
The Sound of Love


Dongho stood at the door, still dazed, admiring the mysterious yet talented girl through the window of the door. A good ten minutes had passed and the girl still didn’t stop playing, which he was fine with; Dongho didn’t want her to stop. She had, what people would say, an amazing touch to the piano. The song was pleasing as is, but the way she played it made it wondrous. He could stare at her beauty all day as well.

Her silky, straight hair gleamed as the light from the window shone on it. Her plump red lips curved into a small smile as her fingers swept across the keys, reaching the bridge of the song. She finished it off perfectly. He smiled at the way she cheered cutely when she finished off the song she tried, for 10 minutes, to complete.


The piercing sound of the bell startled Dongho causing him to slightly wince and drop his notebook he held. Heaps of students emerged from every corridor causing the hallway Dongho was in to grow crammed quite rapidly. A group of tall boys shoved passed Dongho causing him to drop his bag along with his things which were spilling out. He let out an enraged groan and bent down to pick up his things which students rudely kicked everywhere, not caring about the poor boy. Eventually, he had no choice but to grasp everything he could get hold of and retreat the out-of-control and wild hallway.


Meanwhile, Hye Su finally got all her music pieces settled and into her backpack, ready to be late to Mr. Choi’s class, once again. She had nothing against the man or his class, she just hated having to push and shove her way through everyone to get to her class, especially after lunch; the students were like animals, hollering, pushing, running. She’d always for the hallway to clear up before heading to her next class, on the other side of the building.

Sighing, she opened the door of the empty classroom she was in. Taking a step out, her foot accidentally stepped on something odd- a notebook.

Curious, she picked it up and studied it carefully. It was a fairly clean notebook, minus some shoe prints, which she cleaned off. The hard cover was pure white and nicely decorated with an artistic image of a piano along with red music measures extending from it. It was definitely a cute notebook. She opened the cover to the first page:

“Property of Shin Dongho”

Shin Dongho? She’d never heard his name before. He’d must be a new student. Figures, more and more students are getting accepted in this school by the hour.

Flipping through the pages, Hye Su gasped at the person’s work, completely astonished. The pieces this person wrote were truly extraordinary. The melodies played in her head as she examined each note. She’d never come across a song so simple yet heart-warming before. She flipped the page once again, the next song was a more complicated one, and still, it was marvelous.

She stood at the door, still astonished by the notebook for at least a half hour now. She didn’t care how she’d miss out on Mr. Choi’s lesson, or that she’d be in a huge amount of trouble. She was way too captivated to even move from that one very spot she stood.

Shin Dongho… you are incredible


Arriving at his doorstep, Dongho hastened to enter his mansion, glad to finally be home from that terrifying school, well, not completely terrifying.

He stumbled in his living room and flung himself onto the white cushioned couch with the image of the gorgeous girl he saw today still lingering in his head as well as the tune of the beautiful song she played.  He bit his bottom lip to suppress from smiling too widely. He hugged a couch cushion and continued to daydream about the remarkable girl he encountered today. Apart from his cold and grumpy act towards others, Dongho did, deep down, have a soft and childish side to him.

From her mesmerizing eyes, to her flawless milky skin and chubby cheeks, Dongho adored all of her features. Better yet, he loved her piano abilities even more. She was beautiful, talented, and smart. You just don’t find a person like her often. He sighed and pictured the day he’d ask her to be his, the day he’d show her his music, where he’d take her on a date. He planned out everything… he just had to meet her, or find out her name at least.

“Dongho? Dongho-ah, are you home?” he heard his mother call.

Quickly, he sat up and pulled out a textbook from his bag and opened it to a random page, pretending to be studying. He’d be caught dead letting his parents witness him ‘fan-boying’. They’d be all over him if they found out he had a crush. “I’m in the living room!” he replied.

She appeared within seconds, smiling smugly at the sight of her son ‘studying’. “So, how was your first day?” she blissfully questioned, sitting down at the empty space beside him.

“I still hate the school with a passion,” he lied, not taking his eyes off his textbook.

His mother frowned, puzzled. “Impossible, I was sure you were going to like it,” she stated.

“Well… it’s not that awful. I’ll tolerate it, for now,” Dongho admitted.

He saw her eyes enlarge from the corner of his eyes. “Really?” she asked, unbelievingly.

“Really,” he repeated flatly, “if you need me, I’ll be in my room… studying.” He closed the book and snatched his bag, proceeding to his room, where he could text all his friends about what happened today.

“Okay honey! Dinner will be ready soon!” his mom exclaimed as he walked up the lengthy flight of stairs. Grinning like a fool, he couldn’t wait for his next day of school.


Fresh out of the shower, Dongho waddled to his bedroom, putting on a clean pair of pajamas. It’s almost midnight, and his homework was still unfinished. He’d spent a huge amount of time telling Kiseop and Eli about the girl he’s been obsessing over. They’d both call him a crazy stalker, but he’d shove it off and continue go on about her.

He drew his textbooks out along with a clean sheet of paper and a pencil and spread the things across his desk, ready to start his untouched homework. However, something felt missing from his things. He hastily searched through his schoolbag for his song notebook. No, he couldn’t have lost it; all his songs were in there.


It was gone, nowhere to be found. He tangled his fingers in his hair with frustration and rubbed his face. He angrily threw his bang on the ground. He wanted to go crazy. He’d just lost the most valuable thing to him. No, this couldn’t be happening. All his work… gone. His mind reminisced back to when his things spilled out when the hallway was crammed and students were pushing and shoving; where he had no choice but to carry all he could to and empty corner. He must’ve forgotten his notebook there.

He scratched his forehead irritably; those pieces were his own and private, especially. He hated the idea of people going through his things, better yet his music. His fist balled up and he let out a fuming groan.

Could things get any worse?



“Hye su-ah, time for bed,” Hye Su’s mom announced.

“Aw, 5 more minutes, please,” Hye Su begged looking up from the notebook she’d been looking through all day. Not once did she take her eyes off of it. She’d tried a couple pieces on her piano at home, her family as well as herself was stunned.

“The music in there really fascinates you, huh?” Her mom questioned, taking a seat next to her daughter on the bed. Hye Su nodded and flipped the page.

“This Shin Dongho looks really gifted,” Hye Su commented, “But he doesn’t title his music.”

Her mother looked through the piece and agreed. “Where did you find this?”

“On the ground, he must’ve dropped it. The hallway was empty and I accidently stepped on it,” Hye Su answered.

“He must miss it then,” her mom stated.

“I’ll look for him tomorrow and return it,” Hye Su promised. Her mom chuckled and kissed her temple.

“Five more minutes, and then you go to bed, got it? You need to wake up tomorrow,” her mom affirmed and left to tuck in her other siblings. She nodded and continued to ogle over the book. She needed to meet Shin Dongho soon; she wanted to tell him how talented he is and how much she admired his work.

Her two little twin sisters sprinted in the room, hypered. “Unni, mom says to go to sleep,” they announced. She sighed as her 5 minutes was up. She closed the book, tucking it in her backpack and turned off the small lamp that illuminated the room. She snuggled under the covers with the two and closed her eyes, falling asleep, exhausted after the day she had.

I’ll find you, Shin Dongho…



Author's Note:

OKOKOKOKOK. Sorry for this kinda late-ish update. 

I promise they'll meet soon. :) 

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i-b2uty #2
interesting story :) update soon please :D
OMG this clifhanger... lol you're gonna kill me :D
Ooooh, this story sounds interesting~!
I hope you post the first chapter up soon :]