
Jimin looked at the clock in the front wall. Five minutes. Five minutes left until the bell rang signaling the end of their last class. She's been playing with a piece of folded paper since their class started. Thoughts of earlier encounter with Jaehee still on her mind. Finally making a decision, she tossed the folded piece of paper to Soeun's table who was just sitting nearby.
Soeun was obviously surprised by the piece of paper that flew to her table and started looking around, catching Jimin who was meaningfully looking at her. Soeun raised her eyebrows to Jimin which the latter responded with actions telling her to open the piece of paper. Soeun's brow creased as confusion flood her mind. Like, what is wrong with Kim Jimin and why was she interacting with her. She just opened the paper and rolled her eyes. 
Stay for a while. We need to talk
Soeun didn't know what is up with Jimin and why would she wanted to talk all of a sudden. They didn't have any business with each other anymore and there was no group project for them to work on. She just crumpled the piece of paper and pretended to listen to the teacher in front while waiting for the bell to rang.
It didn't take long for the bell to rang and students lowkey cheering and sigh after a long day was heard. After the the students properly say goodbye to the teacher, Soeun immediately stand up taking her bag. Seeing this, Jimin quickly stand and fortunately catch Soeun who was already by the door. 
"What?" Soeun rolled her eyes upon being halted by Jimin
"I told you to stay!" Jimin said a little bit loud, now their classmates are giving them weird looks. 
"I'm not a dog" Soeun rebutted 
"Just listen will you?! Oh shoot" Jimin noticed that Jiyoon was already going out of the other door of the classroom. She quickly dashed to Jiyoon while giving a warning to Soeun "Stay right there!"
"Jiyoon ah!"
"What?" Jiyoon said to Jimin who was holding her wrist a little too tight.
"We need to talk" the taller girl said and pulled her towards Soeun who can't leave, she was being hold back by Jimin's boyfriend. "No more objections!" Jimin said towards Soeun and grab her wrist using her other hand. "Thanks" she said now facing her boyfriend with two resisting girls on each her hands.
"No problem. Need any help?" he asked but Jimin shake her head
"I can handle it.. them" she said to which Jiyoon and Soeun scoffed
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"Sure. Bye" Jimin bid her goodbye with a sweet smile and pulled both girls away. Jiyoon and Soeun just watched the couple in disgust the whole time
"I can't believe you really got yourself a boyfriend!" Soeun said while being dragged away
"Envious? Not my fault you're ugly" Jimin answered
"Oh, excuse you? Me? THE Park Soeun? Ugly?"
"You are though" Jiyoon commented, rolling her eyes at the stupid discussion of the two
"Oh shut up Jiyoon. And I am not envious. I don't care about relationships" Soeun retorted
"Yeah you just complain so much being single then proceed to reject every single soul that tries to hit on you" Jimin said
"But where are we going?" Jiyoon asked, tired of being dragged by Jimin, who was obviously taller and have bigger steps than her. Soeun is tall and seems not bothered by how fast they are walking. Some of the students already started to look at them weirdly "Hey can you slow down!"
Jimin slowed down as they reached the first floor but still didn't let go of the two. They were now heading to a different building in the campus "Fine. We're going to the clinic"
"Why?" Soeun and Jiyoon asked in unison
"Because I heard that Hyewon got hurt" Jimin explained
"WHO HURT HYEWON?!" The two said, again at the same time.
"Okay relax. She's fine. She got hit by the ball when they were playing volleyball. Jaehee said it was an accident and nothing serious. But it seemed that Hyewon was acting odd lately"
"You always act odd, but we didn't bring you to the clinic" Jiyoon said as a matter of factly
"Shut it" Jimin rolled her eyes
"Also, you talked to Jaehee?" Soeun asked wondering about the interaction
"Yeah. I saw her earlier. She was came running out the restroom. Crying and scared"
"WHO HURT JAEHEE?!" Soeun and Jiyoon said again at the same time. Jimin finally let go of their hand to face them, they were already near the clinic anyway.
"Can you tone it down? Your over-protective unnie selves is showing"
"Oh come on. Knowing you, you probably reacted worse?" Soeun said to which Jimin rolled her eyes, not agreeing but also not denying. Soeun knows she's right.
"But why was Jaehee crying" Jiyoon asked seriously
"Well, she's sad" Jimin started and saw the confused look on the two's face. "She was sad that she wasn't able to protect Hyewon"
"You said it was an accident, that wasn't her fault" Jiyoon said
"I know, but she was still guilty, you know how she is. And now she thinks that.." Jimin halted her words, hesitating on what she was about to say
"That?" Soeun asked, getting impatient
"That Jihyo is mad at her"
"What?!" the two reacted at the same time, again.
"Jaehee saw her. In the restroom. She saw her there when she was crying about Hyewon and now she thinks Jihyo is haunting her"
"Jihyo won't do that" Soeun said
"Wait wait wait" Jiyoon realized something and looked at Jimin accusingly "So you believed when Jaehee told you she saw Jihyo but chew me for it? Wow your favoritism is showing"
"I don't have favorites! Even if I do, it won't be you" Jimin answered that made Jiyoon gasped, exaggeratedly. Somehow Jimin was not sure if she really offended Jiyoon or the girl was just being dramatic
"That's rough buddy" Soeun commented from the side
"Anyway! Jaehee saw her like two feet away from her. You saw her from a huge distance, of course she was more believable!" Jimin insisted
"I have a good eyesight, I might be 3 floors above but I know what I saw okay?!" Jiyoon argued
"Stop arguing! What does it have to with us going to the clinic anyway?" Soeun said trying to stop them
"Are you really not listening? Something is wrong Hyewon, like something was bothering her. She never lost focus in volleyball. Something must be up" Jimin explained
"You think she also saw Jihyo?" Jiyoon cleared up Jimin's words
"Well I guess..."
"And if she really did then what? Is Jihyo really haunting us? Why would she even do that?" Soeun wondered
"That's what I want to find out" Jimin is determined with her words. Her curiosity on this is growing 
"Jimin this is not some mystery you are watching"
"I know. But it involves our friend. It involves us."
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Chapter 7: Damn this story is intriguing! Thank you for this author!
Chapter 7: omg i'm hooked!
Lozanoellaizamae #3
Chapter 7: Updateeee pleaseeeee
hellohello1234 #4
Chapter 7: Loved the update author-nim! I can’t wait to finally read about the before story.
Chapter 6: thanks for the update author! im excited for the next one
alk_lofamia #6
Chapter 4: please update soon author-nim, curiousity is eating me,,,I want to know what's about to happen
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update Author-nim
Can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 3: Update please author-nim