Strong Heart

How to set up HaeSica; The Kim Heechul Way ;D


“And welcome to this week’s episode of STRONG HEART!!” Kang Ho-Dong and Lee Seung-Gi shouted to the camera. “Today’s special guests are….SUPER JUNIOR HEECHUL AND DONGHAE! SO NYUH SHI DAE JESSICA! MBLAQ G.O AND LEE JOON! KARA HARA B2ST JUNHYUN AND KIKWANG AND 2PM TAECYEON!” Ho-Dong was shouting at the camera. All the guest, regulars and audience clapped their hands. The guest all waved at the camera with a cute smile, and Jessica and Donghae were sitting next to each other, which made Heechul even happier.

“Heechul sshi, you look very happy today” Ho-dong noticed Heechul smiling to himself.

“I just have a really good story today!” He told Ho-dong and Seung-Gi and laughed “I think I’ll be today’s Strong Heart” He looked at the camera in full confidence. 




“I love embarrassing moments” Seung-Gi read Heechul’s board “Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?” Seung-Gi didn’t seem to understand what Heechul has written.

“Of course not!” Heechul laughed “I enjoy watching everyone else’s embarrassing moments” He laughed even more “I always take pictures when sometime embarrassing happens” He truthfully told everyone.

“Did you bring any pictures today?”

“Of course!” Heechul smiled “Since, Jessica and Donghae are guest today as well and we’re from the same company I decided to bring some embarrassing photos of them” He evilly laughed to the camera. Jessica and Donghae looked at each other with un-easy faces. Eunhyuk, Shindong and Leeteuk sighed of relief “I also bought pictures of you guys as well” He smiled like the devil. Now all the SM members had un-easy faces.

Before Heechul showed the pictures he was talking about embarrassing moments of only Jessica and Donghae, and their faces were flushing red I’ll kill you Heechul was all they were thinking of.

“We’ll get him back” Jessica said after Heechul finished talking and looked at Donghae. Donghae rubbed out what he wrote on the board and changed it to “Kim Heechul’s embarrassing moments” which caused everybody in the studio to laugh.

“So can we see the photos now?” Ho-Dong asked Heechul.

“No” Heechul poked his tongue out to the camera “I’ll show it at the end so the viewers will remember it” He wickedly laughed.

“Why do girls get so jealous easily?” Ho-Dong read as soon as Donghae changed back to what he originally wrote on the black-board. Suddenly Lee Joon and Heechul started laughed and Jessica’s face looking annoyed, but she tried to cover it up by looking confused at the same time.

“Lee Joon sshi, you seem to know what’s going on.” Ho-Dong asked him, while Joon was calming himself down.

“No” Lee Joon just shook his head, hiding his smile.

“Do girls get jealous easily?” Seung-Gi asked Hara.

“No” She shook her head “At least I don’t” She laughed.

“Liar” Junhyun said and everyone laughed.

“So Donghae what are you talking about?” Seung-Gi asked him.

Donghae sat up-right and started to tell his story but without mentioning any names. After Donghae finished telling his story, Jessica’s cheeks were already red, but luckily no one noticed.

“I think boys get jealous easier but they don’t admit it” Jessica commented and poking her tongue out at Donghae. Heechul kept watching Donghae and Jessica, he could see the tension between the two and it was quite funny to him, but he just stayed calm and smirked.




After Hara and Junhyun finished talking about their relationship, Seung-Gi was asking a few people there ideal type and lastly Donghae “Donghae sshi, what’s your ideal girl?” He asked him.

“Hmmm…” Donghae started to think…

“Last time on a radio show Donghae said he liked someone cold” Eunhyuk told everyone.

“And he wanted someone petite” Leeteuk added on.

“Also someone that will take care of him” Shindong finished off.

 “That’s about right” Donghae smiled shyly. 

“WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!!” Boom and Teukie quickly stood up and walked up to Donghae.

“Donghae you say you like someone cold yes?”


“And Jessica is the Ice Princess of SNSD” Boom said.

“Uhhh…yes” Donghae looked at him.

“Do you admit she’s cold?” Leeteuk asked him.

“Yes…well a bit…when you first see her she’s cold but when you start to know her she takes care of you” Donghae just fell in Boom’s and Teuk’s trap.

“SEE!!!” Boom and Teuk shouted at the camera! “Boom and Teuk X-file” They both did there X-file thing.

“Do you think Jessica is short?” Teuk asked Donghae.

“She’s a midget!” Donghae laughed and Jessica glared at him.

“Boom and Teuk X-file~” They both did it again.

“Donghae’s ideal type is someone cold, takes care of you and petite and all it all fits Jessica” Boom and Teuk were explaining to everyone, and they sat back down.

Jessica was just laughing at their stupidity.




“All the babies love me!” Lee Joon was boasting to the camera.

“Even if they like him, he’s still a bad dad, whenever he goes shopping he takes a long time” G.O was telling everyone “He was suppose to buy milk yesterday and it took him 30 minutes because he went to SM’s building” G.O sighed.

“Why, why did you go to SM’s building?” Seung-Gi asked Lee Joon.

“I was just seeing a friend” He told them, Shindong and Eunhyuk were now whispering to each other.

“WAIT! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!” Eunhyuk shouted after him and Shindong discussed about something. They both walked up to Lee Joon first.

“Lee Joon sshi, you say you visited SM’s building yesterday right” Eunhyuk questioned him. Lee Joon was now starting to look confused.


“Who was this friend of yours?” Eunhyuk asked another question.

“Uhh…” He looked over at Heechul and Heechul was signalling him to tell them he saw Jessica “Jessica” He smiled.

“Shindong and Eunhyuk X-man~” They both copied Boom and Leeteuk’s pose.

“You guys aren’t dating right?” Boom looked back at Joon.

“Aniyo!” Jessica and Joon were both shaking their heads.

“So what are you trying to figure out?” Ki-kwang asked Eunhyuk, not understanding what’s going on.

“Going back to Donghae’s story ‘Why do girls get so jealous easily’” Shindong made his way over to Donghae “Yesterday we heard Wonder Girl’s Sunye came to visit SM as well” He was explaining to everyone in the studio “Also we heard Jessica and Donghae were together at that time”  

“Yah! How do you guys know this?” Heechul pointed at ShinHyuk, they both just smiled proudly back at Heechul without replying.

“So what are you two trying to prove?” Hara asked them.

“We think…. We KNOW that Donghae was trying to make Jessica jealous!” Eunhyuk declared to everybody “And then Lee Joon showed up and Jessica used him to make Donghae jealous!” He added on proudly.

“Is this true?” Ho-Dong asked, while everyone else in the studio was tensely looking at HaeSica.

“OF COURSE!” Shindong shouted like a villain “Shindong and Eunhyuk X-Man~” They both proudly smiled. Jessica and Donghae were both trying to control their facial expressions.

“I’m going to kill you later~” Donghae bitterly told them while death glaring at them. Everyone in the studio was laughing except for Donghae and Jessica. They were just looking at each other and were planning revenge back to their fellow SM “buds”.

“Jessica and Donghae would look good together” Ho-dong was telling Seung-Gi, Seung-Gi started to think and agreed with him.

“Are you up to your match-making again?” Seung-Gi suspiciously asked him and laughed. Jessica and Donghae were just blushing like crazy “You guys come to the front and take a couple picture together!”


-Heechul’s POV-


The show was about to end “Okay EVERYONE! Time for pictures!” I shouted in joy. I took out the photos from the box that was under my chair “This is Donghae!” I chirped happily and grabbed three pictures of Donghae and showed it to the camera, everyone else was looking at the photo through the monitor. As soon as everyone saw the photos they burst out laughing, Jessica was laughing the most and she kept on teasing Donghae.

“AHAHAHAH LOOK AT HIS HAIR!!” She was laughing hysterically “How cute, I remember when you looked like that” She looked at Donghae.

I started to tell everyone the stories behind these photos. After I showed the pictures of Donghae I showed 3 pictures of Jessica.

“ANIYO!!!” She screamed in embarrassment, as the photos showed up on the monitor and of course everyone started laughing again. Donghae was getting Jessica back teasing her non-stop. Then I told the stories behind the photos. Jessica and Donghae’s face were brighter than a cherry tomato.

“I think you were cuter back then” Donghae poked his tongue out to her, but she just ignored him.




After shooting finished Jessica and Donghae bowed to everyone first and left since they had a schedule to do. I looked at everyone and clapped “You all did a great job!” I cheered.

“Donghae’s going to kill us because of you!” Eunhyuk was referring to him and Shindong.

“I don’t care” I poked my tongue out to them “All I care about is setting those to up together”

“My plan is working out well” I told everyone.

“What’s your next plan?” Joon asked.

“They are going to have a couple photo-shoot together” I smirked happily.

“Well, we’ll be looking forward when the photos come out” Seung-Gi happily told me before leaving.

“You guys all acted great today, they totally fell for it!” I was happily telling them, but then again, since Jessica and Donghae are so stupid they would have believed in everything. 




This chapter didn't go exactly to plan. 

I really don't know how to write out a Strong Heart episode. 

This is my dream Strong Heart episode with HaeSica as guest and Heechul there :3 

There wasn't much Heechul in this, but there is going to be more Heechul at the photo-shoot :) 

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Chapter 6: Update soon please ^_^
Chapter 1: New reader here!
Can I just say that I freaking love Heechul? xD He's a genius!
I love this story, author-nim! :D
Sumaiya_Sultana #3
Chapter 6: The video was GREAT! :D
Sumaiya_Sultana #4
Chapter 5: I wonder what Heechul's extreme measures are......
Sumaiya_Sultana #5
Chapter 3: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Seems like Heechul's evilness will never end >:D
Sumaiya_Sultana #6
Chapter 2: I was seriously smiling trough the entire chapter :)
Sumaiya_Sultana #7
Chapter 1: Awww...Hae is jealous of Sica and Sica of Hae....Can these two get any cuter?:)
Update really soon!!!
chloe_haesica14344 #9
PLEASE update soon!!!!
HaeSica12 #10
Update soooooon!!