Chapter 3

I'm too much a Coward

Gyuri. What is she doing here ?

"I'll be quick," Gyuri said with an all-business face and walked in straightaway. The goddess, you have to admire her boldness.

"What's up with you and Nicole?" she asked. Of course she knows something's wrong between us- she's Nicole's unni after all.

I hesitated- where do I begin ? That Nicole confided in me and I'm too much of a coward to tell her I feel the same way ?

Gyuri sighed. "I'll make it easy on you. Do you like Nicole?'

With every cell of my body, for everything that matters- "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell her?"

Because I've hurt lots of girls in the past. I'm too curt, I'm too blunt, I'm too tactless. It's as if I'm born to hurt everyone I love. I've dated dozens of prettyfaces, and I've hurt every single one of them. The worst thing? I didn't even feel bad about it. After meeting Nicole, I don't date anymore because it seemed like all those other prettyfaces could never, ever compare to Nicole. Nicole's not the prettiesr girl out there, but for me there's a spark in her that outshines everyone else. The way she laughs, the fact that she's super intelligent but still a bit immature, and speaks her mind, unlike most girls I know.

Nicole means the hell lot to me, and I won't risk hurting her or losing her. If I tell her how I really feel, I guess we'll be a couple. And that scares me more than anything because I'm scared she'll see the real me. What if she doesn't like me then ? Worse, what if I hurt her and lose her forever ?

But i guess I already hurt her now.

"Look, I know you love her. I can see that whenever you guys are together, which was like all the time. You're protective of her and when you ignore the rest of the world, the only opinion that matters to you is hers. She's special to you isn't she ?"

I nodded lamely.

"So do something about it. I'll help you set something up. In the meantime, you think of ways to get her back. It better be amazing because Nicole's hurt. Don't you hurt my baby sister ever again."

Again, the goddess, you have to admire her.



P/S: Sorry about the lame chapter. But I'm planning something romantic for the next chapter- SOMETHING AWESOME ! so wait for it =)

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JennyL #1
Update when you can~!
KatieUnnie #2
Where are the Paparazzi?
KatieUnnie #3
NOOO! Keycoleee!! :C
Can't wait for the next Chapter. KeyCole is such a cute Couple! <3 (:
Miinii #5
KeyCole<3<br />
Please update soon!!!<br />
Love your story<3 Just too cute :)
KaiserKawaii #6
Ah!!! My sad KeyCole.
Electric09 #7
Its getting interesting!keep updatingg :D
mangatang2809 #8
OO whose at the door!!!! bad jinwoon, disappointed :( aigo *facepalms* KEY WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THE THREE WORDS?