Chapter 1

I'm too much a Coward

"Look, I know you're still in love with Nicole, and I'm fed up with you only dating me to get over her. Why don't you  up your ego and tell her already ? We're through."

That was Nana's words after we dated for 2 weeks.

I watched Happy Together with 2AM and KARA on TV. I know I shouldn't be stalking her, but I couldn't help it. This is all I could do now- watch her from afar. Watching her with Jinwoon as close as how we used to be stung me.

What was happening to me? I'm the Almighty Key, and here I am moping around because of a girl.


I didn't know what happened today. I was at home alone when I stumbled across a small photo album that she had made for my 19th birthday- compiled of all our silly photos together and I just reminisced. All the times, lost. Before I knew it, I was shedding tears (I refuse to admit that I was crying).

"Pick up the phone and call her." The ever-so-wise Minho said briefly. From his expression, I knew he was baffled to see me crying for the first time. Then he left, giving me my personal space.

Just it up, Kibum and call her.

I wiped off my tears and dialed her number quickly before I lose my nerves. Her voice was nervous at the end of the line.

What I didn't anticipate, was how hearing her voice made everything so much clearer, but yet made my stomach lurch and twist. I miss her.


"Nicole. Meet me at our usual place tomorrow.'

"But Kibum-"

"I just need to talk to you."

"There's nothing left to say."

"Nicori, please."

She was quiet. I knew she would say yes then, when I used my nickname for her. It was also the first time I begged to her.


That was all I needed to hear.



I waited at Coffee Bean, and she arrived 5 minutes later. I realized she wasn't wearing the ring I gave her rightaway. In its place was a ring with Jinwoon's initials on it.

"Hey." I started, trying to hide the anxiety from my voice.

She smiled weakly. She had no makeup on, the way I like it. She's as pure as always, but yet she looked frazzled. Like she hadn't gotten enough sleep.

"I ordered coffee the way you liked it," I continued. She looked down, avoiding my eyes.

"Why did you call me here for? There's nothing you can say that could make things better," she finally met my eyes with a fierce determination in her eyes.

"Are you happy with Jinwoon?" I went straight to the point. She avoided my eyes again, that's what she does when she's unsure.

"Yes. He treats me well."

"As well as I do?'

"You treat me as your best friend. He treats me as his girlfriend."

"But do you love him?"

She was taken aback for a moment, then replied, "he loves me. that's more than I could say about you.'

I opened my mouth to protest then she burst out, 'why did you really called me out here for? To make it worse for me? So that you could hurt me more?"

The last thing I would ever want to do was to hurt her, but I guess I failed miserably at that.

"Please. Don't go to him."

She was stunned. I grabbed her hands from across the table then.

"I need you. I miss you. I... I don't know what to say.'

She was flustered then she said, "if you tell me those 3 words, I won't go."

I opened my mouth and tried to find the words. I hesitated.

"Just those 3 words, and I'll stay. We'll be together again."


Nicole's eyes probe me to go on. When the words didn't come out of my mouth, she looked down and took her hands away from me.

"That's all I needed to hear," those were her last words before she left the shop.

Before she left, I could have stabbed myself when I saw the pain and anguish in her eyes.

Why couldn't I say the words ? Nicole, yes, I love her, more than anything.

I'm such a coward.

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JennyL #1
Update when you can~!
KatieUnnie #2
Where are the Paparazzi?
KatieUnnie #3
NOOO! Keycoleee!! :C
Can't wait for the next Chapter. KeyCole is such a cute Couple! <3 (:
Miinii #5
KeyCole<3<br />
Please update soon!!!<br />
Love your story<3 Just too cute :)
KaiserKawaii #6
Ah!!! My sad KeyCole.
Electric09 #7
Its getting interesting!keep updatingg :D
mangatang2809 #8
OO whose at the door!!!! bad jinwoon, disappointed :( aigo *facepalms* KEY WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THE THREE WORDS?