now or never

I just love you



I felt my happiness the flower of my skin, I felt a great concern, I felt that a great transition would occur in my life.


-Calm down, friend! -Seohyun spoke with her calm tone that she always had. 


-How? -Is it if it doesn't work out? What if she gave up? -I started to get desperate and walk around inside the room of the big rented room. -Oh! -I got hurt when I felt a burning on my back. Sooyoung. 


-Soo asked Yuri to laugh sitting on the sofa. 


-Hey there! -She shrugged.


-Be calm Unnie, she loves you and everything will be fine! -Sometimes I was scared by her calm.


-Okay. -I agreed. 








I was already in front of the judge, the wedding would be a little different we would have the whole process of a normal wedding more, instead of being a priest (or pastor) in the decree of the ceremony would be the judge.




Everyone was already in their seats when the ceremonial music started to play, I looked at the entrance of the hall and could see my future wife with a beautiful white dress with silver details on her waist, she was smiling. I love that smile. 


She came walking slowly and after saying goodbye to her father, I smiled at her and intertwined our fingers.


The judge started to say some things and soon came the witnesses-Jessica and Yuri-sign the paper and soon it was us. 


The judge said a few more things and finished. 


-Wives can kiss each other.-He spoke with a smile. 


I looked at Tiffany and took his hands and smiled and glued our lips in a long seal. Applause from our friends and family were heard.


We went to the party hall and celebrated all night.


-I love you so much! -Tiffany spoke giving me a passionate kiss. 


-I love you too! 


Tiffany got up and took the bouquet of pink flowers and prepared to play and all our friends were there, she played and went into Sunny's hands.


-EHHHH...MY LOVE!-she ran and hugged Soo and kissed him high.


Tiffany sat down next to me again and the party continued. 












~Two Years Later~








I hugged his waist and left a cracked kiss on his cheek.


-I let go...-Spoken sly.


-Ohh, my wife and very sly people! -I made a bikini and got a seal.


We're home and I wanted to eat Ice-Cream but I was lazy to go shopping, so I was working on Fany's morning.


-I wanted to eat ice cream, Fany-ah! I kissed her cheek and held her waist tighter but not stronger.


-Fine...aish!-grumbled and lifted the couch and went to the counter and took the car key and left home.


I went back to watch Bananas in Pajamas. What was it? A 23 year old woman can't watch animation?


After half an hour, I heard the noise of the door opening and I looked and Fany had arrived three bags from the market. And she did not look happy. 


-Fany-ah?.-I approached her and took the bags and put them on the counter, I hugged her body next to mine and she had her face closed. -Fany, are you mad at me?



-Are you sure?

-I am.


I gave her a kiss on her lips and she reciprocated.


-What did you hear then? -I asked after the kiss.


-I didn't have the pink jujube that I like on the market! 


Tiffany loves a pink bear jujube that sells, she simply loves this jujube since she was 15 years old, and when agent does not find her she cries. But I always buy extra jujube and hide it in case she has not sold.


-Don't cry love...Come here! -I took her wrist and we went upstairs to the game room.


-boo...I don't want to play. -She was still crying.


I went to the little closet and opened the door, where they had salty snacks and a locked purple suitcase.


-I gave her the suitcase.


I walked to the table where I had the computer and opened the desk drawer and took the key.


-She asked curiously, looking at the suitcase everywhere.


-Let's see. I talked and put the key in the little hole, opening the suitcase then.


There were 4 little bags of pink jujubes there, I looked at fany and she was impressed.


-She took a little bag and hugged me.






After long hours I finished, took a relaxing bath and went to see TV in the living room.




Taeyeon arrived from work gave me a kiss and went to take a bath, got up from the couch and went to make dinner.


I made a chicken lasagna with cheese, an orange juice.



-What a good smell! -I felt a kiss on my neck and arms surrounding my waist.


-How was your day? I asked after a stamp.

-It was very tiring, is yours?

-It was also tiring, but I managed to finish the article!


I put the plates on the table while she fixed the glasses and the silverware.





-It was delicious! -Tae praised it after tasting the lasagna. 




After dinner we went to the living room, tae wanted to play video game, I preferred just watch. 


She started playing Harry Potter lego, and way she put the tip of the tongue out was so cute that I could not stand , I put my hand I his chin and turned his face and kissed his pink lips , the kiss was calm and passionate.


- Fany, made me lose poxa!-she complained sticking her face in my neck. 

-I said it by squeezing your cheek lightly.


-Fany-ah, don't do that! -She inflated her cheeks and made a beak.


-My TaeTae is so cute! -I did it with her.


-My fany and boring!-she talked.


-So I'm leaving, you said you didn't want to marry a boring person. -I'm leaving!


-No Fany-ah...I was kidding! -She hugged me around the waist and pulled me to sit on the sofa. 


-I don't want any more too! -I'll turn my face and repress the laughter.


-Fany...I'm sorry, I was kidding! -I looked at her and her eyes were sore, I pulled her to a hug. 


-I spoke and kissed her cheek.


-I couldn't live without you. -I couldn't live without you.


-I couldn't live without you. I love you!


-I love you!

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alex097 #1
Chapter 3: I like this.