
How to set up HaeSica; The Kim Heechul Way ;D


A/N: Sorry for the crap picture, but my internet is hating me at the moment D: 


-Heechul’s POV-


Well Ice Fishies before you set anyone up, you have to be 200% sure that they like each other, and the easiest way of doing this is making them jealous. So here we go :D



“Hello” I called Sohee on the phone *fan-boy scream!*

“Oh, Heechul sunbae, hello” She answered back “Is something the matter?” She asked.

“No, I was wondering is Sunye there?” I asked her with a devilish smirk.

“Of course…I’ll call her over. Sunye unnie” She called over her leader.

“Hello?” It was Sunye on the phone this time “What’s going on Heechul?” She asked me.

“Are you free today?”


-Normal POV-


“Hey, fish!” A brunette girl hit him on the back.

“Princess” He smiled “You’re always hurting me” He pouted like a little kid and she just grinned to herself.

“I’m so bored” Jessica pouted “All my members out” She told him.

Donghae just grinned “You just wanna spend time with me” He said to her with a wink.

Jessica couldn’t think of anything to say back so she just slapped him on the arm and faced away from him. Donghae just laughed at the girl “Do you wanna do something?” He asked her.

“Okay” She smiled.

“Donghae?” They both turned around to see who was calling him.

“OH! Hey Sunye!” Donghae smiled brightly. Jessica saw Donghae's smile and angrily pouted when he wasn’t looking at her.

“Hey” Jessica lazily said. Donghae noticed the sudden change in Jessica voice and thought she may be jealous…he decided to have a little fun to himself and continute to make her jealous.

“I’ve missed you!” Donghae hugged her, he was evilly laughing in his mind, while Jessica was glaring at the two.

“Stop being such a flirt! She’s got a boyfriend!” Jessica shouted at him, trying not to sound jealous.

“I’m not being a flirt though, I’m just simply hugging her. Why are you JEALOUS!” He , poking out his tongue.


-Heechul’s POV-


I watched the couple argue with each other. So Jessica I’m 200% sure Jessica loves Donghae now. I quickly called Lee Joon now.

“Heechul, hyung!” He happily answered his phone.

“Lee Joon, are you free today?”

“Yeah…why?” He suspiciously asked.




After around 15 minutes Lee Joon finally arrived and Sunye was leaving the couple, she quickly came to me and giggled.

“Oh hey Lee Joon” She smiled at him.

“You did great Sunye” I hi-fived her.

“Those two seriously love each other” She told me, still having a giggling-fit.

“I know, and thanks so much. Okay Lee Joon cue!”


-Normal POV-


“JESSICA!!!” Lee Joon ran over to Jessica and smiled brightly.

“JOON!” Jessica smiled back, she decided to get Donghae back. “I’ve missed you!” She copied Donghae and hugged Joon. 

“What are you doing here?” Jessica was trying to look really close to Joon, closer then Sunye and Donghae.

“Just passing by, and I decided I should see you” He answered her while smiling. 

“Aww, you’re so sweet!” Jessica smiled at him sweetly followed by a sweet giggle.

“Oh god” Donghae rolled his eyes.

“You got something to say fish?” Jessica looked at him with victorious eyes.

“You tell me I’m a flirt, when you’re the one flirting with him!” Donghae told her, not going to accept defeat.

“Well at least Joon isn’t in a relationship at the moment!” Jessica told him back “Don’t tell me you’re jealous?” She smirked at him.

“Pfft, me jealous, you wish!”

Lee Joon was trying hard not to laugh, so he decided he was time for him to leave, also he could see that Donghae was already jealous. “well I should get going now Sica”

“Okay, well we should catch up sometime soon!” She was acting all cute which was making Donghae sick, and Lee Joon left the scene.

“Okay, well we should catch up sometime soon!” Donghae was imitating Jessica with a high squeaky voice, while doing fail aegyo on purpose.

Jessica just glared at him “Just admit Donghae, you’re just jealous!”

“Like I said before, you wish! WAIT PRINCESS! Are you trying to MAKE me jealous?” He said with a smug look.


-Heechul’s POV-


“And Donghae loves Sica!” I happily sang to myself, I decided to go back to the dorm and thinking of some other plans. HaeSica is going to be a hard couple to set up since they are ALWAYS arguing….BUT!!! If they are on national TV they can’t argue with each other! I smirked to myself, I quickly called Ho-Dong, I’m going to be on Strong next week and I should tell him to invite HaeSica!

“Hello?” He answered his phone.

“Hyung it’s me!”

“Oh, Heechul what’s going on?” He asked me.

“I was wondering if you could invite Jessica and Donghae on strong heart next week” I told him.

“Well…I would have to ask the producers, but I would need a good reason as well” He was telling me. I can’t let him tell the producers that I wanted to set up Jessica and Donghae, so I tried thinking of something else.

“AHHH! Well I know SO MANY embarrassing moments of those two and pictures that I’ll bring!” I happily told him. This is great, I get to embarrass those two at the same time >:D “Also make sure those two sit next to each other!” I added on.

“Okay, sounds good. I’ll call you back later” He told me and hung up.

“Heechul what are you planning?” I heard Leeteuk come into my room.

“I’m setting up Jessica and Donghae” I replied to him, while grinning.

“Haven’t we told you a million times not to mess wi----“

“OH PLEASE! Kim Heechul is the definition of love! I know what I’m doing, and if it wasn’t for me you and Taeyeon wouldn’t be together, so you should be thanking me instead of lecturing me” I was telling him, while taking out my box of embarrassing photos of everyone.

“I was going to confess to Tae----“

“Excuses, excuses, just admit it without me there would be no TaeTeuk"  I was picking out all the photos of HaeSica, at the same time I was thinking about embarrassing moments of those two as well. 




just a short chapter since its late here. 

Sorry for mistakes, I'll fix them up tomorrow!

I don't like this chapter, but i just wanna update now xD

So sorry, I promise the next update will be better *fingers cross*

I'll update again tomorrow, but it'll be longer and hopefully better.

Heechul: Don't miss me too much my loves ;) I'll be back! *blow-kiss*  

Me: Oh god -___- 

Heechul: Don't have to be so mean, since no one is going to miss you! MWHAHAHAHHAHA 

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Chapter 6: Update soon please ^_^
Chapter 1: New reader here!
Can I just say that I freaking love Heechul? xD He's a genius!
I love this story, author-nim! :D
Sumaiya_Sultana #3
Chapter 6: The video was GREAT! :D
Sumaiya_Sultana #4
Chapter 5: I wonder what Heechul's extreme measures are......
Sumaiya_Sultana #5
Chapter 3: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Seems like Heechul's evilness will never end >:D
Sumaiya_Sultana #6
Chapter 2: I was seriously smiling trough the entire chapter :)
Sumaiya_Sultana #7
Chapter 1: Awww...Hae is jealous of Sica and Sica of Hae....Can these two get any cuter?:)
Update really soon!!!
chloe_haesica14344 #9
PLEASE update soon!!!!
HaeSica12 #10
Update soooooon!!