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Source : turn in : example 1 & 2


Hi, welcome to the cheatsheet! I bet that I will just ramble while writing yet again so... prepare for a possibly long ride!


So let's start with the basics. Roommate will probably be one of the most open applyfics that you've ever seen. Your character has to be a celebrity in South Korea, but can be of any nationality (example: Kayla is Chinese). The age range is from 2002 to probably like 60 years old, but I don't really expect to see anyone that old because y'all like your celebrities young and sparkly (and so do I, except the good old Let's go dream team guys). Keria is from late 2002, so he'll probably be the youngest of the roommates, and I think that that's a good border to cut it off. Keria has dropped out of school for his career, but it is perfectly possible to make a school-goer! They will just not be present during the days (but most of them won't be because of their jobs). But I do hope that there will be people of various ages, because roommate was all about that. You can also decide their gender, ual orientation... everything is free. Faceclaim can be any kind of celebrity as well, as long as they have a few decent pictures. Athletes, comedians, models, you can make anything as app, and you can also use anything as faceclaim! You can apply up to 3 times, but the chances are low that all 3 will be chosen since I want to give everyone a chance. There are a total of 13 spots not counting my bubs! 7 boys and 6 girls. If you do apply 3 times, please make at least one for both genders, so no third girl or boy, sorry :c


Languages are max 4 unless you have a real good reason for it. Your character has to be living in Korea at the moment of the filming, which will take place starting from may 2020!


The personality is probably the most important thing in your application, and if you miss this, you miss the chance to be picked. I will need at least four positive and negative traits (that means not in total but four each!). Please keep the amount of positive and negative traits equal so that your character doesn't get unbalanced. Also please no Mary sues or Gary stus. I love having cheerful fluffy little babies, but all of them do require a flaw, make them compulsive liars, extremely pessimistic or even just straight up mean (or maybe not cause that doesnt fit roommate, oops). Neutral traits aren't needed, but if you feel like they add to your character and need to be mentioned then go ahead and add them! You can elaborate on the personality in bullet points or paragraphs. Please elaborate on each trait. If you write in paragraphs, please write at least two. If you write in bullet points, it would be better to see three of them for each trait, at least.


You know the drill about the background. This is what makes characters even more interesting. Please do write two paragraphs at least, explaining how they grew up, if they were rich or poor or right in the middle, if something significant happened, how their grades were and how they discovered their love for music. P6ssw0rd is your roommate's favourite food linked to their favourite song! You don't need to explore much on their trainee/idol/celebrity life yet because that will be covered in the celebrity section, but please tell me how and when they got into the celebrity industry. AND DONT MAKE SOB STORIES TO MAKE ME PITY YOUR CHARACTERS! They just make me scream and want to punch my laptop.


Trivia is the place where you can let your inner crazy self loose. It would be lovely if you had at least 5 for likes, dislikes and habits. At least 3 for the other stuff and the __ says section is optional, where you can put like catchphrases and all. Trivia is unlimited! It would be great if you didn't just stick to the minimum amount and just add everything you think is a part of your character. Food, color, pet peeves, favourite animals, ..., all that stuff!


This is where you will put your relationships. Your groupmates (if they are idols) will also have to be put here. Of course they can also make new friends, so if you and your friend are making a character together, feel free to collab and make roommates (see what I did there) or people who will become more than just friends in the show or something. Brooomance, there's nothing realy gay about it! Also, this does not only have to include friends, but also people your character doesn't like and stuff. You can have a lot in here if your baby is popular (like feeldog) or just a few if they're a loner, but please don't go overboard adding unnecessary characters! Also, you can definitely add my characters there as well! But of course that's not needed. Hopefully I won't take too long getting the basics down for Kayla and Keria but I am usually very bad at making example apps.


Love interest is completely optional! Any orientation is allowed! But love is love, and jail is just a room, so please be considerate of the age. You can make fellow celebrities that are real or OC's as your love interest, another app from the show (collab or your own), or normal people, or even Kayla or Keria, who are open as well! Kayla is pretty much fine with everything as pan queen who is in her late twenties, but Keria is a lil 17 year old straight bby, so if you do want to use Keria as love interest, either make it one-sided for a lil boy (poor bby) or make a lil girl! Because Keria is such babie, I will only accept people that are from 2001 or 2002 as his love interest, so at the youngest end of the age range. Also, if your character is an older celebrity, they are allowed to be dating their love interest, or even married if the celebrity is really on the older side. It can be out to the public or not. But the young, squeaky clean idols will have to keep it down, of course.


Celebrity life is kind of a tricky one in this case. Because there are all kinds. In the celebrity life section, you will explain how life in the industry is for your character. If you make an idol, trainee life should be included as well. This is to talk about how they feel about it, how the fans feel about them, all that kinda stuff, you know?


History is where you put significant parts of their career. For the idols of the bunch, this is the discography, for the actors, its their filmography, for the athletes, it's big achievements, you hopefully get it by now. It also includes extra predebut activities that are important, for example, before Kayla joined Hexagon (go apply to Hexagon btw, it's Buttfluff's survival show), she was a freelance model. Nothing much, but she did have a small following.


Schedule will be the usual daily schedule of the celebrity. It doesn't have to be too detailed, but it is good to know if a character will be gone often or not. If they work during the day every day, they obviously won't be present for day activities of the roommates. If important things happen once or a few times a week (like Keria's matches), put them in this section as well.


You can make all kinds of celebrities. Of course the regular idols, but also retired idols, actors, models, athletes (including esports, hello Keria), comedians, youtubers, influencers (but they do have to be quite big in that case), variety stars... there are probably more kinds? Well, it would be more fun to have more variety of celebrities, but one kind that I won't accept is rated celebrities? Like p*rn stars, camgirls or people who are famous because of their onlyfans (no offense against them, but you would understand why a variety show for the whole family wouldn't want those in the house). Just have fun with this! Do anything you want! I've already seen someone planning to make a gymnast and I'm literally so excited ;w; Another fun thing is that if you do have an idol character from another applyfic, you can take their group and use it in this show. But if you aren't the author of that story, please do ask the author for permission. But of course, you can completely make up your own group like I did with Kayla's group (I even am drawing looks for them and cause we stan Cherry://Lactic in this house). But the survival show that they got formed through is actually another applyfic!


There will also be some kind of interview section! It will happen during the casting to decide who to accept as roommate. It will include questions as feelings about living with others, allergies (for their safety), what kind of pet they would want to adopt if the roommates did decide to get one, and their room of preference. The rooms are found in the house chapter and you can write down the number of the room your character would prefer! But of course, if one room is popular, they might have to battle for it. Keria will be in room 205, because it was kind of pre-decided that it's his room with the gaming setup room connected to it. Kayla is currently still undecided, she'll probably be decided when the whole cast is chosen. She doesn't really care.

taken stuff / etc

Taken stuff and brownie points!

Taken fcs of my characters (including Kayla's group):
- Naomi Wang Ju
- Keria
- Mystic
- Fly
- Summit (all esports pros btw I just love 'em lol)
- Loona's Jinsoul
- Jvcki Wai
- basically previous roommates are off-limits


Taken other stuff:
- DRX as esports team
- NCT 127 as kind of a discography twin (your group doesn't have to have a fixed discography twin, NCT 127 just fits Cherry://Lactic's eccentric style)


Brownie points:

- a big variety of celebs
- faceclaims that you don't usually see (so not ateez, april's naeun, blackpink's rose, ... of course they're allowed too but it'll make me less excited)
- if it wasnt obvious, im weak for esports
- collabs <3 make a pair that already knows each other beforehand? or maybe a soon-to-be couple, or soon-to-be besties idk
- a cute lil rookie girl for keria to maybe crush on? Or not, thats also okay, but give me a babie
- an older parent figure
- yeah just look at the roommates page if you are in need of an idea to start with
- love stories that make me squeal from softness or cry from drama

layout coded for sienl1 by chittaphonsimp
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I missed roommate as well, so I think I'm interested in applying.
Chapter 4: Ah, everyone's so young HAHAHA
Time to make an older celeb app
Chapter 4: i wake up to find the review page up and i’m super happy that you liked yeonwoo (and jiah)! i loved how you reviewed everything so thoroughly and yes... i did so much research just for the schedule and athlete part XD thank you so much for the review again, it was worth the wait and the app :)
13 streak #4
I think I’ll be submitting another character instead, I have no more inspiration for belle
Is this story still active?
Chapter 2: room 203 is a dream
Chapter 3: oOooH im interested.... especially after the amount of times i laughed so hard watching jackson in roommate.
Chapter 2: ive literally just rewatched both seasons of roommate and... i just... yes. this applyfic is perfect
Chapter 1: my tol vine referencer hot model goof ball will love tf out of keria
13 streak #10
Chapter 1: I have a girl for the oldest plotline and a girl I think could work for the rookie plotline!
I might also wanna submit Taeri for the YouTuber plotline lol