The official start of Yoong and Hae's Love Story!

The Love Story of Im Yoona and Lee Donghae~



Chapter 3:

Yoona’s POV:

AISH. Why does this happen now? I have to admit, I started to develop a tiny crush on Donghae oppa. I was actually excited every week to go record. That way, I could always see Donghae oppa. “JESUS,” I screamed out loud while smashing my face back into my pillow.

Donghae’s POV:

Well, today’s the day. The last day of recording for Yoong and I. Why does this stuff ALWAYS happen? Being an idol is such a nuisance but yet, I still love it so much.

I sluggishly got out of the car with a peeved look on my face. Eunhyukkie ran over and slapped me on the arm, “Donghae ah, why so depressed? It’s just one show. Super Junior and SNSD are in the same company, we can see them backstage and while doing our make -up, and anyways, since they debuted, we’ll be able to see each other A LOT more than when they were still trainees.” I thought over what Hyukkie said for a second. I grinned, “Hyukkie, you are such a pabo sometimes, but this time, YOU’RE SURPRISINGLY SO INTELLIGENT.” Eunhyuk glared at me, “YAH, Lee Donghae, I’M ALWAYS SMART. YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?” Hyukkie started to chase me and we both started running into the building childishly.

No One’s POV:

Yoona sat in her seat with her chin propped up on her arm. She looked over at where Donghae sat, right next to her. Yoona was playing around with her headphones when she heard the door close behind her. She looked over and saw Donghae walking over. Yoona got up, “Anyong Donghae oppa. Today’s our last day, so let’s do our best!” Donghae smiled at her, “Neh, we should Yoong. Leave a good last impression for all our fans.” Leeteuk waved to Yoona and Donghae, sat in his seat, and thumbs upped the PD to signal that they were ready. “Anyong everybody! This is your ever so handsome Leeteuk speaking. Today is a sad day because Yoong and Donghae are leaving us! Yah, Lee Donghae and Im Yoona, WHY.” Leeteuk said in a playfully sad voice. Yoona chuckled, “Oppa, it’s not our fault. The manager oppas said our schedules aren’t matched up to the schedules we have for Sukira, so we have to drop it.”  Donghae joined in, “Hyung, no need to be sad, cause, YOU SEE ME EVERYDAY. But then, I just know you can’t get enough of my beautiful face.” Leeteuk chuckled sarcastically, “Yah Lee Donghae, I’m not gunna miss you that much. I’ll just mostly miss Yoona. I’ve seen enough of your face.” Leeteuk stuck his tongue out at Donghae. Donghae did the same. Eunhyuk got up, “I CAN’T ACCEPT THE FACT YOU GUYS ARE LEAVING. I’M NOT GUNNA LET YOU. EVEN IF MY LIFE IS ON THE LINE.” Eunhyuk fake sobbed. The rest of the radio show was full of laughter and joking around. Leeteuk got up at the end, “Good job guys! It was a great last broadcast for you two. I’m gunna miss you both, even if I see your face every day Donghae. I’m gunna miss you a lot too Yoong.” Leeteuk hugged both of them. Eunhyuk faked another sob, and ran towards Yoong and Donghae, squishing them together. “Gawd, you guys. It’s just… IT’S JUST SO HARD TO SAY GOODBYE.”

Yoona’s POV:

I tapped Donghae oppa on the shoulder and he turned around. “Oh hi Yoong. Good job today!” “Hey oppa, I know just cause the show is ending it’s not the end of the world, and I’m sure we’ll see each other backstage of shows and stuff but, I just had to do this.” I quickly grabbed Donghae oppa into a hug and I felt Donghae oppa was surprised but he hugged me back. “Okay then oppa, anyong!” Donghae oppa smiled at me “Okay Yoong. Bye!”

A month later~

Donghae’s POV:

“OH MY GOD. Manager hyung, DON’T PLAY WITH MY EMOTIONS. YOU’RE JOKING RIGHT. TELL ME IF THIS IS REAL OR NOT. SOME ONE FREAKING PINCH ME!” I jumped around the room like a crazy . Manager hyung rolled his eyes at me, “Aish, Lee Donghae, calm down and let me finish! So, you’re going to  be starring in SNSD’S music video for their new song, Kissing You. The filming starts tomorrow so, YOU BETTER GET SOME SLEEP. And , that is it. Over and out~” Manager hyung slowly closed the door to my room. God is totally on my side. I get to see my Yoongie! 2 weeks after the ending of Sukira, I asked Yoong out and she said yes! Now, I even get to go film her music video with her. Gawsh, am I a lucky man or WHAT. I had to go tell the good news to one of my hyungs. The one closest to me currently was Heechul hyung, so I ran over and slapped him on the back, “HYUNG, HYUNG, I’m gunna be in SNSD’S music video for Kissing You and I’m filming tomorrow!!!!” Hyung turned around, “AISH. THAT HURT LEE DONGHAE. Oh, but really? WOW GOOD JOB. But then, hey, I’m warning you Donghae, you better not do any funny business with my Sica.” I sighed, “Yah, Hyung what do you think of me as? A ert or something? I already have Yoongie, and anyways, Sica is like my sister. SO DON’T WORRY HYUNG. SICA WILL ALWAYS BE YOURS.” Hyung laughed and slapped me on the back ten times as hard, “OKAY THEN MY DONGSAENG. :D.” “HYUNG THAT HURT.” I whined.

Yoona’s POV:

I was eating my noodles obnoxiously when I heard Fany come back from her schedule. “Anyong Fany unnie.” I said with my mouth full. Fany came over, “Aish Yoong, try to act more like a girl you shikshin. Anyways, I HAVE REALLY GOOD NEWS. Your Mr. Fishy is gunna be in our music video for Kissing You tomorrow!” I looked at Fany unnie with big eyes, “REALLY UNNIE? Oh my god YAY. I get to see Fishy oppa tomorrow!!! Haven’t seen him for a week already cause of schedules. TOMORROW  IS OFFICIALLY GUNNA BE THE BEST DAY EVER. I FREAKING LOVE YOU UNNIE.” I grabbed Fany unnie in an intense hug. Fany laughed, “Yoong, you’re gunna squeeze me to death! I know you’re excited, but try not to kill me.” I let go of unnie and twirled around laughing.



Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is really short but, I decided to make the legit start of my fanfic now! I know, I know. You must be thinking, This crazy woman, YOU ALREADY STARTED YOUR FANFIC. Well, the first few chapters are just intros. Not all of it is based on real events. From this chapter on, I will write each chapter about an event that actually happened. I'll try my best to make it all in order. I'll also add in some "behind the scenes" parts cause I don't know about you guys, it makes me hyperventilate of happiness and roll around laughing like a crazy woman. The behind the scenes parts aren't necessarily real since I will be making them up. So, get yourselves ready for chapter 4! Some intense stuff is goin down. :). THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING AND THANK YOU TO MY SUBSCRIBERS. 

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Chapter 5: update soon please
Pyro_Yoong_Hae #2
Update Soon!
llangel98 #3
well, I tried to type chapter 2 without POV, but I assure you, me writing without POV is even harder to read. ;3.
POV?? Can I request?? can you remove the POV? because I hate when there is POV and it's hard to read..mianhae..(sorry)but if you don't it's ok
Please update soon