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When Hee Chul walks into that noisy place, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol hits him square in the face. The alpha makes a gesture of disgust, and hurries to a room at the back, where a tall, burly alpha opens the door for him once he watches him carefully. Hee Chul walks in and takes a quick look around the dark room as he listens to the door close behind him.
How long ago was it there? He came to think that he was not going to set foot in that disgusting place for a long time, maybe never. However, it still has unfinished business.
"Congressman Kim. I assumed our business was finished”, mentions the alpha behind the long desk, who looks Hee Chul from head to toe before inviting him to sit down.
"Really?" He begins, settling into the padded chair. "Your last job was a total failure, Seung Hoon. Do you know how much it cost me to convince my clients that I am trustworthy? And all for believing that you are competent".
The alpha laughs, but is unfazed by Kim's harsh words.
"Even being incompetent, you've called me again, haven't you?" He says mockingly.
"I did, because there is no one else to do the dirty work for me, and you know that very well. Besides, you still owe me something.
"Still, didn't you mention that someone else would finish what I started?"
"And you wash your hands so easily?" After leaving Kim Sung Kyu alive ?! I told you you had to kill all three of them. Mr. Kang was very specific when he asked me for this job, and now we don't even know where they have hidden it. He won't be able to put his plans into motion until he's sure that brat is dead".
"You must understand that it has been very difficult to locate him with the NASI on us. We can't risk".
"That Agency has always been on us!" The congressman interrupts, slapping the desk hard with one of his hands. "Don't tell me now you're going to cower ?! You've already robbed five banks and they haven't discovered anything yet! But, it's only a matter of time before they do, because there's an agent who is asking about the BRC, and that's not good for us. I need you to get it out of our way".
"Not. Not that. I'm not going to get more involved with NASI. You better ask someone else".
"You owe me! Save your brother from death! Thanks to me he is free, and rich. Like you! Now they'd both be in hell if it weren't for me. You have no option".
Seung Hoon swallows hard, but in the end he nods, because Kim Hee Chul has it in his hands.
"It's okay. What do you want me to do?" Seung Hoon questions, feeling the cold sweat trickle down his forehead, and the congressman looks at him with eyes shot with determination and annoyance.
"I want you to kill Nam Woo Hyun".


"Don't you think it would be good to tell the captain all this?" Sung Yeol asks as he looks at Woo Hyun a little worried.
Nam has spent the whole day reviewing the papers Myung Soo gave him and analyzing all the possible theories. He didn't get any response from Hee Chul, and Woo Hyun is sure it's because the congressman is into everything, but he still has no way to prove it.
"First, I have to be sure of many things, Sung Yeol. And I know I'm close, but I can't get more people involved. In fact, you'd better not help me on this anymore".
"Are you crazy?! You are my partner and my friend! I would never leave you if you need my help. You can't do this alone, Woo Hyun".
"I know. And I really appreciate it, but…”, Nam stops his movements and purses his lips.
"What is it you don't want to tell me?" Sung Yeol asks when he notices her anxiety. He had never seen the agent like this before. "I know you too well to know that you are hiding something from me".
Woo Hyun sighs and knows that Sung Yeol is right, and Nam is not a person to tell lies, but, that's just a guess and he doesn't want to alarm Lee. However...
"I think... someone will want to get rid of me."
"What? But, why?"
"Because I'm sticking my nose where I shouldn't. Because I'm sure Hee Chul has to do with the robbery cases and also with the murder of Sung Kyu's parents”. Nam confesses with his eyes fixed on his friend, and Sung Yeol looks at him in total disbelief. "Ever since I went to see him I have a bad feeling. And, I just want to ask you to take care of Sung Kyu if something happens to me. I can't trust anyone but you to protect him".
"Woo Hyun, all the more reason should we tell the captain. I'm sure he can help us talk to someone who is tasked with investigating Congressman Kim and the BRC".
And the agent knows that's true. That there is not only corruption in t

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I hope you enjoy the story, because my mother tongue is not English and there will be a lot of mistakes. Please try to understand me.
I invite you to read my other stories. Thank you!!


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697 streak #1
Chapter 1: just started reading this… i’ll jump to wattpad for the continuation of this 😊
author-nim please update huhuhu i miss this story
Chapter 20: I re read this again. This is such a beautiful story. ❤️
Chapter 20: Please update author-nim i miss this ㅠㅠ
I miss this author-nim ㅠㅠ
What happen for this one too
Chapter 20: We have myungyeol or myungyeoljong
Chapter 20: That was unexpected. I hope Gyu will heal mentally in all this ordeal. And I want Hyun to stay by his side to give him the strength he need to overcome all thses. Thanks for the update
Simran20 #9
Chapter 20: Hope sungyu will be able to heal better and have a chance to give birth. Hope yeol and myungsoo will spare jong and will continue their activity.
Thank you so much for the update author nim ❤️. Hope you are doing well. God bless.
Chapter 20: You’re back author-nim~ thank youuuuu.

I’m so sad that Woogyu lost their baby :((