to prepare for their lunch date. Friendly lunch date, of course.




Mina goes outside Nayeon’s dorm. She rings the doorbell and Nayeon comes out after a few seconds.


“Hey.” Nayeon smiles brightly at her, apparently excited.


“Hey.” Mina greets back with the same bright smile and excitement.


Nayeon looks at her outfit and then her own outfit. “Oh .”


“Oops.” Mina grins embarrassingly. “Did I overdress?”


“Just a little bit.” Nayeon says in a high pitched voice. “Do you mind if I just change into something that’ll match you real quick?”


“No, not at all.”




“I know you’re a big eater but you can order whatever you want. My treat.” Mina smiles teasingly at her.


“Yah!” Nayeon playfully hits her. “Don’t say that out loud.” She whispers.


They both laugh.




“I’m really sorry for how I acted a couple of weeks ago. I was just frustrated that I didn’t get to sleep that day.”


“I’ve already forgiven you, unnie.”


“I still feel bad though.”


Mina sighs. “To be honest, me, too. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I’m really sorry.”


“You’re forgiven, Mina.” Nayeon smiles at her.


“.” Mina whispers. She didn’t mean to think out loud.


Is it Nayeon’s smile or is it the cold weather that is making my heart tremble?


“Something wrong?” Nayeon asks, concerned.


“Huh?” Mina’s eyes widened. “Uh. Nah. It’s- It’s nothing.”




Later that afternoon, they go home to their respective dorms.


Mina browses through the internet and orders the chile limon flavored chips that she loves. She just suddenly craved it. She used to buy it overseas whenever they go to places that sell it.


Since it’s coming from overseas, her order wouldn’t arrive in a few weeks to a month.


Later that night, she receives a message from Nayeon asking her whether she wants to come over or if she wants the older girl to come over to her dorm. She responds by telling Nayeon that she’ll come over instead.




“Why have you summoned me, unnie?” Mina chuckles.


“It’s uh… It’s a surprise. Come here.” She takes Mina’s hand and leads her to her red-lit room.




“Wow. Unnie you cooked dinner?”


“Yes. I was bored and so I thought ‘why not cook one of my favorites: rice with fried eggs and soy sauce, and invite Mina over?’” Nayeon pauses. “Well, I hope you don’t mind having rice with fried eggs and soy sauce for dinner because it’s the only thing I can make aside from instant noodles.”


“Of course, I don’t mind, unnie. I actually think this is so sweet of you making this and inviting me over.”


Nayeon had set up a small table inside her bedroom and two stool chairs. She also made instant noodles, just in case Mina doesn’t like the rice dish she prepared.


Mina takes a spoonful of the rice dish and Nayeon watches expectantly.


“How is it?”


Mina scrunches her nose.


“Not good?” Nayeon asks. “It’s the thought that counts, right?” She adds.


Mina nods.


“Well, you can have this ramyeon.”


“I’m just kidding, unnie.” Mina laughs.


“Yah! Stop scaring me like that!” Nayeon laughs, too.


“It’s actually good. It tastes exactly like rice with eggs and soy sauce.” Mina laughs.


“As it should.”


“By the way, unnie.”




“I’m sorry for not bringing you a slice of the banana bread I made.” 


“I was upset, you know.” Nayeon rolls her eyes jokingly.


“I promise, I’ll make it up to you.”


“You’re gonna bake some for me?”


“No. I mean, maybe later, when we’re not that busy anymore. But for now, I’ll get you something.”


“What is it?” Nayeon asks expectantly.


“It’s a secret for now. But I’m sure it’s something you like.”


“It better be.” Nayeon squints then chuckles.




After a month, it finally arrived.


Mina opens the box of the chile limon flavored chips. She hid it from her co-members. She wanted to give one to her Nayeon unnie first so she would feel special. Besides, she owes her big for not letting her taste the first ever banana bread she baked.


Mina had to go to work but she knows that today is Nayeon’s rest day, so she makes sure to deliver it to her unnie before she leaves.


She writes a short letter on a post-it note and attaches it inside the cover of the container of the chile limon chips.


Mina goes to Nayeon’s dorm an hour before her manager picks her up. She rings the doorbell. Nayeon comes out and lets her in.


Mina flashes a bright smile at her.


“Mina, what’s that you’re hiding behind you?”


“Ta-dah!” She shows the container of chips in front of the older girl.




Mina nods and laughs as her unnie takes it from her hand. “Whenever I bought these when we were overseas, you always asked for some, saying you love it. So I bought you some so you wouldn’t have to ask me for some whenever you see me in the rehearsal room eating them.” Mina teases her.


“Aww. Mina-yah.” Nayeon says cutely with a smile. She takes the younger's hand. “Thank you.”


“Anything for you, unnie.”


She leans in and hugs the younger girl.


They pull back from the hug.


“You were wrong when you said I would like your surprise because I absolutely love it.”


“Aww, I’m glad.”


“But what I love the most is your thought of getting me this because you remembered that I love this flavor.” Nayeon looks at her sincerely, holding her fingers with hers. “I love you so much, Mina.”


“I- I love you, too, Nayeonnie." Mina stuttered. "So, so much.”


Mina's eyes widen and she begins to panic as she realizes the way she said it just gave away something. “I- I mean, I love you, unnie.”


“Yeah, that’s what you said.” Nayeon chuckles and looks at her, confused amd curious.


“Uh- yeah.” Mina tucks her hair behind her ear. “Yeah.”




“Unnie, I have to go. Manager unnie’s picking me up in less than an hour. I gotta go prepare.”


“Aren’t you already prepared?”


She is.


“Oh, uh- I forgot something. I have to go. Bye unnie. Enjoy your snack!” Mina smiles at her awkwardly and then leaves.


. I panicked.


Nayeon goes to her room and opens the container of the chip and she sees a note attached inside the lid.


She smiles as she reads it.


“Oh my- .” She mutters to herself.


From that day on, Nayeon reads the letter every night before she goes to sleep and she constantly thinks about it everyday.




In the following week, the two have another same rest day.


Nayeon texts Mina to come over for lunch. She didn’t cook anything for now because she just couldn’t function well because of how excited and anxious she’s feeling. She prepared something else for Mina.


Nayeon couldn’t wait for Mina to arrive. She just sent her the text about 5 minutes ago and she’s already questioning what’s taking the younger girl so long to get there.


“Mina, what are you doing? Hurry up!” She texts the younger girl.


“I just got out of the shower.”


“Okay. Hurry up.”


After many minutes that felt like many hours to Nayeon, she finally hears the doorbell ring.


“Nayeon unnie, what’s up?”


“Shut up Mina and just follow me.” She leads her to the dining table.


“Did you make rice with eggs and soy sauce again?”


“Nope. I couldn’t make it this time, but I ordered some food.”


They eat their lunch. Nayeon is obviously fidgety.


“Unnie, is there something wrong?” Mina squeezes her hand.


“Yeah, I’m perfect.” Nayeon closes her eyes and abruptly shakes her head. “I- I mean, e-everything’s perfect.” She smiles.


“Well, you are.” Mina laughs.


“You think so?”


Mina blushes at the question. “Y- yes.” She hesitantly responds almost in a questioning way.


“I think you are, too.” Nayeon feels her cheeks get warm, too.


Mina chuckles.


“Uh… I’m sure you’ve read the letter?” Mina asks.


“I did.”


Mina lets out a heavy exhale.


“Let’s finish our lunch first before we go to that part.” Nayeon says. She’s so nervous but she tries to compose herself.


They finish lunch and Mina helps the older girl to clean things up. The latter tells her to just sit down and relax but she insists on helping.




“So, here’s my real surprise.” Nayeon says nervously.


Mina waits nervously, too.


Nayeon takes goes to her drawers and finds a piece of paper. She hands it to Mina. The latter looks at her curiously as she takes the paper.


“So, I’ve been working on this one song given to me to write lyrics for and I’ve been on writer’s block for days but reading your letter has helped me finish it.”

She notices that Mina’s getting teary. “Read it.” She smiles.


So Mina does.


You are standing far away

I feel like I’m already close to you at this moment

I want to hold your trembling hand

You already know you want me

Love me now

Don’t need nobody else when you make me feel this good

Nobody’s doing it like you do


Before Mina reads the rest, Nayeon comes closer to her and cuts in. She continues reciting the lyrics to the younger girl, with their eyes fixed to each other. She’s not merely reciting, she’s saying it to Mina, meaning every word.


“Look, Mina. I’m not gonna hurt you. Lift your head and look around. I hope it’s me you see no matter where you look. Open up a little bit more. Show me more. Tell me the truth.” She takes Mina’s trembling hands in hers. “You already know that you need me.”


“I wrote this to you so you won’t be afraid to take a chance on me anymore. This is my confirmation and my confession. I’ve been feeling it and now, I know you’ve been feeling it, too.”


“We’ve been cowards.” Mina laughs.


“Yeah, ‘cowards’.” Nayeon repeats, chuckling.


They stare at each other for a moment, still squeezing each other’s hands.


“I didn’t include it in the letter but,” Mina bites her lower lip and continues, “I love you.”


“I love you, too.”


They look at each other, smiling stupidly.


“Uhm.” Nayeon starts.


“Uhm.” Mina copies her.


They both laugh.


Nayeon takes a step closer to her.


"I wanna kiss you." Nayeon confesses. Her eyes flickering to the younger’s lips who does the same.


"I want you to."


And they close the gap between their lips.


They kissed just once but it was yearning.


They pull away, still staying close to each other and still holding each other’s hands.


“We finally had our first real kiss.” Mina laughs.


Nayeon laughs, too, remembering that time she kissed Mina on the lips in front of a room full of people.


“I hope this one was better.”


“So much better.” Mina leans in for another kiss.


This time, Nayeon untangles their fingers and brings them up to cup Mina’s face. Mina holds the older girl’s arms.




Later that night, Nayeon sneaks in to the dorm that Mina shares with Jihyo and Jeongyeon. She goes straight into Mina’s room but the door’s locked so she had to knock.


Mina opens it and she smiles seeing the other girl.


“Hey, you.” She says, letting the other girl in.


“Hi.” Nayeon grins.


“What are you doing here?”


“Sneaking in?”


Mina laughs. “I can see that. But why?”


“Because I miss my girlfriend?” Then, Nayeon’s tone becomes mischievous. “And I also came for some kisses.”


“You’re so clingy.”


“I know you love it.”


“I do.” Mina tucks some hair behind her ear and she shyly says, “And I love you.”


“I love you, too. Oh and I brought this, too. I just posted a picture of it on Bubble. I told Onces that it’s a precious snack from the precious Minari.” Nayeon says cutely the last words.


Mina takes the snack from her and opens it.


“Oh, there’s still more than half left?”


“Yeah, I ate it sparingly. I cherished every crumb and every powder dust from my fingers. And I thought of you while eating them.” Nayeon narrows her eyebrows and looks up, realizing something. “That doesn’t sound so appropriate.” She laughs and Mina does, too.


“I got more over there. But they’re for the others. I’ll just give you my share.”


“You like me that much?” Nayeon says in an aegyo.


Mina rolls her eyes at her. She takes a piece of chip from the container and eats it. She goes toward her bed.


“Mina-yah.” She says, continuing her aegyo, following Mina. She sits close beside her girlfriend, not leaving any space.


“What is it, baby Nayeonnie?” Mina plays along.


“Can I get my kisses now?”


Mina grabs her face and kisses her lips soundly.


Nayeon breaks the kiss and says, “I like your chile limon-flavored kisses”, and kisses her girlfriend again.



thanks for reading!
please tell me what you think in the comments or at my twitter: @namyoim
have a nice day everyone! and as what chaeyoung says, let's be happy!

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Chapter 10: Thank you sooooo much for writing this Author nim...
It's sure heals my jeongmi heart a bit..
It's so hard to find jeongmi story...i love them..thank yoi again.. really appreciate it 🥰🥰
jjjoannabi30 #2
Chapter 10: thank you for minayeom authornim please create more , i love it - can you do about dumplings too hahaa
Author nim..please make an episode base on Jeongyeon's confessions about marrying Mina on next life..pleasee
aglaonema #4
Chapter 9: 😍
aglaonema #5
Chapter 8: Sweet
Author nim... update pleasee
You've been shipping minayeon really hard authornim..hehe
aglaonema #8
Chapter 7: Sweet
Chapter 6: I want jeongmi uwuuuuu.
So jealous of Minayeon
aglaonema #10
Chapter 6: Aww