What is she?!

Someday it will be mine.

'Lesson starts at 8am and ends at 4pm. Dance lesson starts at 5pm and ends at 7pm. Tutoring from 8pm to 10pm. Helping my grandpa with his errands till 11.30pm. There! My schedule for tomorrow is settled!' Namjoo taps her pen on the notebook as she sets out her schedule.

'Ya! Kim Namjoo! What are you, superwoman?! Just look at your schedule!!!' Chorong places her arm over Namjoo's shoulder while peeping into her hectic list of activities set out. Namjoo has always been an all-rounder. She seeks for perfection in everything she does. She is known as the energizer bunny in her clique as she seems to have never-ending energy to complete her tasks. 'Make full use of your 24hours or you are losing out!' is her motto in life.

Namjoo smiles at Chorong sheepishly while packing her bag. 'Don't worry about me unnie! Got to go! I have to go to the children centre to volunteer!!' Namjoo gave her frowning sister a hug and left the school.

'Namjoo-shi! You're here! The children are already waiting inside with the new volunteer dance instructor, you may start anytime!' The centre's attendent informed her. 'Oppa you are so mean, I don't like you!!' Minji (6 year old orphan) cries as she ran towards Namjoo. 'What's wrong my dear?' Namjoo bends down and gives the girl a hug. 'It must be you! Who are you?! How can you make a little girl cry? Do you call yourself a man?!' Namjoo questions the man standing over the other end of the room. 'But... but... I...' The man was interrupted before he could explain himself.

'Ah Namjoo-shi, it seems like you have met the new instructor! This is Hoya-shi and he is our new volunteer. Minji ah! Have you been bullying the new oppa again?!' The attendent asked. Namjoo greeted the new instructor with doubts.

'Even though it might be Minji's fault this time, I still have my eyes on you!' Namjoo warned. 'Girl, you must be mad!!!' Hoya snapped. 

'I've never met somebody with so much suspicion. What is she?! It's a pity how so much angst is hidden behind her beautiful face...' Hoya thought to himself as he left the center. 


// so how was it? It has been forever since I continued the story as I was extremely unmotivated; well that's until I realised shikshinmaknae commented! Heh Heh! So please please please support me!!! :D

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Lizzy_501 #1
sungkyu&bomi <3 Hoya&Namjoo <3 Maknae couple <3 Dongwoo and Yookyung? lol that's such a random couple but i love it! i wonder who will naeun end up with? ;)
happygorilla #2
I just started on a Namjoo chapter! I hope you'll continue reading!! :D
sunggyu is so sweet :') UPDATE SOON NEH? im waiting for namjoo chap.__.v