
A Simple Wish; But At A Price? [hiatus]

She’s totally impressed when she rode the car.  At first, when her mother pushed herself to get into that vehicle, she resisted. In her head, why would people wanted to enter a long box with wheels like that? Well, she’s still not familiar with the human’s means for transportation yet.

But after she experienced riding a moving car, she got so excited that she forgot that she’s Jiyoung, the ignorant and slightly matured girl.


‘Wah.. This’s so exhilarating!’ Yeon giggled in amusement while looking at the view outside from her window.


‘Aigoo.. I know you’re excited because you’ve just got discharged today, Jiyoung honey. You know, you’ve changed a lot since these past few weeks.’ Jiyoung’s mother beside her patted her daughter’s head, making Yeon realized that she’s not herself anymore.

She quickly returned back to her timid mode, afraid that Hyunseong, who was sitting at the front seat would think weirdly of her actions.


This’s the first time he came to the hospital. During these few weeks, she felt like going crazy because she didn’t see him and definitely she asked her mother where’s him and she got a not so good answer from her. The day she’s discharged was the second time she saw Hyunseong as a human.

Instead, it’s Youngmin who came every day. To Yeon, he’s a nice boy but everything’s still awkward to her. She sometimes got a little scared when he would touch her or even went for a hug, she would resist. 



‘What do you want to eat, honey? We can go and eat whatever you want to.’ A middle aged man who was also Hyunseong’s father asked her while driving.

Yeon hesitated for a while and shifted her gaze to her beloved. He seemed like he’s in his own world, hands rested on his chin, he’s staring at the view outside.


‘Em.. Jajangmyeon?’ That’s the only food that she could think of. She used to see Hyunseong ate those before long ago.


‘Mwo…? But I thought you wanted to eat something.. You know.. Western.’ Her mother said, feeling a bit odd.


‘Ahh.. We can eat those too.’ Yeon let out a fake laugh and glanced at Hyunseong in front.


He didn’t even listen to their conversation.




Yeon plopped her body on the bed and stared at the ceiling above, feeling so bit tired. She never felt so lifeless like that before.


‘So, this’s how it looks like.’ She thought to herself while scanning the space above her. All this while, she could only stare at Hyunseong from outside his house and now, she’s finally inside.

She should be happy but no. What’s the point being inside this place when Hyunseong didn’t even look at her?





‘Stay away from me.’ He uttered coldly when he realized that she’s taking a spot beside him at the tables.

Feeling a bit hurt, she walked away and sat beside her mother.


‘I’m sure you want to eat spaghetti, right?’ Her mother asked while rolling her eyes at the menu in her hands. But Yeon’s eyes were already at the beef steak’s picture that looked so yummy.


‘I want.. beef steak.’ She read the name of the dish out loud and confidently causing all eyes to be on her, including Hyunseong.


‘But, I thought you don’t want to eat fattening stuff like beef.’ Jiyoung’s mother’s so shocked by Yeon’s words.


But when it comes to her favourite food, Yeon couldn’t give up. She loved meat from a creature like cow from her world so much that during the times when she’s a Newbie, that she would drag Sandeul with her to Australia to get the best meat.


‘But I want to eat that..’ She looked down and played with her fingers, still not giving up.


‘Let her be.. She just got out from the hospital, so she should eat more.’ Her stepfather seemed nice enough to agree and followed her wants.

‘That accident sure changed you, dear.’ Hyunseong father uttered playfully but Yeon got a slight shock from his words.


-End of Flashback-



Yeon got up and went to the side table. She grabbed the picture frame with Jiyoung’s picture in it. She’s smiling happily with her mother by her side.


‘She’s so pretty but why Hyunseong hated her so much? Is she that despicable? But in this picture, she looked nice.’ She mumbled to herself and then, she put the picture back on the table. She then, got up from her bed and walked towards a tall mirror in the room.

‘Mianhae, Jiyoung-yah, for taking your body. But it’s already your time to die on that day, not my fault, okay?’ She looked like a crazy girl if someone saw her like that, talking to herself in the mirror.

‘You’re so pretty..’  Yeon patted Jiyoung’s face lightly and let out a deep sigh.

‘Don’t worry. I’ll make good use of your body here.’


After a long conversation with Jiyoung’s body, she went to bed because she’s so exhausted. When she’s asleep, her spirit just sprang up from Jiyoung’s body.

And that’s the only time she felt so alive and fresh. She never thought that being a human would be so tiring. When she’s a Newbie, she never felt weary. Every day is a day full with energy but now, no more. When she’s asleep, her spirit just went out but it never felt the same like before and somehow, she kinda missed being a Newbie.




She turned to the familiar deep voices from outside her windows. It’s her friends.


sorry for not updating for quite a while. here's an update for you guys~ thanks for reading :)


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Catalina390 #1
yah love it!! update soon~
Weeee! A HyunseongxYou fic! Favourite Boyfriend member <3
@xxmaurix: yeap, he's here. i know how much you like him. lol updated for you, saengie *ppyong*

@princessmisaki: updated for you ;)thanks for commenting~

@paige: updated for you, dear~!
xXMaurix #4
Omo! YoungMin is here!!!
This will be great!!!
Update soon unnie!!
Oh baddiebags! She'll live like a human but the on she likes hate her?
I hope HyunSeong will get to reality!!! See!!!! She has change! :3
Pyongie pyongie fighting!!! Yieeeee.
@xxmaurix: lol :D you're so cute ^^ thank you so much :) updated for you~

@oppareul: thank you. i love him too :)
oppareul #6
update..i love your story and i really love hyunseong!!
xXMaurix #7
She's JiYoung!!!!
I'm loving your story!!!!!!!!!!~
She's going to be with Young Min~ Ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
But but but she doesn't want him... She likes HyunSeong!!!!
But.... HyunSeong doesn't like her!!!!
So She will make effort!!!!
Oh man!!!
Update soon~~~~~
Pyongie Pyongie Fighting!~ ^_~