

One of the worse scenarios, when two people have in a one night stand is one of them ends up with two lines in the pregnancy test. Well... In this case, it is not really a one night stand since they have slept with each other more than one. Still, it doesn't change the fact that they have been careless in contraception.

You love children and you want to be a mother in the future, but that will be 5 or 6 more years after you retire and get married, not now. Your group will have a comeback next month and then a concert in a few months after. They have worked extra hard in the recent months since this comeback marks the 7th anniversary of Izone. You can’t let this new ruin everything. What will your parents, your co-members, your friends, your company, and of course the media think about this? Once the news is leaked out, the media and netizens will never let you live. There will be thousands of articles about how you betray your boyfriend and rumors about your “sick” personality. 

To be honest, you are more afraid of seeing other members' reactions than being labeled as a cheater by the public and the media for betraying your so-called perfect "boyfriend". You don't care about him, it is not like you and him are dating anyway, you two don't even have a serious conversation outside from simple greetings. The whole dating thing is just a set up of their company to promote your and his acting transition. 

You will deal with your parents later. Now, the biggest question is how are you going to tell your members? Imagining their shocked faces and the bunch of questions that follow along make you feel dizzy. You also need to explain about the dating thing to them, the CEO told you to keep it a secret so you only tell Eunbi unnie. But you only tell her this, you sure that she's gonna scold you a lot after she finds out. 

"Minju unnie, are you okay??? Eunbi unnie tells me to check on you since you have been in the bathroom for quite a while and we have practice later."

Ok. You're gonna deal with it after. Eunbi unnie is looking for you. You decide to leave your temporary hideout ( which is the dorm’s bathroom) to answer Yujin. 

"I'm fine, Yuding. Just a little dizzy."

"Yayaya, Kim Minju. I told you to look after yourself. We will have a comeback next month. Don't let yourself get sick." Say Eunbi unnie

"I'm fine, unnie. Don't worry."

"Fine. I believe you. But you are not feeling well during practice, you will have to take a rest." 

You nod at her before taking a glance at a certain someone in the kitchen. You can feel her chestnut eyes on you when you talk to Eunbi unnie. Should you tell her what happened before you tell the rest. She deserves to know this before anyone else and you always tell her everything. Well.. that was before what happened between two of you. 

The two of you were close from the first day Izone debuted, they told each other everything. However, the relationship between you and her started to change even since that incident happened last year. 

Last year was the 6th anniversary of Izone. Your group has won a lot of trophies from music shows and annual awards. You also got your first leading role in a new drama and you really tried your best to get this role. With some experience you got from taking small roles in dramas, as well as the support from your bandmates, you had confidence that you could do this well. Still, something was bothering you, called kiss scenes. You haven't kissed anyone before and you were afraid that you would mess things up. You didn't want that to happen so you decided to tell her your worries and asked for some help. She thought for a while before telling you you could kiss her, of course, for practice. You hesitated at first but you agreed with her anyway since you want your first leading role to be perfect (and you also don't want to lose your first kiss to someone you barely know, even if it does not count as a real one).

"Since you say yes" she said before coming closer and cupping both of your cheeks "Can I kiss you?". You can feel her breath near your lips as her lips were only an inch apart from your. You feel like your heart is going to explode soon due to the nervousness (mainly because of how close she is). Her nose slightly touches your before she asks you again " Can I?". You nod at her instead of giving her an exact answer, not because you can't say anything, you just think whatever coming from your mouth at this moment is gonna break. 

She blinks before closing her eyes as well as the distance between the two of you. It is just a peck, but you can feel how soft her lips are. There is a silent pause before she pulls you in another kiss. This time is much deeper. You can feel mint flavor lingered in your tongue, it tastes like her. 

It was awkward. You had your first kiss with your best friend and co-member. However, it was unexpectedly nice. 

Thanks to her and their kissing lessons, you did a great job. Other members were surprised to see how you act in those scenes. They, especially Yujin, kept asking you if you had kissed someone before and whenever that happened you told them you had a lot of NG (that is a lie since you only have one or two NG, a record for someone with no experience like you, but they don’t need to know that). Luckily, you just had two kissing scenes with the male lead, otherwise, you don’t think your co-members will stop teasing you, well..except her. Despite their “practical”, the kissing topic never comes into their conservations. The only time that happened was when you first told her about your scenes. 

Their kissing practice continues even after the drama has finished. Not like you complain tho. Kissing her feels nice. It is like having delicious ice cream during hot days or laying down a comfortable bed after a tiring day. It feels like home. 

The line between the two of you became blurrier when they accidentally crossed the line four months ago. Your group just finished the world tour at that time. The company let them have some day offs as a gift for how successful the tour was so all the members decided to throw a small celebrating party with good food and alcohol since all of them can drink now. You are really drunk after that since you don’t need to work the next day and thanks to the amount of drink your co-members shoved at you. What happened next was blurring. She took you to their shared room (they always share a hotel room when it comes to oversea schedules). You don’t remember who took the first move, but the next thing you know is you being woken up by the morning sunlight with her dangerously close to you and they are both having nothing under the blanket. 

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Chapter 7: this got me hooked up. Thank you for thisss
hlike197 #2
patiently waiting for the next update
Kim801 #3
Chapter 1: waiting for the next chapter s
yvesvuitton #4
I will wait for that last 1-2 chapters you have
yvesvuitton #5
Chapter 7: finally you're back!!!! and that ty ceo was eww, i hope the baby is fine!!! spare the little angel please♥
Chapter 7: As Minju's little secret will be out in the next chapter, there is only 1 or 2 chapters more before this project coming to end.
cleofierayne 32 streak #7
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhh!!! Entertainment industry is really something ngl tho. And Minjoo, idk if they admit her to the hospital coz they're gonna know shes preggy ahh. And I hope things won't get confusing and messy although I feel like its gonna happen hahaha😭😂
yvesvuitton #8
Chapter 6: seems like this will be a long story, i'll be waiting for the next update!!