Chapter 2

I'm too much a Coward

P/S: I added Hyuna into this as pretty much a  but FYI, I really like Hyuna. I just couldn't think of anyone ier that suits the role. & I might be deleting this whole story soon to write a happier story of Key & Nicole or Yong Junhyung &_____. I can't decide whether I continue writing this sad version of Keycole or just write a new one overall.

Dilemma, dilemma. & give me an idea on who I should hook up Junhyung of B2ST with ! Kamsahamnida (=


Seoul Dance Studio.

I smile, I laugh, I do everything to convince everyone that I'm fine. People had begun to notice that me & Nicole are growing apart- why wouldn't they ? We are the ultimate best friends of KPOP WORLD that are always together. Were always together. None of the members knew why we grew apart- except for quiet wise Minho, whom had unsurprisingly figured it out.

I was the last to leave the dance studio that night- everything was already pitch dark. Then I heard a noise. Rustling, soft whispering noises from Dance Room 2. Putting my fears aside, I peeked through the window of the door and saw 2 dark silhouttes. Without thinking, I opened the door and the lights straightaway. The two silhouttes turned to look at me, and it was obvious that they weren't expecting a third person to be there.

It was Jinwoon. With his hands all around Hyuna, who looked at me with wide surprised eyes. Her clothes were already half falling off and her lipgloss smeared off across her face. Jinwoon quickly took his hands off of her and wiped off the remaining of Hyuna's lipgloss on his lips.

"How could you do this to Nicole?!" I didn't even realize I was raising my voice or notice how angry I was. I rushed to face Jinwoon.

"Nicole trusts you and you cheat on her like this?!" I was unable to stop yelling. I was Almighty Key- the one that doesn't get involved in fights, couldn't care enough about girls to defend them, and was never known for chivalry. But here I was fighting with a intimidatingly muscular guy that was a head taller than me for a girl.

Jinwoon smirked and I resisted the urge to punch him right on his stupid face. "The Great Almighty Key that changes girlfriends as fast as he changes clothes and never cared about the girls that he disposed of, is here to tell me not to cheat?"

"Nicole's your girlfriend."

Jinwoon laughed, "girlfriend? No, that sounds so official. I'll like to think of it more like a game. Nicole's the pawn in the chess game, where I'm the player. Game of breaking hearts, that's your specialty, Kibum."

"You're playing her. She'll be hurt if she finds out" I clenched my fists absentmindedly.

"You're in no position to say that. You're the one that hurt her in the first place, aren't you? Look, we both are the players in this game. I'm just doing what you did to her- gaining her trust then leaving her when she's all hooked up. She doesn't mean anything to both of us anyways."

Then my fist hit Jinwoon's face. Hard till he dropped to the floor and there was blood on his lips. Hyuna screamed in the background and ran out of the room but I couldn't care less.

"You f-" Jinwoon stopped, his eyes adhered to somewhere behind me. I was on top of him, ready for another punch on his nose. Before I turned around to see what he's seeing, I could swear I saw him smirking.

It was Nicole. Looking at me with wide shocked eyes- from me on top of Jinwoon with my fist in the air ready for another punch, to Jinwoon laying below me with blood on his lips. This does not look good.

"Jinwoon!" she said and pushed me off of him, "what have you done, Kibum?!"

"It's not his fault.. he told me to stay away from you but I just couldn't. I can't bear to leave your side.  So he got violent. But don't blame him... " Jinwoon whimpered as Nicole wiped off the blood.

All I could think was: what.the..

That lying, cheating .

"What's your problem?!" Nicole stared up at me with an expression that I had never seen before in our 3 years of close friendship- it was so full of disappointment and anguish that I couldn't bear to look at her. I knew Nicole wouldn't trust me over Jinwoon now so I did what I do best- I left.



SHINee's Dorm.


Good- the members were all out today so I don't have to pretend I'm happy. I don't think I could bear to pretend right now- after what had just happened. Nicole hates me, and I just made her & Jinwoon to be closer. And Jinwoon's cheating on her, and there's nothing I could do about it.

But I have to do something, before she gets hurt again. I owe her that much.

I was laying on the couch and threw the pillow on the wall, frustrated.

Then I heard a knocking on the door.

I opened it and could not be more surprised to see who was standing there.


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JennyL #1
Update when you can~!
KatieUnnie #2
Where are the Paparazzi?
KatieUnnie #3
NOOO! Keycoleee!! :C
Can't wait for the next Chapter. KeyCole is such a cute Couple! <3 (:
Miinii #5
KeyCole<3<br />
Please update soon!!!<br />
Love your story<3 Just too cute :)
KaiserKawaii #6
Ah!!! My sad KeyCole.
Electric09 #7
Its getting interesting!keep updatingg :D
mangatang2809 #8
OO whose at the door!!!! bad jinwoon, disappointed :( aigo *facepalms* KEY WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THE THREE WORDS?