
I just love you



I felt my heart racing along, I felt my body more tired, I felt my breath fail, I felt the wind of the cloudy day beat in my face.


I finally managed to get through the school gate after running about four blocks. I looked at the campus and had almost no one, only a few cleaners there, I walked through the many corridors as fast as I could.




I arrived in the room panting and asked the teacher for permission and he let me attend his class. I sat in the first row and picked up my material in the backpack, I kept everything organized so as not to lose my material, which was so precious to me.


-Let's start the class, today we will talk about the most popular courses in...








The classes passed and the signal hit warning the break for the meal. I got up and put my material in my backpack for not liking it to be spread, and so being alone in the room after everyone had left, I'm used to that I finished saving everything quietly.






-Hello Tae...-I heard Tiffany's voice, turned around and found her leaning against the wood of the door smiling. 


-Hello Fany-ah. -I approached her and hugged her body, smelling her delicious smell. 


-I missed her! -She spoke with sly. 


-Me too. -I gave her a long seal on her lips.


I intertwined our fingers and we went to the cafeteria. We got there and got our food that was so good and we sat at the table with the girls.


-Oula, chente.-Soo talked with his mouth full.


-Naughty! -Jessica stood there looking incredulously at her, with yuri lying on her shoulder.


-Love, why do you talk with your mouth full? -I said it's ugly, Poxa.-Sonny complained.


We laughed and continued our meal laughing because of Sooyoung's clowning.








I looked at the time and it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was half orange giving a more beautiful tone to him. In front of the door I rang the bell and soon the door was opened.


-Taeyeon.-Mrs. Hwang greeted me with a tight hug, always so affectionate.


-Mother-in-law, I missed you. -She smiled, showing EyeSmile, that her daughter (my girlfriend) inherited.




I went into my girlfriend's house and sat on the sofa next to Mrs. Hwang. I waited a few minutes and soon I could see my princess coming down the stairs smiling.


-She kissed me. 

-You look very beautiful! I talked watching your face turn red, I ended up kissing her.

-Let's go TaeTae? -I felt her and went outside her house.


It was already 10pm and we were in a chalet that my grandmother has, I preferred to spend the anniversary of dating there in front of the sea, with snacks and drinks. 




We were lying down and a sheet on the grass looking at the stars that were shining more than ever.


-It doesn't look like we're having 3 years of dating, Fany-ah.-I talked and kissed her on the head because she was lying on my chest.


-It's true Tae, time passes very fast.-I poked her brown hair.


-I love you more than anything! -I confessed once more, as I always do.-Never will I get tired of saying that I love you, I want to confess until after our wedding! 


-I want to marry you and have children.-She spoke kissing my cheek.


-I'm sure this will happen.








I smelled your roses, I felt your kiss, I felt your affection, I felt my love for you grow bigger and bigger.



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alex097 #1
Chapter 3: I like this.