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KAYLA first of all I'm sorry that it has been so long, but I got busy and needed a break from applyfics. But I have reopened every other older applyfic, but thought that this one was new enough to keep going. So yeah here are the reviews! Hopefully I'll update Kayla and Keria's apps sooner or later but I honestly have so many of them to make both for my own stories and for others, I don't know how far I'll ever get...

KERIA The apps will be linked in the pictures! I work with a three strike system when working with apps. If I need to ask you for corrections three times I'll reject the app. If it is really too bad in my eyes I can reject the app straight away too, but you can try again with a new one. If the app has the accepted status, you have no or minor changes (which will be bolded) but even if the minor changes are there, your app is in the running to be chosen! If it's pending there are some mistakes that I want changed before the app can be accepted, but if you do it you should be fine, so don't worry too much!

The amount of apps: 2

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Kim heena Hi hello Dea! I’m sorry that it’s been so long but I’m finally getting into reviewing this stunning bub! I love heejin, I think she’s stunning and really unique too. Yes I’m very excited to have an athlete, btw! Her style contrast between her normal wear and cycling wear is amazing.


Oh she’s a weeb? Can relate lol. I’m actually currently watching a cycling anime, Yowamushi pedal, do you know it? She’d fit in that anime. I can quite relate to her for the being shy and lonely part but simply bombarding people with attention once you find out that they share the same interests? Yup its totally me. I love her personality! She has lots of sides to her. Wait… omg this story is literally Yowamushi pedal I am DEAD HAHAHA! I wonder if she sings the theme song while cycling too?


Oh god that jump roping with arms is kinda terrifying lol. Besides that I find her trivia adorable! It’s adorable that she sees Kayla as a mom cause yeah it is what Kayla wants to be to the young bubbas of roommate. But oh no do I spot her not getting along with my child? Aw no :c It’s probably because they’re both quite shy and have different interests… awkward babies. Maybe it’ll work out near the end? We’ll see. I can see them having to do chores together and they do not say A WORD.


Ooohh it’s cool that you really looked into the medals she got, I really appreciate it! It shows that you are into this character. I do have a question: will she have any races during roommate? Will she do well there? It’s not really needed but I would like to see her do a few races and the roommates go out to cheer for her at the finish! Ohh she’s a sprinter now, my favourite yowamushi character is also the sprinter, I kinda forgot his name but the red headed loud kid. Ohh she was supposed to be at the Olympics… sadly that got cancelled :c That could be a good story to focus on in a roommate episode… Ah I love her interview, she’s such a shy sweetie ;w;


Oh hello Rubin I know yoouu e u e I was a big Boys24 fan, where’s the time when he was named Haejoon… it’s been so long. Ohhh he’s irresistible to Heena, huh? She fell for him right at the start, damn. Oh he did some stalking and held a surprise party… I kinda love him! I think I know who he is based on… And it’s adorable! I love the ‘some’ dynamic between them, but maybe they’ll develop more with a little push from the roommates? I’m sure Kayla would try to get herself involved in setting them up so they can finally get together. Like just kiss already!!


Oh don’t worry, I think her explaining was just fine? Maybe it’s because I know the anime (but I’m not too far yet…) that I can understand her and Rubin, but I think you did a great job on explaining! Don’t worry about it. Oh Keria the poor child will try to hide his frustration so hard haha. Oh see I think we had the same idea of the roommates coming for a race! Anyway, thank you so much for applying, I’m very sorry for the wait as well, but I love Heena and she’s accepted!


I just realised I started every new paragraph with oh... Help.

so yeonwoo Hi Silvi! What a pretty name you have! First of all, sorry for the wait, secondly, wow this app is looking very pretty ;w; My eyes are pleased. Maybe because Yeonwoo is such a cutie as well. Let’s dive right into it!


A skater, a skater, holy I love it. I actually had a former figure skater idol long ago (and a former shorttrack skater too, actually!). I think it’s a very interesting concept because the line between figure skaters and idols is thinner than other kinds of athletes that don’t involve rhythm and dancing. I do see that Asian idol skaters can have a big following when they are cute and handsome (like yuzuru hanyu!) but it’s quite the same for esports pros. Oh my god he is a young babie I am soft as heckie. Oh, I see the pun in the fashion section, I like it e u e


Ohh an outgoing bub! That will surely be welcome in the roommate house! Compared to Heena, the other app, who doesn’t make friends easily… I’m glad that I’m getting people from both sides of the spectrum because that makes it all the more interesting! His blunt ways will definitely bring both good and bad things, which is very understandable. He really is an interesting character! I really like him. But he is definitely the type that would cause trouble in different ways. Oh god imagine the exhaustion getting to him because of going too hard or him injuring himself… Imagine the drama…


Oh my god I can imagine tiny yeonwoo trying to skate while his dad is holding his hands and im dead its so cute… He went from gotta go fast to gotta be stunning, I guess! I love him… Honestly, getting 80s on tests? I could never. I couldn’t get that high since I got in high school while I was considered very smart… rip. Yeah, juggling a sports career with school can be really hard, Keria has the exact same experience as Yeonwoo :c


Gasp he dislikes boba milk tea? The audacity… His trivia are so cute though wtf >:c he’s snatching my heart so quick. Oh he’s flexible! Actually Kayla has a teammate that used to be a gymnast, if cherry://lactic ever come to visit they’d almost definitely have a flexibility competition. A GIRAFFE LOOK LIKE A CHICKEN?? Dear god that’s really bad! I’m dying I love it! Oh you bet he’s gonna get cooking lessons from Kayla or another good cook of the group, and he’s gonna ENJOY IT and become a CHEF >:c I swear. Oh my god I love the rabbit plushie, it’s so cute haha. Oop he plays league of legends, eyes Keria owo. I never want to watch a horror movie with him… Well I’d never want to watch a horror movie anyway. Oh god he’s a messy person… I bet some roommates won’t appreciate that! But he probably wouldn’t give a about them. Oh god this is so weird, I am doing this review and while reading about the chapped lips part, a song was playing that’s called chapstick, chapped lips and things like chemistry. What a coincidence! Ohh Kayla dance class! Since Cherry://Lactic has pretty intense choreos (I mean their discography twin is NCT 127…) I’m sure Yeonwoo will have a blast learning some of them.


Aww him and his brother are so cute :c I live for cute sibling relationships! His bestie is super cute as well! And oh, do I spot another gymnast roommate? I like it! Oh Keria and Yeonwoo would definitely get along and it would be adorable cause Yeonwoo is quite tall and Keria is tiny. And yes, Kayla definitely has a soft spot for him, just like me. I love that you included so many roommates! And it makes me excited to see them too (if they even still want to apply after this hiatus lol). Oh god he gets up extremely early, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is the first one to always get up and leave. Him going to bed at 9pm will definitely be disrupted a few times during roommate filming for late night activities. He goes to bed when some others aren’t even home yet, probably! Wow, you really put a lot of effort into the schedule, it’s really well-done and makes it a lot easier for me! He won’t be home that often, but many of them won’t be (I mean, Keria has like 16 hour workdays…). There’s actually people out there that don’t know what figure skating is? Blasphemy. It’s a great sport. Also wtf your athlete part is longer than a whole damn app, it’s a whole essay! I’m astonished. It’s amazing how much you poured into this app… His switch is a real interesting part to the story, I bet it must’ve been really hard for him. The discipline might not be so known yet, but maybe Yeonwoo’s appearance on roommate might change that! He’d surely gain lots of fans because of his endless charms. Heck, I’m his fan now, sorry Keria.


I’m not surprised that his love interest is his ice skating partner haha but I’m here for it! She’s so adorable, I absolutely love her! What an absolute bean, so sweet, so soft. How they turned red while practicing in the beginning, that is ADORABLE ugh I love it. How yeonwoo tries to break the tension by cracking lame jokes… I absolutely love it. Oh god they had their first love quarrel oh dear. Oh no the text exchange… I know what’s going on there, it’s in fact happening to me now. I live for this pair, they are just the absolute cutest ;w; I stan team rabbit! What if Roommate brings Jiah in for a visit and Kayla smothers her with love and she’s just like ‘help- im a shy bean- stop-‘


Yeonwoo (and Jiah) were such a joy to read and review, honestly. You put an incredible amount of thought in him and his story and it really shows that you did a lot of research and that you care a lot about this bubba and it just warms my heart like omg someone is willing to do this much for my story ;w; I love him, I love you for making him, he’s amazing, and yes he is definitely going to learn Kayla’s dance! This lovely bub is definitely accepted!

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I missed roommate as well, so I think I'm interested in applying.
Chapter 4: Ah, everyone's so young HAHAHA
Time to make an older celeb app
Chapter 4: i wake up to find the review page up and i’m super happy that you liked yeonwoo (and jiah)! i loved how you reviewed everything so thoroughly and yes... i did so much research just for the schedule and athlete part XD thank you so much for the review again, it was worth the wait and the app :)
12 streak #4
I think I’ll be submitting another character instead, I have no more inspiration for belle
Is this story still active?
Chapter 2: room 203 is a dream
Chapter 3: oOooH im interested.... especially after the amount of times i laughed so hard watching jackson in roommate.
Chapter 2: ive literally just rewatched both seasons of roommate and... i just... yes. this applyfic is perfect
Chapter 1: my tol vine referencer hot model goof ball will love tf out of keria
12 streak #10
Chapter 1: I have a girl for the oldest plotline and a girl I think could work for the rookie plotline!
I might also wanna submit Taeri for the YouTuber plotline lol