Chapter 2

Worlds Apart
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I have been pacing the floor of my spare room while sipping my warm lemon water looking at the shelves that hold my collection of baseball hats, making me frown as I really liked my yellow one before it was stolen. I pout as I keep walking up and down as the empty space where it once sat is mocking me.

Why would a creature steal a hat? Was it kids maybe that came along and stole it. I keep walking up and down trying to think what could have taken the hat. Grabbing one of my other hats I pull it on and head to the kitchen to leave my lemon water in the sink. Right, I need to go and find out who or what the hell stole my baseball cap and why they kept running off after watching me. Taking my car keys and sliding on my runners I head off down to my car.

Pressing the button for the ground floor in the lift. I try to think of yesterday and what happened. Ok so my coffee was spilt over.That could have been me when I fell asleep or they just didn't like decaf. My strawberry muffin was eaten so they clearly loved that. I giggle a little to myself as I step out of the lift. I have an idea, maybe I should get the same stuff again from Chen's delights and head back up to my secret meadow and try to see if whatever was there will come back again.


"Wow Chanyeol your back, how is your writer's block?" the owner Chen smiles is extra wide smile as he walks closer handing the customer in front of me their change for their order. "It's going nowhere at the moment so I just thought I'd drop by and get the usual please" I watch as he just smiles and grabs me my strawberry muffin placing it in a little bag before turning to make my coffee. "Wait ,do you want decaf or normal today?" he smiles again. "Full power" I tell him as he turns on the machine to make my coffee. "Actually Chen, can you do me one of both and maybe throw another muffin in the bag please. I may as well bring my friend something" I smile at him as he just bows his head and hurries with my order. "You make sure you try to lift that writer's block. I can't wait for your next book" he screeches as I tap my card on the machine to pay. "I'll try my best thanks Chen" I grab my little bag of muffins and coffees and head off in my car to the secret meadow.

Sitting my bum down on the beautiful sponge like grass I take a deep breath of the beautiful spring morning air letting it fill my lungs as I then exhale. "Man I love it here" I place my coffees down beside me and open the bag holding the muffins. Laying the open bag on the grass I pop the two muffins on top of it as I take a bite out of one. I can hear faint movements coming from my right where there are a few bushes growing wildly. I take off my cap looking at it "I love you don't get taken" I lay down on the ground on my back and place the cap just over my face as I turn my head to the side that way I will be able to see whoever is stealing my food.

Laying there for a few minutes I then start to see little soft white paws almost like tiptoeing out of the bushes. I stay really still as if I am asleep as I hear the crinkling of the bag the muffins are sitting on. Smiling to myself I try not to move and scare the creature away. The smacking of lip sound makes me realise they are enjoying my muffins without me. I decide to slowly wake up from my fake sleep. Taking the hat from over my face I sit up. Turning to my right to the sounds of shock I spot the most beautiful fluffy creature sitting eating one of my muffins looking at me with shock in it's eyes while wearing my yellow cap from yesterday.

"Hi" I say softly while smiling as the creature scoots back a little while still eating the muffin. I look at my spare one and take it peeling back the paper and taking a bite from it all while the creature is watching me.

"Do you like it?" I ask as the creature nods knowing full well what I said taking me by surprise.

"What are you?" I ask as the creature keeps eating.

"I am a flurry, don't you people know my kind" it talks perfect making me drop my damn muffin and freeze to the spot.

"Wait am I dreaming, you spoke, right?. I must have fallen asleep for real" I pick back up my muffin from my lap and eat it while the creature smiles.

"You look cute for a human" it says, finishing off the muffin and the paper clean of any crumbs.

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Chapter 7: Aww 'he just wants his cupcake' why do I find that so cute :(( I loved this, it's so good!
Chapter 6: Lovely update, I really enjoyed it! It was so nice to read uwu
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww... Baekhyun want a kiss on the lips ..

Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.... Chanyeol must be feel awkward...
Chapter 5: Omg when they were talking about and mating *I'm deceased* xjxlcjicksosb thanks for the update, this was so fun!!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update! It's so cute how Chanyeol is teaching Baekhyun stuff ><
And Toben! So happy they are getting along ;-;
Chapter 4: Oh.... Poor Baekkie....

His home is gone...


But I'm glad he's getting a long with tobennie...

Chapter 3: Asdgjkljfsafh ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ Baekhyun sounds so cute!!!
Chapter 3: Oooppps...... you're forgot about Tobennie.... I hope Baekhyun not scared and run away...

Chapter 3: Aaaww a flurry, that's so cute ><
I really like this story so far, looking forward to see how it develops more~
Chapter 2: I can't wait to see what happens when they meet (*⌒ヮ⌒*)