Chapter 21



“hey answer your phone, it’s really bothering me” Zico said, looking at me. I knew who was calling but I wasn’t in the mood to talk to them.  My phone was lying on the table so it kept on moving around. I moved it to the edge of the table, hoping for it to fall.

“Fine, if you’re not going to answer it then I’ll answer it for you” Zico said, grabbing the phone. I tried to grab it away but he was too quick.

“Hello, Mrs. Park. Yeah, Jay’s here. Yep, I’ll make sure that he’s at your house by 3:30pm” Zico said, as he hung up the phone.

“What the hell did you just do?” I yelled, getting up. I didn’t want to talk to my mother and now Zico has made arrangements for me to meet her. People around the café turned and looked at us.

“No need to worry people” He said, smiling and bowing. The people just stared for a while before they went back to eating their meals.

“I’m only trying to help you. She said that you guys are having a family meeting and you need to be there before 3:30pm” He said, not backing down.

“Whatever. I need to face her some time and I think it’s now or never” I said, walking away.

“Good luck, Jay. Hope everything works out great” He said. I turned around to see him waving. I waved back and walked out towards my car. As I was walking to my car, I saw Zhara making her way towards the café. As soon as she saw me, she changed her direction to the far left so she would be far away from me. I just brushed it off because my chance will come this Monday. I got into my car and drove to my parents’ house or as my mother likes to call it “The Parks’ Estate”. I was really pissed off that my father wasn’t in the country which gave my mother every opportunity to dictate my life. I arrived at the estate around 3:25pm. I was 5 minutes early. I parked my car and made my way to the house.

I opened the door and greeted Mr. Woo.

“How are you, Mr. Park? It’s been a very long time since I last saw you” He said, bowing. I felt bad for the old man. He’s so old and instead of enjoying retirement, he was at someone else’s home being their butler.

“No, grandpa. Just call me Jay. I’m doing very well. How are you doing?” I asked, bowing.

“I have been very good, Jay” He said.

“So I heard my mother wanted to see me” I said, standing there.

“Yes, Jay. It’s in the lecture room” He said, bowing.

“Ok, thank you Mr. Woo” I said bowing. I walked pass the 1st floor family room, and turned my right where I saw the family lecture room. The door was closed and there were mumbles coming from the other side. I pressed my ear against the door, hoping to hear something but I heard nothing. As soon as I opened the door, they all stopped talking. Sitting on the couch were my younger brother and Seo Young. On her fancy chair or as she likes to call it her ‘throne’. I stood there looking at them. I didn’t really like my mother. She was the type of person to sabotage other people just to get what she wanted, just like Seo Young. I sometimes think that I may not be her real child and that Seo Young is actually her child.

“You’re finally here. Have a seat, love” My mother said, pointing to the remaining chair. I looked at her for a second before taking a seat.

“Ok, let’s begin” She said, looking over at us.

“So how have you all been?” She asked.

“I’ve been very well” My brother answered.

“I’m ok” Seo Young answered next.

“I’m doing fine” I answered, looking down.

“Ok, so I said that Seo Young was going to marry Jay but apparently he didn’t get the message” My mother said, looking at me. I could feel her eyes on me but I didn’t want to look at her.

“Really?” Jaehan asked. He sounded annoyed.

“Yeah really” Seo Young said.

I just sat there while they discussed my suppose marriage to Seo Young. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Just shut the hell up and mind your own business, Seo Young” I snapped at her.

“Excuse me, that’s not how you talk to your fiancée” My mother said, looking at me.

“Mom, your life is over. Why the hell do you always try to dictate my life?” I yelled, getting up.

“What is wrong with you, Jay? I’m only trying to help you” She said, getting up. Seo Young got up and stood in front of us.

“If you think you’re going to get back with that Zhara girl then think again because that is never going to happen while I’m still alive” She said, coming closer.

“Jay, watch your language. You’re talking to your mother, you know” Seo Young said, glaring at me. I looked over to see my brother just sitting there and watching everything unfold.

“Why don’t you shut up for once in your life, Seo Young? Every little thing that happens, you just have to come to my mother and start whining and complaining just because something didn’t go your way. You are exactly like a toddler crying for his mother” I screamed. Just as I am about to make everything perfect, Seo Young comes along and ruins it.

“No, I don’t” She screamed back.

“Last time I checked, you cheated on me with that ‘Ricardo’ guy” I said. I remember in the 11th grade when we were dating, she had gone to a party that night which I wasn’t invited to and she had made out with this new guy named Ricardo. A guy had taken a photo and posted it on the internet.

“So that was a very long time ago” She yelled, glaring at me.

“Who gives a how long ago it was? All I know is that you cheated on me. And you and my mother probably sabotaged my relationship with Zhara” As soon as I had said that, the room got quiet.  I knew that there was something going on behind my back but I was too much in denial to accept the fact that my own mother would do something like that to me.

I turned to my brother and he looked all of a sudden interested.

“Mom, what’s he talking about?” Jaehan asked, looking at our mother.

“Nothing, he doesn’t know anything” She said.

“I’m going to make everything better now. And I know that you and Seo Young are the cause of my relationship’s downfall” I said.

“Jay, I’ll support you in your decision. I’ve got your back” my brother said, giving me thumbs up. I knew he didn’t like Seo Young because she was very disrespectful towards him and that Zhara always treated him with respect.

“Thanks, Jaehan” I said, smiling. I turned and started walking towards the door.

“If you think that you can have your way, over my dead body. It’s never going to happen” My mother screamed.

I turned and stared at her. I couldn’t believe what I was about to say to her. “You can disown me for all I care. This is my life and I’m going to seek happiness without you or anyone stopping me” I looked at them one more time before heading out. I made my way towards my car and speed off. My parents have now lost one child.

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i'm so sorry that i haven't been able to update. i've been very busy with school!


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LeeJinki-s #1
Chapter 15: When it said she handed her 50,000 won my eyes practically buldged out of my head. Jesus Christ!
sumireaoi #3
Chapter 41: noooooooo i really hped that zico and zahara would get together first
Chapter 41: ayeeeeeee i live te life of a silent reader, can't i just go on like that? XD lol but i really like your ff Author-nim ^_^
sumireaoi #5
Chapter 40: i hope zico and zahara get together even if its for a bit ,just hoping cause they have great chemistry
marmarrrk #6
Chapter 40: Poor baby I just want to hold Eun ji that everything's gonna be okay
Sweetness15 #7
Chapter 39: Soooooooooooo Good lol. I just want to know if zico is crushing on zhara later in the story haha. Keep on the great penmanship!
Chapter 39: Everything is falling into place :D Yay!
ambwgirl3134 #9
Chapter 37: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i was going to ship zahara andd zico .........zarco