📼 COLLEGE DAYS ... rolling film
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Leo Park
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THE SYNOPSIS like stated in the intro, leo park is a college senior at ucsf. for the sake of the story, ucsf is a public college like all the other uc's, and the existing ucsf doesn't - well, exist. for his year-long final (think of it like a thesis, but not a thesis), leo was tasked with creating a video or videos that showcases the everyday life of a senior at ucsf. leo is hyped as , and decided to bring his camera with him everywhere in order to live in the moment, and film himself living in the moment. i'm not sure how realistic an assignment like this is (since disclaimer: im not a film major), but it goes with the vibes of the story.
so where do you come in? well, you're one of leo's friends (whether you like it or not. leo loves you)! aka the subject of his little vlogs. the story will follow the daily lives of leo and the crew aka you, as you navigate through college and live out your youth doing god knows what. the story will follow a social media fic type of writing, as well as some sort of limited chapters of words. the main focus would be the social aspect of college and the interactions between characters!
THE BASICS surrounding your character is that they're a college student! since i want there to be an established friendship between your character and leo, you can apply as a sophomore, junior, or senior! this would make the age range vary from 19-22, maybe even 23 or 24 if you started late. because this story will rely heavily on pictures and video-esque content, i'd prefer for your fcs to be idols, actors, or models that have lots, and i mean lots!! of pictures for me to go off of. you can check out the teaser to see what i mean! and as usual, please do not race bend in any way, shape, or form.
COLLEGE LIFE is self explanatory. what your character majors in, any clubs  or sports teams they're in, or maybe even frats/sororities. if you choose to go down the frat/sorority route, do keep in mind that it probably won't be a completely big focus, but if that's what you want, then by all means!! i also won't trip out much about class schedules and like specific details like that since the story won't focus on going to classes but moreso their daily lives outside of class. 
THE CONNECTIONS between each and every character is important! this is a group of friends that somehow managed to stick together through all of college (if ur applying as a senior, of course), so just keep that in mind. if you want to collab, then feel free to do so!! unique relationships with both juno and leo would be appreciated as well :') also just an fyi, they aren't romantically involved, (it happened once in a dream) so feel free to apply as a bf/gf, a fwb, or maybe even have them be your mortal enemy idk.
SOME BONUS POINTS and some character ideas that i don't particularly need, but can definitely imagine in the story are
- using fcs from nct, twice, seventeen, and some more mainstream idols cus they have plenty of pics and content. also, i don't care how overused the '97 line is, please i love them....
- leo's roommate (preferably male since i'm planning on having leo live in some sort of a dormitory) that initiallly got roped along to the group because of leo. doesn't know if they should hate him or love him for it.
-  a complicated relationship with either of the wonder duo, or both idfk, that could add some much needed tea and confict to this otherwise sunshine and rainbow story.
- the friend that does NOT want to be in any video and smacks leo's camera away whenever he tries to film them. 
- skater boy/girl. that's it. 
LEO PARK, 22 is the self proclaimed leader of the group. and while he's often the victim of getting dogged on for his corny and cringy humor, no one can deny that he's the glue that holds the group together. leo is a friendly and gravitating guy, and he has a knack for making people feel welcomed. so while some may see him as an idiot, many still know him as the nice guy. 
JUNO LIM, 22 is a long time family friend of the parks. they grew up together and leo saw her go through all her phases, including her much abhorred edgy kid phase (though one could argue she never got over it). she's not - in any means - as friendly or approachable as leo, but any friend of leo's is a friend of juno's, so if you have some sort of relationship with leo, then in one way or another you must have already met juno. she's a lot more emotionally distant than most, but still plays along with the shenanigans the group pulls.
juno is majoring in business, which out whatever little soul was left in her
UCSF is one of the campuses of the highly prestigious university of california system. if we were to rank it amongst other ucs, it would have about the same amount of prestige as uc irvine. 
ussf is on the "better" side of the uc's, with an acceptance rate of 30% and high success rates for all their students. 
as for sports, ucsf is widely known for the men's basketball team and women's volleyball team, with both holding multiple wins from national competitions. 
the campus is located in the heart of san francisco. with a college town neighboring the city and the famous golden gate bridge, students will never run out of things to do! on the downside, livings costs do tend to add up...
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💾: teaser posted!! I couldn't come up with anything else...im sorry...but soft deadline has been set to july 25!!!!!!


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Chapter 3: hey know this sooo late but i am just wondering, if this is still open?
Chapter 3: hi hi hello sorry for the really late comment heh. thank you so much for your review, i'm glad you enjoyed reading the app. also i really love the layout for the latest update! it's sooo pwetty :3
Chapter 2: not sure if i'm just an idiot with this one and have just missed it (highly possible, i'm legally blind),
but if if hasn't been mentioned, is ucsf known for any degrees in particular?
Chapter 6: omg my bi is just so in love with these two.... why
14 streak #5
I won’t be applying after all, sorry about that!
busans #6
Chapter 6: the layout is so simple yet beautiful,,,,
Chapter 6: wait i LOVE this
Chapter 6: i LOVEEE leo and juno's profiles!
my baby ophelia would reply to her mrmrs smith post like "you do have it, i am your mr. smith."
and lemme just say i SPAT OUT MY BOBA TEA when you referenced "i don't chase, i attract" (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Chapter 6: istg i'm gonna finish my app for this even if it kILLS ME JFSKDL i loved the trivia page and honestly both leo and juno are precious and i would 11/10 fall for both of them :' )
Chapter 4: hi there !
just dropping by to ask if there's a deadline for this ? i haven't seen any date so i'm not sure if it's still open, but the story looks nice so i might give it a try if you're still accepting applicants c: