💾 CLIP 03: FAQ

 📼 COLLEGE DAYS ... rolling film
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Leo Park
32K subscribers
Leo Park June 3
hello and welcome to the faq page! i realize that there's a lot of questions and i'm not the best at covering all the bases....so i've decided to create one here! (mostly as an excuse to stick to the youtube theme of this story, but that's beside the point) this page will be updated frequently as i receive questions, so feel free to check back here whenever you come across any questions while filling out your apps! happy applying :D
what school is ucsf based on?
short answer: none LMAO. the school aspect of this story really won't be emphasized (but it WILL be there though), so i don't really mind giving you guys free reign on what you imagine ucsf to be. the only things that are set are the things that i wrote about it in the cheatsheet (right below leo and juno's character intros). 
can we apply as juno's roommate?
yup, you can apply as both leo or juno's roommates! as it stands right now i'm thinking of having the two live in dorms, but if you want to live in an apartment or something of the sorts like that with them, then that's also cool with me! 
can we apply twice?
of course! feel free to apply as many times as you want, but in the selection process, do keep in mind that only one of your characters can be accepted!
what are juno's and leo's ualities?
juno is bi and leo is straight!
can i use a different layout?
yup ^_^ 
could you tell me a bit about juno & leo? just school wise such as which clubs they're in, are they in a frat/srat, do they party hard or do they stay in, etc. or about anything just fun facts wise? is there anything for these two or are we given free reign-ish?
yes yes of course!! i really didn't have much for them in terms of school wise, but i've decided to think it over and have something for you guys, as well as a more in depth description of them to compensate me not just creating an example app for you guys (cries). excuse me if this gets long...
Leo Park: leo is a third generation asian american and his parents are very (very!) americanized so he's basically just...american...to be honest. he's a little emotionally unavailable and has had tons of girls (and guys) crushing on him but not many were able to win his heart. i emphasized his friendliness in the cheatsheet, but to make it a little more clear he is!! very friendly, but he's one of those kids you know in school that's friends with everyone but not friends with everyone. he stick to his own crew in a way, but doesn't shy away from conversing with others.
his youtube account has been up and running since the beginning of junior year and his content is very niche and geared towards gen z and bay area humor, but he's an attractive enough guy with funny and attractive enough friends, so he has a pretty good following. he's locally famous in sf, but not so much if you venture out of cali. 
in terms of school, leo is a senator for asuc (sort of like asb or leaderships for uc's) and isn't a part of any frats, though he certainly knows damn near everyone in all of them. he's a very social guy so he parties hard and is never the designated driver because no one can pull him away from intoxicating substances the moment he steps into a party.
Juno Lim: juno is a second generation asian american, and her parents are still deeply rooted to their korean culture. out of the two of them juno is the only one that can speak korean fluently and has a korean name (lim.....jugyeong......don't ever mention tr*e b*auty near her). juno is a bit monotoned and dare i say a little boring compared to leo, but that's because she's less energetic. she has a very intimidating aura and can and definitely will throw hands if provoked, so that leads a lot of people to just not approach her. when put next to leo and the group, though, you can expect the same level of stupidity coming from her. (and instead of being a mom friend, she's more of the rebellious daughter).
in terms of school, juno isn't interested in any student organizations or is a part of any clubs or sororities. she's much too busy doing whatever the hell juno lim does outside of the group to even want to join a club (+ socializing with new people is typically icky for her). however, she does work part time at a local starbucks on monday, wednesdays, and fridays (everyone from the group comes in to ask for free drinks. her manager is too scared of her to stop her). she does attend parties, mostly to have fun and/or got dragged out by one of the motley crew, but she's not so hardcore like leo is. whereas leo is the type to invite people to go to parties with him, with juno it takes a little bit of convincing if you want her to go. 
i'm not sure if i missed this but may i ask what is the current year that the story is taking place in?
the story will take place in the fall semester of 2021, meaning they'll be graduating in 2022!
when are their birthdays?
I can't believe i totally forgot to give them a birthday LMAO, but leo is born august 1 which makes him a....leo....and juno is born january 17 which makes her a capricorn (capricorn women heart eyes).
is juno someone who uses tinder?
occasionally when she feels like it! juno isnt someone who always look for love or anything intimate, so at most she would use it for...physical stuff...but not too often!
is it okay if i also make my character a youtuber?
sorry, i'd prefer it if leo is the only crazy guy carrying a camera around the group!
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💾: teaser posted!! I couldn't come up with anything else...im sorry...but soft deadline has been set to july 25!!!!!!


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Chapter 3: hey know this sooo late but i am just wondering, if this is still open?
Chapter 3: hi hi hello sorry for the really late comment heh. thank you so much for your review, i'm glad you enjoyed reading the app. also i really love the layout for the latest update! it's sooo pwetty :3
Chapter 2: not sure if i'm just an idiot with this one and have just missed it (highly possible, i'm legally blind),
but if if hasn't been mentioned, is ucsf known for any degrees in particular?
Chapter 6: omg my bi is just so in love with these two.... why
14 streak #5
I won’t be applying after all, sorry about that!
busans #6
Chapter 6: the layout is so simple yet beautiful,,,,
Chapter 6: wait i LOVE this
Chapter 6: i LOVEEE leo and juno's profiles!
my baby ophelia would reply to her mrmrs smith post like "you do have it, i am your mr. smith."
and lemme just say i SPAT OUT MY BOBA TEA when you referenced "i don't chase, i attract" (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Chapter 6: istg i'm gonna finish my app for this even if it kILLS ME JFSKDL i loved the trivia page and honestly both leo and juno are precious and i would 11/10 fall for both of them :' )
Chapter 4: hi there !
just dropping by to ask if there's a deadline for this ? i haven't seen any date so i'm not sure if it's still open, but the story looks nice so i might give it a try if you're still accepting applicants c: