
He Came Back For Us
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Cool! Maybe Areum's idol isn't so bad after all, the lad thought silently, deciding that he should probably do more research and stream Baekhyun's songs once they got home.

Call it a thank you gift for his support. 


"I had fun today", murmured Jongin all to himself, yet audible enough for the others to hear. Areum nodded (even though she can't be seen when she's behind him) approving of what he said, as she noticed today was indeed enjoyable overall.

"Wow, what great news", Sehun sarcastically replied. But his genuine smile contrasts it all. 

"We should go here sometimes. Staying at home is so boooooring."

"Or, you could just go to Uncle Baek's house and stare at him all day like what you do at home", suggested Sehun with that big cheeky adorable smile he would occasionally show. Jongin and Tao seem to be unsuspected of this, yet were still surprised that the Ice prince can smile, sincere at that. Areum? Not so much.

"You're a genius!"

"Hey, hey, what's this about me again?"

Baekhyun intervened, his eyebrows knitted in confusion and his expression most definitely showing his disapproval of whatever schemes these children are planning. And probably this would happen in his house. Again.

"Sehun told Areum she can stay in your house so she won't get bored. LOL", laughed Tao, expecting a "no" from his uncle that always disagrees with anyone staying in his house.

"Oh... That's not a bad idea."

Tao groaned. He should have known since Areum is someone he cherishes. 

Tao then began to bicker nonsensical topics with Baekhyun. The uncle would just drop it off like a bomb as if some easy question. 

That's true. 

"Hmph, Sehun, let's go to that bumper car."

"But we've been there earlier", complained the latter. Sehun was expecting the boat ride, why in the name of God is he about to be stuck with Tao? Has he not had enough?

"I want to bump some kids again."

"That's mean of you."

"Shut up Jongin, you were meaner. You laugh at kids who can't do  things."

"I am not!" Jongin loudly protested. How dare his cousin think lowly of him? He does more charitable works than Tao anyway, who was he to talk. He huffed at the idea. 

"You're just bitter."

"Yah, yah, you kids can't laugh at the kids. That's hypocrisy."

Baekhyun laughed (hysterically I may add) at Chanyeol's sudden remark. He then pulled everyone and took them to a ride he wanted them to try. It looked higher than the rollercoaster, but he bets this one is better than the said ride. Looks a tad bit scary, but manageable. 

"you could enjoy the view from up there!" came Chanyeol's happy tone. Tao, Baekhyun, and Jongin could only gawk at the ride's height. 

"I'm out", the cousins said in unison. 

Unlucky for them, the group has an Areum and a Sehun. 

"You're coming with us."

The best friends pulled the cousins and took them to the line, which they made lots of problems with. 

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were witnesses of the events. 

Areum and Sehun were then finally in the line, yet Tao and Jongin insisted those behind them take their spot since they claimed that they were not in a hurry. They only succeeded for their first (and last) try since Areum isn't slow enough to see what they were scheming. Sehun shook his head (both laughing and pitying Areum for her hard work). 

Areum was mad and took them in front of her and Sehun for them to avoid doing anything to escape their tragedy. The two best friends even held their hands just for them to be kept hostage. 

After a few struggles, their turn was up and the cousins didn't have a choice but join the ride with frightened expressions that Areum smugly snorted. She told Sehun it was what they deserve. 

"I would have to scold her for being such a brat", chuckled Chanyeol at his daughter's bratty attitude. 

"Don't be that harsh. I wanted to see their terrified faces anyway. Been a while since they rode that drop tower."


They then watched the children's seats rising. Baekhyun covered his mouth at his nephews' scared faces. Tao was already heard screaming when there wasn't anything happening. The staff was beginning to get worried, but Baekhyun stood up from the bench and told the staff to keep going until the ride reached its time limit. The man nodded at the request and let the ride keep going. 

Baekhyun swears Tao just pulled the middle finger on him, though. 

"That child..."

Baekhyun walked back to Chanyeol with a silly beam on his face. 




Baekhyun took out his phone and would momentarily record Tao's shouting (having the thought that his mom would love to know how her son is doing). Chanyeol can even hear Jongin's screams in the background which Baekhyun would burst into an even more fit of giggles. The chuckles lasted for a few minutes. Both grown-ups relish each other's company with their kids enjoying a ride they once were in. 

Time's different now. It's not them who's on the ride, screaming at the intensity and feeling that maybe it's their time to ascend (to heaven). It's not them who's experiencing the churning of their stomachs when the roller coaster speeds up or the drop tower suddenly bounces downwards. 

Or so they thought. 

Maybe they're just too naive to think that life can become as simple as watching their kids having fun in an amusement park. It's not much of a worry to Baekhyun, but the jittery feeling in his guts says otherwise. 

Problems occur now and then, but why does it still linger even at times like this. At times when they need refreshment and a bit of freedom from their troubles. They need time, but why does it seem like they should be getting the answers right now. Why does it need to be taken immediately?

Does it have to be troublesome? Difficult? 

Baekhyun has this need to just burst to Chaneyol to make him feel safer. But how? And from who is he supposed to feel harmed? 

He'll just have to come clean to find out which is which.

"Hey Yeol..."


"I want you to know that..."


(The following day...)


Yifan was left in his old office, having nothing else to do but play with his fancy swiveled chair. Being sophisticated is suffocating him. All he ever wanted was to stay in a humble abode, mesmerizing the cherry blossoms blooming during spring, a cup of coffee in his hand as he waits for someone to sit beside him. 


There go his imaginations again. Yifan sighed in dismay, raking his hair with his hand as sadness lingers in his office. feeling ty. He began to snatch the telephone, contacting a pesky someone for a breather. Don't be mistaken, he doesn't mean anything but they have an agreement that one should contact the other if one has a plan of his own. 

Or they would have no choice but to want a troubling day, something they are avoiding. 


"Ayy, why you're calling me. I'm in a spa."


Yifan groaned. Does he have to do this? It's not like he's being forced to take out a man busy toning up his skin.

Forget it, Yifan thought. He'll just go with what he had planned earlier. 

"Let's go to a mall or something."

"Ay- jkhfuiidsdhhosh-- ", Yifan rolled his eyes at the gibberish notations. Does he need to take this guy with him? 

"So sorry, someone annoying called me and wanted to go shopping, hehe, anyways--- WHAT? MALL?"

"If you don't want to then--"

"Oh be quiet! Let's go!"

"Call Tao as well."

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NatsuHandsome #1
Chapter 14: Hello I'm a new reader and I'm waiting for updates. Want to know the history between Chanyeol and Kris
Nikita_trivedi #2
Chapter 15: You updateeeedddddd???!!!!!!
Nikita_trivedi #3
Chapter 14: Do I expect krisyeol romance in upcoming chapters?
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Chapter 10: Baek as a clingy friend - yes please!! But what is the mystery about protecting someone??
Nikita_trivedi #5
Chapter 11: Can't believe YOU updated!
Chapter 9: OMG.. I'm right. They are past lovers, am I right??? OMG OMG. Can't wait for the next chapter
Beau1996 1372 streak #7
Chapter 9: Finally - the boys meet!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #8
Chapter 8: So I guessed wrong about the plan but it was nice and embarrassing!! When will Baek and Chan meet??
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 7: I can't imagine how f'ed up Tao's plan will be!! I wonder if having Areum meeting her idol is part of it??
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm ready for Chan and Baek to meet...🤔