SUPER SHOW 2. The making of the gee performance. (or the preparation.) *warning for extreme cheesiness near the end. kekeke~ Thanks to Yoonhae page for the picture. ~

The Love Story of Im Yoona and Lee Donghae~


Chapter 5: (no POV experiment ^-^) – (Sometime in 2009 preparations for Super Show 2)

The Super Junior members were fooling around in their dorm as usual since today they had no schedules to go to.(funny how I make them always seem like they have nothing to do huh? LOL) The manager gathered around the boys, some were wrestling, some here fighting over the laptop, some were reading, and Kyuhyun as usual, playing his Starcraft. The manager finally got the boys’ attention after much scolding, “Okay guys, so I have just been informed that you guys are expected to perform one of SNSD’s songs during your upcoming Super Show! So, you guys find out who you’re gunna be and all that stuff cause I’m not gunna be a part of this mess. HAVE FUN~”

All the boys looked at each other and screamed out simultaneously, “WE’RE GUNNA PERFORM GEE.” Heechul got up and went to the front of the room. He pretended he was a judge (the dork he is) and slammed on the table with his hand, “EVERYBODY SHUT UP AND LET’S DO THIS IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!” All the boys got quiet and looked up at the vulgar man in front of them. Heechul spoke, “Okay, whoever DOESN’T want to be a part of this, raise your hand.” Yesung and Shindong rose their hands. Heechul looked at them, “Okay, I’m not gunna force you guys to do it, but may I just ask why?” Yesung said, “Ugh, you guys don’t understand. Pretending to be a girl and dressing up like SNSD is just too, not my style.” Shindong spoke, “Well I just don’t wanna do it since I know there’s MANY people in here who already have a person in mind, so I’d rather stay out of this.” Heechul smirked, “Ahh, our Shindong, such a considerate man, I’ll give you a kiss later.”

Donghae was watching his hyungs talk when he spoke up, “Hyungs, I’ll let you guys finish but, just so you know, I’M GUNNA BE YOONA because, yeah, just because YOONA’S MINE :) and I wanna wear a shirt that says Yoonhae :D.” Donghae’s hyungs looked at him, “Aish, Lee Donghae, do you really think we’re stupid or something. OBVIOUSLY YOONG IS YOURS.” Leeteuk went over and smacked Donghae on the back of the head while laughing. Donghae whined in pain and gave Leeteuk a deathglare. Heechul spoke again, “Okay, so Donghae is Yoong, I’m Jessica, OBVIOUSLY, Teukie hyung is obviously gunna be Taeyeon, Sungmin is gunna be Sunny since they’re the aegyo couple, NOW WHAT DO ALL OF THE REST OF Y’ALL WANNA BE.”

 Ryeowook jumped up, “I’M GUNNA BE SEOHYUN.” Kyuhyun looked up from his game, “I wanna be Seohyun hyung!” Kyuhyun whined in frustration. Heechul smirked, “Too slow Kyu, how about you be Sooyoung instead? *wink wink*” Kyuhyun laughed evilly, “MWAHAHAHAHA. OKAY :D.” Ryeowook glared at both of them, “Well guys, I see how it is. I SEE HOW IT IS. THIS MEANS WAR.” Siwon stood up, “Well, I wanna be Yuri since Yesung hyung is just too cool for school. :D” Kangin smacked Siwon on the head, “Aish Siwon, I wanted to be Yuri. Oh well, then I guess I’ll have to take your Fany~” Siwon thought for a moment, “DAMN WHY DIDN’T I CHOOSE MY FANY. UGH GOD. SCREW YOU HYUNG.” Kangin just nodded knowingly while laughing. Siwon said, “Well then, even if I am gunna be Yuri, can I stay as a man? So I can keep my y image :D.” Heechul laughed, “Mhm, okay y boy Choi Siwon. Okay guys, since I want the performance to be awesome and funny, whoever you guys are being, you have to contact that person and let you really be up to the part. SO EVERYBODY TAKE OUT CHO CELLPHONES.”

Everyone started talking excitedly and calling the person they were gunna be. Donghae obviously called Yoona and told her the good news. Donghae dialed Yoona’s number, “Anyong Yoong! It’s your handsome fish boyfriend.” Yoona giggled on the other side, “Neh oppa. Anyong handsome fishy boyfriend of mine! What’s up?” Donghae scratched his head sheepishly, “Well, Super Junior is gunna perform Gee at our Super Show this year and obviously, I chose to act as my beautiful girlfriend. :D. So now, we have to meet up and you teach me the dance to Gee and be my awesome teacher so I can have an awesome performance.” “Really oppa? That’s so cool! I’m free later at 12, so let’s meet at the dance studio!” Donghae said, “ Okay Yoongie, see you in two hours! Love you, bye :D.” Yoona laughed, “Okay oppa bye! Love you more :D.”

2 hours later…… (12 pm.)

Yoona showed up at the dance studio alone, since the unnies and maknae went to go practice the dance somewhere else with the other boys. It was only gunna be her and Donghae there, so she was excited. Yoona waited around and the door opened. “Oppa!” Yoona said happily. She ran over and gave him a hug. Donghae wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her back. “Anyong Deer Yoongie~” Donghae said. When they finished their hug, Donghae gave Yoona a kiss on the cheek. (hehehehehehehehehe :D) Yoona started explaining everything to Donghae, “Okay oppa, LET’S START PRACTICING :D.” Donghae laughed, “Wow Yoongie, you seem VERY excited for this lesson.” Yoona rolled her eyes, “ Obviously I am oppa. Super Junior is going to perform Gee! That’s AWESOME. Okay oppa, since the lesson might start getting boring, I brought some stuff to help make it less boring. I brought some snacks, as a reward if you get the steps right, and if you get it wrong, I’m gunna whack your humungo fish head with this hammer.” Donghae looked at his girlfriend with wide eyes,  A HAMMER?!?!?!?” Yoona smacked Donghae playfully on the arm, “Not a real hammer! It’s just the plastic ones that squeak when you smack stuff with it. Why would I hit my pretty fishy boyfriend with a real hammer? That would ruin your pretty face.”

After a lot of fooling around, they finally started getting serious. Yoona cleared in a VERY serious manner, “Okay oppa. I’ll show you my part first and then you try it. I’ll teach you the other basic dancing parts later.” Yoona did her part and Donghae watched very closely. When Yoona was done she turned around, “Got it oppa? How about you try it now :D.” Donghae stood up and tried doing it. He didn’t really get down all the leg movements so he just ended up looking like an idiot. Yoona laughed, “Oppa, no offense, but you just looked like a flapping fish without water. LOL.” Donghae pouted, “It’s not my fault. I got the hand movements down but the leg movements I need to work on a bit.” “Well oppa, sorry to say but now, I must hit you on the head with the deadly plastic hammer.” Yoona grabbed the hammer and whacked Donghae on the head with it a bit hard. “Only lightly this time oppa, since it’s only an accidental mistake.” Donghae looked at his girlfriend bewildered, “Yah, Im Yoona, if you call that a light hit, then what in the world is a hard hit gunna feel like? DON’T BREAK MY HEAD. D:” Yoona laughed, “It’s okay oppa, I’ll help you massage it better :D.” She grabbed her boyfriends head and lightly patted it. Donghae laughed, “OKAY YOONG. CONCENTRATE. If I don’t get this down, Heechul hyung is really going to hurt me with a hammer.”

The two started practicing the dance and all the moves with it. Donghae is actually a VERY good dancer, but the dork he is, he kept getting the moves wrong on purpose. He hoped that if Yoona hit him with the hammer too hard, he could make her pat it better. (aigoo, such a choding huh?) Finally Yoona found him out, “Aish oppa, stop getting it wrong on purpose you dorky fish.” Donghae laughed, “But Yoong, you didn’t kiss it better yet D:.” Yoona laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek instead. Donghae spun around happily, “OKAY YOONG. I’LL TELL YOU THE TRUTH NOW. :D. I ACTUALLY GOT THE WHOLE DANCE DOWN LIKE FOREVER AGO. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. I’m just like you know, a forever dancing prodigy. But let’s just stay here since I haven’t seen you since last last week. We need to see each other more. :3” Yoona nodded in agreement, “I know, we should oppa. But then, we have our jobs as idols, and we have to be successful right? At least we still get to see each other every week or so. And since we are in the same entertainment, I still get to see you even if I don’t necessarily talk to you. :D.” Donghae nodded and gave her a hug. When they finished the hug, Donghae ran over to the treats, “I’M STEALING ALL OF THIS. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But I could share too :D. kekeke.” Yoona laughed at her choding boyfriend and started to chase him around the studio. 


So guys, THERE YA GO. I literally typed this in 45 minutes. I thought that since school is starting again tomorrow, I might as well give you guys a nice chapter before I start becoming procrastination butthead. I know, I know. I SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF MYSELF. *cries* Well guys, I LOVE ALL OF YOU WHO SUPPORT AND LIKE MY FANFICTION. AND I ALSO LOVE YOU IF YOU'RE READING THIS RIGHT NOW. I'll try not to procrastinate that much. I promise. I dont know when I'll get chapter 6 up though. Maybe tomorrow, maybe end of the week, maybe even next Sunday, cause I'm a BAWS like that :D. so anyways guys, THANKS FOR READING.

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Chapter 5: update soon please
Pyro_Yoong_Hae #2
Update Soon!
llangel98 #3
well, I tried to type chapter 2 without POV, but I assure you, me writing without POV is even harder to read. ;3.
POV?? Can I request?? can you remove the POV? because I hate when there is POV and it's hard to read..mianhae..(sorry)but if you don't it's ok
Please update soon