Chapter 1

Worlds Apart
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"MMMM I just love the smell of strawberry muffins this hour of the day" arriving at my second favourite place in the world, Chen's Delights. I have been coming to this bakery/ café a lot lately as the cakes are all just to die for. The taste and the texture of some of the cakes send your taste buds to another world almost.

"Ah good morning Chanyeol, we haven't seen you in awhile you must be struggling with the next chapter of your book" Chen the owner smiles at me while wiping down the counter. "Yeah I can't seem to move on with my story. I think I might have writers block" I let out a sigh as I glance at all the cakes wondering should I try something new. "Would you like your usual?" Chen smirks making me smile "Yeah sure why not, oh and can I have a strong coffee too, looks like I am going to need it today, actually no make it a decaf". Chen nods as he heads off to make my coffee.

Looking around the cafe it is rather quiet seems like all the customers are sitting outside enjoying the beautiful spring weather. "Here you go this one is on me" Chen smiles his cute smile that turns up at the edges as I say my thanks and leave. Climbing into my car and carefully placing my take away cup into my in car holder I start the engine.

I head towards my favourite place of all, my meadow I like to call it. It is the most beautiful place to relax and just day dream. There are no people around no traffic just pure bliss. There is a small clearing in the trees where I like to go sit on the beautiful green almost sponge like grass. You can see a bit of the busy city below. I have relaxed so much here that I have fallen asleep many times. The sound of nature is all you can hear and I have to say that is my favourite sound.


Parking my car near my favourite spot. I grab my muffin and coffee and head up through the trees to my meadow. My path along the way seems a little overgrown since the last time I was here which makes me happy meaning nobody has found it and that it's still all mine.

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Chapter 7: Aww 'he just wants his cupcake' why do I find that so cute :(( I loved this, it's so good!
Chapter 6: Lovely update, I really enjoyed it! It was so nice to read uwu
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww... Baekhyun want a kiss on the lips ..

Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.... Chanyeol must be feel awkward...
Chapter 5: Omg when they were talking about and mating *I'm deceased* xjxlcjicksosb thanks for the update, this was so fun!!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update! It's so cute how Chanyeol is teaching Baekhyun stuff ><
And Toben! So happy they are getting along ;-;
Chapter 4: Oh.... Poor Baekkie....

His home is gone...


But I'm glad he's getting a long with tobennie...

Chapter 3: Asdgjkljfsafh ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ Baekhyun sounds so cute!!!
Chapter 3: Oooppps...... you're forgot about Tobennie.... I hope Baekhyun not scared and run away...

Chapter 3: Aaaww a flurry, that's so cute ><
I really like this story so far, looking forward to see how it develops more~
Chapter 2: I can't wait to see what happens when they meet (*⌒ヮ⌒*)