​​​​​​​Simple Words | MiNayeon


Today, Nayeon has started seeing Mina differently. A week ago, she was just thinking that the younger girl has become prettier after she came back from Japan. And everything Mina says, Nayeon carefully listens to them now. She started noticing whenever the soft spoken girl talks and it's not because she has become louder. She's still the same demure, quiet girl everyone knows. Nayeon just started noticing her and paying attention to her and she likes it. She now likes watching the younger girl's every move. Just looking at her makes Nayeon feel something good. Like her day becomes fuller. She thinks this is weird but she doesn't dislike it. She easily puts it at the back of her head because it wasn't a big deal to her yet. Again, today, Nayeon is watching her, observing everything she's doing. She wonders what the younger girl is playing on her phone. Is she playing the same game I saw her playing the other day, or is she playing a new one? Mina looks so serious in her game. How can she put all her attention in one thing for hours? She sees Mina pout. Oh, she must have lost the game. How can her pout look that cute, though? Wait. Nayeon snaps herself out of her thoughts. She feels her cheeks hurting. Perhaps she had been smiling the whole time she was watching Mina. She starts smiling again. This is out of her control.


Nayeon turns to look at Jeongyeon. "What?"

Tzuyu laughs. "She finally acknowledged that she's stupid."

Nayeon rolls her eyes at the maknae and returns her gaze at the person who called her. "What is it, Jeongyeon-ah?" She asks again.

"Stop smiling like a crazy person and help us prepare the table."

They are at the NaMoSa dorm to have dinner together after the last day of their promotions. It was Nayeon's idea but she wasn't helping. Instead, her "guests" were doing the things a host should be doing. But they're not really guests. They're family members. So, she figured, "why help when I can use the time to stare at Mina?"


They missed this kind of dinner. They haven't eaten together like this for a while. They once again feel like a family, living together in one dorm. But there's something odd during this dinner. Jihyo notices Nayeon has been unusually quiet for the majority of the night, from when they arrived at the NaMoSa dorm until dinner.

"Are you sick, Nayeonnie?" Jihyo asks.

"No. Why?" She slightly furrows her brows.

"It's just 'cause you're not noisy today." Jihyo responds.

"She was smiling like a fool earlier." Chaeyoung chuckles.

"Oh. Uh." She tries to think of an excuse. "I was on Bubble. Onces were saying funny stuff." She fakes a laugh.

"What were they saying?" Sana asks.

"Uh." Nayeon suddenly can't think of anything for an excuse.

"Unnie, you can tell us if you're talking to someone." Sana says.

"I'm not talking to anyone. I swear, I was just talking to the fans on Bubb-"

"Nayeonnie, stop lying. You weren't even on your phone." Tzuyu cuts her.

"I wasn't?" She mentally asks.

"Unnie, who is it?" Chaeyoung asks curiously.

"Yeah, unnie. You said we'll be the first ones to know." Dahyun adds.

Mina's just quietly listening as her friends try to interrogate their fake maknae.

"Who's who?" Nayeon turns to Chaeyoung.

"Are you seeing someone?" Jeongyeon asks.

"Are you in love?!" Momo gasps.

"No. Trust me. I'm not seeing anyone nor in love with anyone."

She knows that her friends will continue probing her so she tries to divert the conversation to another topic. To her relief, it worked. Jihyo rolls her eyes as her friends go with the diversion so easily like that, but she just lets it go as she starts to get immersed into the new interesting topic.

"How's it going with you and Mina?" Nayeon teases Chaeyoung whose face easily becomes reddish. Nayeon can't think of any other topics that do not have Mina in it.

"Oh! She's blushing again!" Jeongyeon points at Chaeyoung who's now glaring at her.

Mina laughs and Nayeon notices it.

"Mina, you're blushing, too!" Nayeon laughs.

Mina just continues laughing. She can't help it. She thinks it's funny to see Chaeyoung whine like a child." Stop teasing us!" The latter yells.

"Okay, okay. We'll stop before it gets real." Nayeon says. Chaeyoung is relieved that the laughs and teasing have finally subsided.

Nayeon wonders if it's already real for the younger one though. Or worse, it's already real for Mina. This thought terrifies her.


"Alright, we'll sleep here." Jihyo gives in to Sana's begging for the girls to sleepover.

"Yay! I'll prepare the beddings." Sana does her excited, cute laugh.


They all sleep on the living room's floor. Just like old times. They love living in different dorms with their own rooms now, but they actually missed the times when they were still together in one dorm and would sometimes sleep in the living room together like they are doing now.

"Mina-yah." Nayeon calls out as she sees the girl walk towards the living room after she did her skin care routine. Nayeon pats the space beside her and Mina goes to lay there.

"Good night, kids." Jeongyeon says, turning the lights off and goes to lie on her spot.

It's been a while but this isn't Nayeon's first time to sleep beside Mina, but she wonders why it feels different now. Why is it making her excited that she can't sleep because of it.

Mina is fully covered by her blanket. She's probably playing a game on her phone again and Nayeon confirms this as she hears the younger girl click her tongue in frustration. Mina comes out of her cover and faces Nayeon. The latter whispers, "Tough game?"

"Yeah. I lost again."

"You look so annoyed." The older girl chuckles. "Wanna talk about it?"

Mina chuckles back. She thinks her unnie is just kidding so she just says, "good night, Nayeonnie."

"No, I actually want you to tell me about it." She pouts.

"You wouldn't understand, but okay." Mina starts telling her about the game and she doesn't care if she doesn't understand anything, she's just amused at how Mina gets talkative when she's talking about her games and how she talks about them with enthusiasm. And she doesn't care about the stupid smile all over her face again.

Mina sighs and talks about how her brother teases her about never winning in the new game they're playing. Then, her talk ends and Nayeon wishes she would continue with a different topic to rant about.

"You'll get better at it." Nayeon smiles at her widely. Too wide, but she doesn't care.

"I hope so." Mina flashes a soft smile at her (like this :]). "Well, sorry for having you listen to me rant. Good night, Nayeonnie."

"No. It's fine. You can rant to me all you want." What the heck, Nayeon?! She scolds herself.

"I will. Tomorrow after I lose again." Mina fakes a pout.

"Good. Good night, Minari." Nayeon quietly singsongs.

"Good night, Nayeonnie." Mina imitates the older girl's tone.


The next day, Nayeon wakes up & sees Mina's face so close to hers. She pushes herself away from the younger girl as she squeals which awoke the latter.

"Is my face that scary in the morning, unnie?"

"No, no, no." You actually look so pretty. "I was just surprised. And I'm sorry for waking you up."

Mina chuckles and then gets up and folds the blanket she used.

Nayeon does the same and she realizes they were the last ones to wake up.

"I think they're already having breakfast. Let's go." Mina grabs Nayeon's wrist.

"Good morning, sleepyheads." Jihyo greets.

The two say their good mornings back and they stand by the dinner table, watching their friends eat and looking at the available food. There's rice, ham, kimchi, ramyeon, and a plate with only one sunny-side up left that is quickly grabbed by Chaeyoung and makes a sandwich with it and a piece of ham. Dahyun asks for a bite then goes to bring her plate to the kitchen sink.

"Why aren't you taking a seat?" Momo chuckles.

"Do you want me to fry eggs for you?" Sana offers.

"No, I'll do it. I don't like burnt eggs." Nayeon says as she starts toward the kitchen counter. Mina follows her and watches her as she cracks some eggs and puts them in a bowl. She watches beside the older girl, ready to assist her or make things right if ever she does something stupid again. Nayeon's not the best in the kitchen.

"You like scrambled eggs, right?" Nayeon asks even though she already knows the answer. Mina nods with a soft "hmm". The two hear whispers behind them coming from the table.

"Shut up, guys. Chaeyoung will get jealous." Jihyo teases.

"Why would I?!" Chaeyoung yells and then glares. "Why do you keep on bringing that up? It's annoying. It was just a coincidence."

"But why were you blushing just like how you're blushing now?" Momo teases, too.

The second maknae checks herself in her phone's camera. "I'm not blushing! Please stop!"

"Aww, so cute." Jeongyeon laughs.

Nayeon turns around and asks, "why? what's going on?"

Dahyun rubs her friend who's already on the verge of screaming out of annoyance again. "Calm down, tiger."

"Chaeyoungie is jealous of you and Mina unnie." Tzuyu responds to Nayeon.

"Why?" The oldest girl asks again.

"Because you two were snuggling like kittens while you were sleeping." The maknae explains.

"Ah. Sorry about that Chaeng. I'm just a bit clingy even when I'm asleep." Nayeon laughs.

"I said I'm not! Why would I be jealous?!" Chaeyoung yells again.

"Hey, stop that already or our Chaengie will cry." Mina giggles and then turns to look back to what Nayeon is doing. The latter was about to beat the eggs with chopsticks when Mina noticed an eggshell in the bowl. "Wait, wait." She washes her hands and picks the shell with her finger.

How can she be so elegant even by just doing that? Nayeon thinks.

"Oh, and don't forget to add salt and pepper." Mina says as she grabs the salt and pepper and sprinkles them on the beaten eggs.


They stayed in the NaMoSa dorm until after lunch but by Nayeon's request, Mina stayed to play the game she was telling her about the night before.

Mina loses the game and Nayeon watches the girl's frustration.

"Alright, I give up. I'm going to uninstall this."

"Wow, Mina. I've never seen you this impatient."

"I've been patient! But I just can't win this game. I'm tired of trying." Mina leans her head on Nayeon's shoulder and closes her eyes. "I'm getting sleepy. I should go home."

"You can nap here, though."

"Okay." Mina moves to lay on the sofa with her head on the older girl's lap.

"I didn't mean on my lap, but that's okay, too." Nayeon chuckles.

"It feels comfortable to lay like this. Reminds me of home, especially my mom."

"You miss her?"

"So much."

Nayeon the younger girl's hair with her fingers. "Does this feel like home yet?"

"It does. Thanks, unnie."

This warms Nayeon's heart as well as her cheeks. She must be blushing but no one's looking, so it's fine.


Nayeon thinks she had been crushing on Mina for a couple of months now but after one more month, she starts to think that it's on a higher level now. Her heart starts pounding with nervousness and excitement whenever she's near Mina. She gets giddy just by hearing the girl's name. But despite the evidence, she still denies her feelings. "A crush is okay, but something more than that? It's not okay anymore. It can't happen, Nayeon. Don't let it happen. It's not real. Don't be stupid. You're just confusing your feelings for romantic feelings when it's just platonic. I mean, it's just a crush. Don't make a big deal out of it." These thoughts and self-reproach has been clouding her mind every night for the last two months.


After several days and nights of pondering, Nayeon finally gives up to keep it all by herself and she might need advice.

"Jihyo, can I come over?"

"Sure. Just make sure you bring lunch 'cause I haven't ordered yet and I'm hungry."

"I'll just order for the both of us and have it delivered there."

"Sounds good to me! Order me anything. See you later."

Nayeon hangs up the phone.


Nayeon enters the JeongJiMi dorm. Mina and Jeongyeon has schedules so Jihyo's left alone. She was watching an episode of a K-drama when Nayeon arrived. She let the older girl in her room and they sit on her bed with pillows on their lap.

"What's up? Jihyo asks.

"Have I been weird lately?"

"Hmm." Jihyo thinks. "I don't think so. Have you been weird lately?" She returns the question.

"Yes." Nayeon sighs. "I need your help with something."

"What is it?"

"I've been crushing on Mina and I-"

Jihyo cuts her with a gasp. "Woah! Wait. So, you weren't joking when you said you think you like Mina during that filming last week?"

The older girl nods. "And I think it's more than just a crush now. I like her." She sighs heavily.

"Then, what are you gonna do about it?"

"That's what I need you to help me with. I don't know what to do with how I feel."

Jihyo gives her a comforting squeeze in the hand. "The only help I can give you is this advice: follow your heart but do what's right. If you think pursuing her will make you happy and you wanna go for it, it's fine as long as you don't jeopardize your working relationship and your relationship with the whole group."

Nayeon sighs again. "Thanks, Ji."

"But hey," Jihyo nudges her. "I think Mina's soft for you, too." She wiggles her eyebrows. "The way she laughs at every joke you say, no matter how corny. And the way she's hanging out more at your dorm. I don't want to get your hopes up, although I am doing exactly that, she chuckles. "But, I think she's into you, too."

"She laughs at everyone's jokes and…" Nayeon grins. "But yeah, she's been visiting our dorm more." Her grin fades. "But it's because Sana and Momo invites her over."

"But she used to say 'no' most of the time whenever we invite her to go anywhere."

Nayeon's smile returns. "Right?!"

Jihyo squeals.

"Okay, we need to stop daydreaming and make it a reality or a heartbreaking opposite of the reality that I want."

"No matter what happens, everything will be alright." The younger girl pats her unnie's head then silence fills the room. She just allows her unnie to think. A few more minutes later, their food arrives and she goes out to get it.

Jihyo prepares the food on the dining table and goes back to her room and sees her unnie, still deep in her thoughts. She knocks on the open door to get the other girl's attention. "Lunch?" She smiles.


"What you said earlier…" Nayeon picks up with her chopsticks a piece of meat from her plate. "It made me realize that my decision will not only affect me but it may affect our group, too. So, I will confess to her and if she doesn't like me back, it's okay. And if she likes me back, we can go to the next level if she wants to. But I promise to make sure that it won't do anything bad to our group."

"I know you're a smart girl, unnie. Although in other stuff you're not." Jihyo laughs. "And I know you'll do the right thing."

"Thanks." Nayeon chuckles. "Can you keep this between us for now? I don't know when I'll be ready to tell the girls about this."

"Sure. I'll keep your secret. Just do what needs to be done first." The younger girl gives her a reassuring smile.


Nayeon and Mina get the same day off. The former visits the latter's dorm unannounced.

Mina hears the doorbell ring. She opens the door and sees a grinning Nayeon holding up a plastic bag of what seemed to be their favorite snacks. Vinegar chips!

"Oh. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I just suddenly thought about coming here. So, I came." She chuckles. "What were you doing?"

"I just woke up."

"What time did you end today?"

"I ended at 6 o'clock but I stayed longer to rehearse the new songs then, I got home at 9am." Crazy time schedules.

"Ah." She looks at the time on her phone. It's almost 7pm. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet. I was actually about to look for something to order before you arrived."

"Wanna go out? I borrowed my mom's car." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Okay. But I need to take a quick shower first."

"That's fine. I'll wait."

Mina hurries to go to her room and takes a shower.


"Where do you wanna eat?"

"Anywhere would be fine, unnie."

"I feel like eating greasy burgers."

"Then, let's get burgers, then."


"I like my schedule this week. They all start in the afternoon and end at 4am."

"Same. It's become easier to sleep during the day and harder at night."

"I know, right?" Nayeon takes a bite from her burger. "I'm gonna drive around, tonight. Wanna joy ride with me?"

"Yes! I would love to join you on that, unnie." Mina says excitedly.


"Ooh, I love this song!" Mina remarks as "Passenger Seat" plays on the radio. "I haven't listened to the radio for so long."

"Same. I only do it whenever I go on directionless drives like this and it's been like a year since the last time." Nayeon turns to look at Mina. "It's nostalgic, right?"

"Hmm. Yeah. It's one of my favorite feelings, although it can hurt sometimes."

"True." Nayeon nods. She knows what Mina meant by that. It's like the feeling of being in love. It makes you giddy but it can also hurt you. Her heartbeat quickens. She's suddenly feeling nervous. Why not do it tonight? She thinks to herself.


As Nayeon drives, she takes quick glances at Mina whose hair is blowing gracefully in the slightly open window of the car and the city lights are glimmering in her eyes. Nayeon smiles because of this beautiful view. It took only a half second for her to see it but it's already like a GIF looping in her mind. "I think there's no doubt now that I've fallen for her," she thinks to herself then a voice snaps her out of her thoughts.

"Why are you smiling, Nayeonnie?" Mina asks with also a smile on her face.

"Just… I feel good right now."

"Hmm. me, too."


They stop to buy some drinks. Nayeon remembers that she brought the vinegar chips so she decides to drive to a nearby river and have some snacks there.

"What do you want, unnie?"

"Huh?" Nayeon looks at the variety of drinks in front of them. "Oh, um. I like the lychee flavored one."

"Okay." Mina grabs two bottles of the lychee juice and takes them to the counter for payment.


They go to the riverside and sit on the grass close to each other. The distance is just enough for Nayeon to see the lights reflecting in Mina's eyes and the moles that are beautifully dotted on her face. There's barely any people. They could hear the distant sounds of vehicles coming from the center of the city of Seoul.

"This place is nice. I've never been here."

"Right? It's so quiet and only a few people come here. I used to always go here before we debuted. It's like my secret hiding place."

"Why did you bring me here if it's supposed to be a secret?"

"Because some secrets need to be shared."

"Hmm." Mina nods.

Several seconds of silence passes by.

Nayeon opens the pack of vinegar chips and holds it in between them. Mina takes a few pieces. "Secrets." She sighs.

"What about it?" Nayeon's voice shakes a little and she hopes Mina doesn't notice it.

"I have some of those that I need to tell people about."

"Really? Is it something good or bad?"

"It could be one or the other. It could be both."

"Are you going to tell me what it is?"

"Should I?"

"If you want to. It's up to you. I promise to keep it for you." Nayeon reaches for the younger girl's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

Mina takes a deep sigh. "Maybe some other time?"

"Sure. Whenever you're ready, Mina. Take your time." Nayeon smiles at her.

Another moment of silence takes place, only hearing the sound of them putting in and taking their hands out of the bag of vinegar chips and the crunchy sound as they eat the chips.

Nayeon feels sick to her stomach as she tells herself to do the confession now. She feels weak and her hands are trembling.

She tries to open her bottled juice but she fails.

"Let me." Mina takes the bottle from her hands and opens it. Their skin touches as she hands it to the older girl. "Your hands are so cold."

"Yeah? Maybe it's the cold wind."

Mina's hands are cold, too but Nayeon doesn't comment about it because her hands usually get cold easily.

They drink from their bottled juice and another silence transpires. "Nayeon, just do it!" She mentally tells herself again.


"Hmm"? Mina looks at her.

The moon is peeking from the clouds as Nayeon hears her heart beat so loud.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"You sure?"

"What do you mean I'm sure? I am, unnie. You can tell me anything." She gives an assuring smile.

"Even if it's something like 'I've fallen for you'?" Nayeon finally says it and she watches the younger girl's expression and waits for her response.

Mina's flustered out of her mind and it shows in her face. She's surprised at the words but she smiles. She's happy to finally know that it wasn't just her all along and that her second guessing was all useless. "She feels the same way? Jihyo was right." She remembers what Jihyo told her.

"Y- yes."


"I mean, yes, you can tell me that."

"Oh." Nayeon's confused. "Oh?" She gets it now. "Oh!"

"It's not just you, Nayeonnie." Mina shyly says, looking in the other girl's eyes.

"Who else is in love with you?"

Mina laughs at the question."No, no, no. I meant to say that I've never fallen in love with anyone before until I fell for you." She smiles brightly and Nayeon reciprocates the same smile. And then laughs followed. They feel the same heart fluttering sensation inside of them that they can't contain.

"This whole night, I've been thinking of a way to simply say it to you and I was so scared to death." Mina confesses.

"Really? Oh my gosh, Mina." Nayeon takes her hand and kisses it. "I've also been scared to death and wanting to tell you that I love you and there's no simple way to say it except to just say those three complex words."

"I love you, too, Nayeonnie." Mina kisses the hand that's been holding hers.

"I have one more thing to say." Nayeon says.

"What is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Mina hugs her.

The stupid smile on their face shows that they're hopelessly in love.


During their drive back to the dorms, Mina turns on the radio and the song from earlier is on again! She gasps.


  Try to tell her simply that I've got all that I need right here in the passenger seat

  Oh, and I can't keep my eyes on the road knowing that she's inches from me

  Oh, and I know this love will grow


Nayeon smiles at the lyrics and at the feeling she shares with the girl sitting in the passenger seat. "I wanna kiss you so bad right now." Nayeon says softly but Mina hears it.

"You can't, you're driving." Mina laughs.

"I can't wait for a red light." Nayeon says, looking at the younger girl.

"Keep your eyes on the road."

"Oh, sorry. I'm trying but it's hard not to."

They're about to reach a traffic light and it goes in red. Finally. Nayeon leans in to Mina who's been looking at her lovingly. The latter leans in, too, and Nayeon could sense her nervousness. The older girl closes the gap between their lips. She leads the kiss. It's soft and careful. It's Mina's first real kiss but Nayeon's surprised that her lips move as though she's done it before. After a few seconds, Mina pulls away but their faces are still close to each other. They could feel each other's breaths.

"Red light's almost over." Mina smiles and sits back properly. Her cheeks are blushing.

"Oh." Nayeon chuckles.

"There'll be more, later." Mina bites her lower lip. Nayeon blushes at the sight.


Nayeon walks Mina to their dorm.

"So." Nayeon breathes out, smiling. "We're here."

"We're here." Mina moves so that she's facing Nayeon properly. She intertwines their fingers together and leans in for a kiss. They pull away.

"I'm going in now."

"Okay. Bye."

Their hands are still holding each other. Mina looks down.

Nayeon chuckles. "Oh, right." She untightens her grip.

"Bye, Nayeonnie. Good night." Mina says softly.

"Good night, Minari." Nayeon responds softly, too.


Part 2. (A/N: This is just an extra part hehe also, Twice TV7 when?)

Nayeon is someone who likes to express how she feels and sometimes it takes her a lot of self-control not to. An example of that is that she wants to show the world how much she loves Mina, but she couldn't do that for some reasons. Being an idol who's dating one of her girl group members hasn't been easy for her, and her girlfriend. She wants to kiss her whenever she feels like and wherever she wants. She wishes she could, regardless of whether others could see them. The only good thing she sees about this situation is that people know she's very close with her members and she's all touchy and kissy with them. But being like that to Mina was kind of a new thing to the fans because they didn't often see the pair interacting or being next to each that much. Nayeon is mostly seen messing around with Jeongyeon and Mina is usually clinging to Chaeyoung. But now, it's becoming a totally normal thing to see them holding hands and being always next to each other at any place and event, whether it’s part of their work or not.

Nayeon started doing those little moments with Mina in public when they were at the airport going to Hawaii to shoot for their Twice TV7. When they arrived there, the airport was so packed. So many fans came to welcome Twice. Nayeon holds onto Mina, curling her arms around her waist from the back and Mina holds onto her arms from the front. Nayeon enjoyed it. She wonders if Mina did, too, despite the noise and commotion going on around them. They have to stop walking in the middle while the security clears the path for them. Nayeon took that time to sniff her girlfriend's scent. The smell of her shampoo, her perfume, her skin. It surprises her how those scents combine and smell so good. It's so Mina. It's floral, minty, and gummy all at once. Mina turns her head around and smiles at her girlfriend who's hugging her from behind. Nayeon smiles back. Her cute little bunny teeth flashing in front of Mina gives the latter the urge to give her a kiss, not necessarily on her lips. She just wants to kiss her girlfriend anywhere because of her irresistible cuteness. But she can't do that right now, so she scrunches her nose at her girlfriend and giggles and says, "what do I do with your cuteness?" She hoped no one else heard it. Nayeon smiled back at her then she whispers something in her ear that Mina can't comprehend because it was too noisy.


The girls and their entire crew arrives at the hotel they're gonna check-in at. They'll be spending one night at this hotel then they're going to go to another hotel in another location and spend two more nights there. After this Hawaiian vacation, they're going straight to New York for KCon.

They booked three rooms for two persons and one room for three. The producers told them to pick whoever they want to share rooms with.

"Since I'm already clinging to Mina, then I choose Mina." Sana says, her arm looped around Mina's.

"Yah, I wanna be with Mina." Nayeon pouts.

"Then, you'll have to share the room for three." Jihyo points out. She's the only one who knows about the MiNayeon thing but she doesn't know that the two are girlfriends now.

"Oh. Then, whatever." Nayeon sadly responds. Mina thinks she still looks cute with that pout on her face though.

"Why don't you room with us, unnie." Dahyun offers.

"Okay." Nayeon approaches Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

Jihyo and Momo are roommates for tonight as well as Jeongyeon and Tzuyu.


Nayeon visits the MiSana hotel room. " Oh, you have separate beds. Nice." She remarks.

The three girls talk while they eat some snacks from the minibar. Mina complains about her headache so Nayeon offers to give her a massage.

Nayeon's phone buzzes. It's a text from Chaeyoung.

"Sana, the maknaes are bored. Can you go and entertain them? I'll go back there after this." She gestures to Mina. "Just wait for me there, okay?"

"Okay." Sana coolly says and she goes to the DubChaeng room that's just two rooms away.


After about an hour, Sana calls Nayeon. She doesn't pick up. She calls again.

Nayeon pulls away from kissing Mina. "Damn. Sana needs to stop interrupting our make out session." She complains as if the clueless girl has done it multiple times already.

"Hey, what time are you coming back here? The kids are sleeping and I'm getting sleepy, too. I want to sleep."

"I'm still massaging Mina. Her headache is really bad right now."

"Then give her meds!" Sana says frustratingly.

"She doesn't want meds."

"Ugh! I don't care anymore. I'm sleeping in your bed!" Sana pouts.

"Alright, that's okay. I'm so sorry for making you wait."

"I'll forgive you if you give me a free massage tomorrow, too."


"Okay!" Sana's voice is back to her normal, cute voice. "Good night."

"Good night, Sana. Love you. Sorry again. Bye."

"She mad?" Mina asks as soon as the call ends.

"Yup, but she's softened already. She just wants me to give her a free massage tomorrow."

"Free massage?" Mina laughs.

"Yeah. I charge her and Momo when I give them massages at the dorm."

"Then, how much do I pay you for the massage you gave me for my fake headache earlier?"

"All my services are free for you, of course."


"As long as I get to kiss you." Nayeon leans down to get back to kissing Mina.

"Wait. Hold on." Mina says in between kisses.

"What?" Nayeon asks, still not stopping the kisses.

"I can't properly talk when you're kissing me."

Nayeon stops. "What is it?"

"We shouldn't lie to them about massages and whatnot anymore. It makes me even more guilty that we're hiding our relationship from them."

"Then let's un-lie about the massage thing. I'll massage your lips with mine." She smiles mischievously. She moves from being on top of Mina to laying beside her.

"You know, back in high school, I saw my friends watching tutorials on YouTube on how to kiss and, of course, I joined in."

"Oh, so u watch those stuff?" Mina raises an eyebrow.

"Well, I was curious, too." Nayeon chuckles. "So the guy in the video was demonstrating the kiss-massage thing.

"Ooh. I wonder what that feels like."

"I just did it earlier."

"I didn't notice. Do it again."

"Before we started dating and kissing, I never thought you'd say something like that. You have a bit of naughty inside you." Nayeon wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

Mina chuckles. "Shut up and just do the demo." They hum into the kiss and then suddenly, Mina interrupts it again.

"What is it?" Nayeon asks.

"I just remembered that you whispered something to me at the airport this morning. What was it?"

"I said 'I missed you' because we couldn't find time to see each other outside of work and we weren't even sitting next to each other in the airplane."

"Aww. Well, I missed you, too, clingy. I'll make sure to get Momo a new airplane seatmate when we fly out to New York and when we fly back to Seoul."

"Sounds good to me." She starts kissing Mina again but the latter interrupts it again to say something important.

"I love you, Nayeon."

"I love you, too, Mina." They kiss again.

In between kisses, Nayeon says, "I love it when... you don't call me 'unnie'... But don't get too used to it... They might... start suspecting."

"Shh" Mina hushes her against . "I know our rules very well."


Day 2 and they're in the new location. They check-in to a different hotel after they went on another Hawaiian tour. The room assignments were the same as in the first hotel but Sana and Nayeon agreed on switching rooms.

"Yes! Another quiet and peaceful night with Minari. Good night my dongsaengs."

"Hey, you haven't forgotten our deal, right?" Sana says.

"Of course. After I take a shower, I'll knock on your door."

Once again, they get into their rooms. Nayeon quickly showers and quickly goes to the SaDaChaeng room to give the promised free massage to Sana. After 30 minutes, she goes back to her shared room with Mina. The latter just got out of the shower, still in her bathrobe.


"Hi. Missed me?" Nayeon wraps her arms around her girlfriend's waist.

"Yes." Mina wraps her arms around her girlfriend and kisses her. Their kiss gets heated up and Nayeon pushes her towards the bed. She allows Mina to straddle her. After a moment, before anything happens, Mina pulls back. "I should get into my PJs."

"Right." Nayeon breathes out against her lips then Mina gets up.


"Good morning, unnies." Tzuyu greets Nayeon and Mina as the two joins her amd Jeongyeon

"Why do you guys look like you didn't get enough sleep? I thought you had a silent night together?"

"Well, Mina was in the mood for talking last night. We had a deep conversation last night, that's why we couldn't sleep early." Mina snickers at the lie. Well it wasn't really a lie. They just substituted the words "making out" with the code word "conversation".


  The End.


this is unbeta-ed so i apologize in advance for any mistakes. I'll beta read this in a while lol. also, a part of this was inspired by the song Passenger Seat and i used/incorporated the lyrics into some scenes. so i give credits to the writer(s)/owner(s) of the song.

hope you enjoyed. thanks for reading and as always, please tell me what you think in the comments or by dm-ing me on twitter @_myoui_chaeng_ or sending something on my curious cat: superficial_ocean

take care! :)

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Chapter 10: Thank you sooooo much for writing this Author nim...
It's sure heals my jeongmi heart a bit..
It's so hard to find jeongmi story...i love them..thank yoi again.. really appreciate it 🥰🥰
jjjoannabi30 #2
Chapter 10: thank you for minayeom authornim please create more , i love it - can you do about dumplings too hahaa
Author nim..please make an episode base on Jeongyeon's confessions about marrying Mina on next life..pleasee
aglaonema #4
Chapter 9: 😍
aglaonema #5
Chapter 8: Sweet
Author nim... update pleasee
You've been shipping minayeon really hard authornim..hehe
aglaonema #8
Chapter 7: Sweet
Chapter 6: I want jeongmi uwuuuuu.
So jealous of Minayeon
aglaonema #10
Chapter 6: Aww