

Gentle breezes bring the new day's rays through the windows, flowing into the room where two human beings are in deep slumber, tangling in each other's embrace. You wake up to the sound of muffled voices of bickering from your dorm mates outside the room. A sweet scent of vanilla flowing into your lung, soothing your annoyance before you could throw a tantrum at your dorm mates for breaking your peaceful sleep, which you haven’t had for a while, this early. 

You look for the source or to be more exactly the person behind this addictively fragrance, only to find she is sleeping peacefully beside you. 

You like this. No, scratch that. Like is clearly an understatement of how you feel right now. You are deeply in love with the view in front of you. Soft midnight blue hair gently fanned on the pillows, highlighted by the sun. She is beautiful. 

Heck, you don’t care if someone calls you whipped. Everyone will be very much the same if they can witness this breath-taking scene.

Your arm becomes her pillow and her arm rests loosely against her waist. God, you miss this. It has been a while since the last time the two of you had a sleepover at her room. It feels so nice to be able to spend the night with her. 

You slowly reach her cheeks and caress it with the back of your palm. Seeing her sleeping face never falls to make your heart skip a beat. You wish you could stay like this forever. 

“It is starting to ticklish if you continuous to do that” 

A husky voice comes from Minju, whose eyes are still closed, completely catching you off guard. Nevertheless, you don’t move your palm away. 

“You like it anyway”

“Well, you are not wrong” 

Minju lets out a small chuckle at your response as she slowly opens her eyes. 

“Morning.” You coo.

“Good morning.” She responds. Her lips curve, forming a beautiful smile on her face, showing you her infamous indian dimple. Her hand rose up to meet yours on her cheek, giving it a little squeeze. 

Everything is perfect. She makes it perfect.



Clearly there’s nothing like waking up in your own bed next to the person you love, and one of the safest places in the world is in the arms of your partner. You now fully understand the reason why you kept on making her sleepover at your room whenever you had a chance. Letting yourself lost in the beautiful chestnut eyes reflecting the reflection of you and you only. Your heart pounds loudly against your chest like it is going to burst out anytime soon. You want to save this precious moment forever.

Squeezing the soft hand caressing your cheek. You think it is time for her to know the truth. You wonder what her reaction will be. Happy. Dumbfounded. Maybe fear. You don’t know. You hope she takes the news well. 

“Chaewonie.” You start. Voice shaking a bit from hesitation. 

She hums. Her hand stops caressing your cheek and changes to hold your hand instead. Giving it a little squeeze. An act of encouragement from her to let you continue. She must have sensed your hesitation. 

Taking a small breath to get the courage and mentally prepare yourself. 

You can do this. 

No, you have to do this. 

You need to tell her about your fake relationship with Kim Minjun ssi. Telling her that you are madly in love with her and you are such an idiot for having not realized it sooner. And of course, the most important thing. She needs to know about their baby, their little angel in your tummy. 

Whatever reaction she may have, you have a determination that it will be a good one. And no matter the chaos it is coming, they can face it together. Now all you have to do is to say it aloud.

“Chaewonie, actually..” You said. Voice is more confident this time. 

“YAH, KIM CHAEWON, KIM MINJU. The two of you better wake up now or else we are gonna be late. Don’t forget we have a schedule this morning.”

Unfortunately, it seems like you are not in favor of the god or whatever deities out there. Your attempt to confess is interrupted by Eunbi unnie's voice coming in from outside the room, calling the two of you. Even though you are a bit dissatisfied, you still have to prioritize your work. Not to mention, going late can get your group involved in an unnecessary controversy about the attitude and professionalism required by idols. And in the harsh industry like Kpop, this is not good at all. Not just that, this not only affects the group itself, it also involves many others, such as the company and the crew filmed that day.

Suddenly, the soft sensation in your cheek conveyed, interrupting the pessimistic thoughts that are flowing inside your head. 

“Don’t frown. It doesn’t suit you at all.”

Wait a second! Did Chaewonie just kiss you? Like there. On your face. Your cheek. You are not dreaming, are you?

Dumbfounded by this unpredicted act. Your heart thumps loudly against your chest. What is happening? You’re usually the more clinging one between the two of you. Chaewon rarely does that. 

You don’t have to wait for long to get an answer to your doubt. She may have known you will ask, or maybe your surprised face is so funny that she can’t help but laugh. Nevertheless, her giggle is enough to prove that the kiss was real.

“Save it for later, Minmin. We have to get up now. And don’t worry, no matter what it is about, I promise I will hear it.” And that’s enough for you to leave this aside for now and prepare to go for work.


They have a filming schedule for “Eating Trip” that day. Not gonna lie, you are eager for this. It has been a while since the last time your group visited Sokcho. Ever since that time they went there to film “Eating Trip” season one, they never really had a chance to revisit this place again. Sure, they did go through this place many times because of their schedules, and not to mention you have come here last year on your day-off. But that trip only lasted less than a day. And the feeling from going on a trip with your members (especially a particular someone) greatly differs from going by yourself.

Red, orange and yellow, in various different shades. They all float gracefully on the gentle wind. The air is a bit cold, but today is still a great day to go on a trip.

“Wanna go down to the beach? You’ve always liked the ocean breeze”

“Right now?” She tilts her head.

“Yeah, the setup is gonna take a while and we don't have anything to do anyway.”

She nods. “Alright, sure, let’s go.”

You take her hand and intertwine them with yours.

The place where they are currently at is in the South of Sokcho. A beautiful beach where the sea bathed the sand with the most gentle hue of gold, almost earthen and muted, the humble star of the scene. This is not a great time to swim, but they still like how calm and pretty the view is.

Hand intertwining, their other hands holding some snacks (stolen from Hyewon unnie). Your eyes fixate at the figure walking next to you. The orange sunlight kissing her skin highlighted how soft it is. The fall breeze has a way of moving through her navy blue hair, tousling it into beautiful buoyant curls. A pleasant sight to watch. One absolutely illustrates the shivering chill that you feel at your fingertips. The waves are sparkling under the sunshine, reflecting on her skin. It's fascinating.

“Do I have something on my face?”

Catch off guard by her sudden question. You stutter a bit “N..No”

She chuckles at your reaction. “You’ve been staring.”

Oh. That’s why. But then can you blame yourself. She is just too beautiful. 

You remember the first time you met her in that survival show. Her appearance has become more mature as time goes by. The former brunette hair has grown longer and now changed to navy blue. The innocent and vibrant deer eyes in the past are still the same, but now within those eyes there is a hint of the calmness of a senior idol who has debuted for nearly seven years.

She is not an intimidating girl who is too shy to express herself anymore. Part of her still is, but now she is more open, more confident. A fluffy ball of sunshine. And a clown. Chuckled softly at the last remark. Yena unnie definitely has a big influence on your Chaewonie.

“Chaewonie, ”

“Hm”. She hums. Soft chestnut eyes gazing at yours.

The chilly morning breeze flowing into your lungs, but she is the only thing you feel right now. Only her, her and her. Nothing else matters. Mints and baby powder. A combination you never think would appear on her. Nor did you realize how dangerous this could be. Her existing drawing you like an ephemera headlong into the fire.

You breathe out. Eagering to tell her everything, to lift a certain weight off your chest. 

But then again, your attempt is interrupted by none other than Eunbi unnie, calling the two of you back to filming. Disappointed by the fact that this is your second failure in trying to confess to her. You let out a small sigh. 

She gazes at you. Looking hesitant. Guilty evident in her eyes. You give her a little smile along with a small squeeze to tell her you’re okay. It is not her fault anyway. It's just the timing is bad. They have work to do. And there is nothing you can do about it.

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Chapter 7: this got me hooked up. Thank you for thisss
hlike197 #2
patiently waiting for the next update
Kim801 #3
Chapter 1: waiting for the next chapter s
yvesvuitton #4
I will wait for that last 1-2 chapters you have
yvesvuitton #5
Chapter 7: finally you're back!!!! and that ty ceo was eww, i hope the baby is fine!!! spare the little angel please♥
Chapter 7: As Minju's little secret will be out in the next chapter, there is only 1 or 2 chapters more before this project coming to end.
cleofierayne 32 streak #7
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhh!!! Entertainment industry is really something ngl tho. And Minjoo, idk if they admit her to the hospital coz they're gonna know shes preggy ahh. And I hope things won't get confusing and messy although I feel like its gonna happen hahaha😭😂
yvesvuitton #8
Chapter 6: seems like this will be a long story, i'll be waiting for the next update!!