📼 COLLEGE DAYS ... rolling film
leo the leo🦁
ucsf 22. let's have a good day!
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leopawk some late night flicks 📸
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tiffanypark me!! pick me!!
junosworld hey, how are the kids?
justinjeon babe i can't talk right now leo just posted something
leopawk quiet on the set. 
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tayven lee new film coming out? 👀 
johnnyseo babe if you're seeing this keep scrolling
 leo is a coddled only child, though he never felt like it. living right next to the lims meant he had three almost siblings, one of which being juno who will vehemently deny any involvement with all three of them.
 juno was often a taboo in his past relationships, and it wounded him how sometime he would be made to chose between love and friendship, but now he makes sure to let all future partners know what juno is in his life (just a friend!!).
 despite that he did have a tiny crush on her back in middle school (puberty...) but at the time juno would have literally killed him if he tried to pursue it. since then he has not once seen her as anything but a homie.  
 has had a handful of girlfriends, most of which ending pretty amicably. he's that one rare ex that wasn't completely toxic. 
 his favorite mcu quote ever is "die blanket of death!" he nearly fell of the seat laughing in the movie theatre and juno walked out on him with the popcorn.
 took one of those quizzes to find out which dog breed he is. he got a golden retriever, and juno got...a chihuahua...
 his love language is physical touch! very nice and very cuddly to his friends (unless they voice out that they're not comfortable with it!) and gives the nicest hugs! #abolishsidehugs
 likes to explore and always orders different things at boba places and restaurants and general, so he doesn't have a go-to order for anything. it also helps that he's not a picky eater, so he's cool with anything you give him. 
juno lim
if you so as much mention true beauty, you WILL be blocked.
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junosworld i want what mr and mrs smith have. 
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the8 don't they try to kill each other??
junosworld perfect
junosworld your boyfriend thinks i'm hot
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rosepark  my boyfriend, I think ur very hot
leopawk the kids miss you
justinjeon pop off queen 👑 
 juno is the oldest of three siblings, and leo gets along infamously well with her two younger brothers. thankfully, she's far away enough from home where she doesn't have to worry about the three of them being the bane of her existence. 
 some of leo's past girlfriends bugged her about being too close to him but juno is juno and she doesn't take like that. however, at one point it got so bad she had to lie and say they were cousins.
 has only truly dated three people, with the longest being eleven months. while we're on the topic of relationships, juno doesn't chase (she attracts), and only ever pursues someone if she really really likes them. most of the time she's the one getting asked out/hit on.
 the dryer in her building's laundry room takes forever to dry clothes and maintenance there  with a capital , so she's been sneaking in small amounts of her laundry in leo's. she's been doing it for three months and he still hasn't noticed.
 has an interest in cars! she currently drives a white 2015 mitsubishi evo that's been heavily modified to her taste. will deck anyone that makes a mess in it.
 was into tats at some point and did some shady underground tattooing in her apartment for some of her acquaintances back in her freshman year. leo and a few of their other friends got their first tats from her, and as far as tattooing goes she was actually pretty good. she stopped right before her business took off because she did NOT want to deal with actual clients. she still has her equipment, so if you ask her or bug her enough then she'll probably do it.
AUTHOR'S NOTE + UPDATE! this is a trivia page that no one really asked for but i did anyways...! the trivias are separated into two subjects; the darker bullet points are character basics, and the lighter bullet points are some tmi's! feel free to ignore the lighter bullet points...since they're mostly just me thinking im being funny.....again.....also i 've decided to code the previous ig layout because i sincerely hate the new one with an unexplainable passion. 
and as usual none of the names you see save for juno and leo are real characters, but feel free to take some inspo from them!! they're basically...those english names for kpop idols.
anyways! this is another teaser of sorts, as well as a thank you note for 71 subs!! <3 thank u guys for all the support...i definitely did not expect this many people to be interested so again thank u guys!! <3__<3 with that being said, at the time of making this i told myself i was going to set a deadline after ten apps! but!!! it's exceeded that!!! so very grateful T_T so!!! since i want to take off with this story i've decided to set a soft deadline (july 25) it's still tentative, so if a lot of people ask for extensions or idk something happens, it could be pushed back. the date is just there as motivation for me to get this story started!!!!!!
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💾: teaser posted!! I couldn't come up with anything else...im sorry...but soft deadline has been set to july 25!!!!!!


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Chapter 3: hey know this sooo late but i am just wondering, if this is still open?
Chapter 3: hi hi hello sorry for the really late comment heh. thank you so much for your review, i'm glad you enjoyed reading the app. also i really love the layout for the latest update! it's sooo pwetty :3
Chapter 2: not sure if i'm just an idiot with this one and have just missed it (highly possible, i'm legally blind),
but if if hasn't been mentioned, is ucsf known for any degrees in particular?
Chapter 6: omg my bi is just so in love with these two.... why
14 streak #5
I won’t be applying after all, sorry about that!
busans #6
Chapter 6: the layout is so simple yet beautiful,,,,
Chapter 6: wait i LOVE this
Chapter 6: i LOVEEE leo and juno's profiles!
my baby ophelia would reply to her mrmrs smith post like "you do have it, i am your mr. smith."
and lemme just say i SPAT OUT MY BOBA TEA when you referenced "i don't chase, i attract" (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Chapter 6: istg i'm gonna finish my app for this even if it kILLS ME JFSKDL i loved the trivia page and honestly both leo and juno are precious and i would 11/10 fall for both of them :' )
Chapter 4: hi there !
just dropping by to ask if there's a deadline for this ? i haven't seen any date so i'm not sure if it's still open, but the story looks nice so i might give it a try if you're still accepting applicants c: