The Making of the music Video for Kissing You!

The Love Story of Im Yoona and Lee Donghae~


 Chapter 4:

Donghae’s POV:

I quickly whipped out my phone after I felt it vibrate in my pocket. I read the text from Yoong on the screen, “Oppa!! Did you hear? You’re gunna be in our music video tomorrow. Kthen. See you tomorrow oppa!<3” I smiled at the text and wrote back, “I did Yoong! I’m so excited. Finally get to see you again after one week of not being able to. :D.” I started dancing and flapping around like a crazy again.

The next day…..

Yoona’s POV:

I was waiting around in the waiting room while playing a game on my phone. “Aish, where the heck is oppa?”I thought. Right when I was about to call him, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. “Anyong Yoongie.” I heard someone whisper in my ear. I blushed, I guess oppa remembered that I liked back hugs. “Yah oppa you butthead, you’re late!,” I quickly grabbed oppa’s hand and ran to the set. I cupped my mouth and yelled out, “WE CAN START FILMING NOW. DONGHAE OPPA IS FINALLY HERE.” We went separately to our changing rooms to do our make up and get ready. I saw  Sica unnie come over to me and she patted me on the head, “Hey Yoongie, you’re not gunna be mad when Donghae oppa has more love dovey interaction in the video with the other unnies instead of you right?” I laughed, “Of course not Sica unnie. It’s just acting anyways. I’m DEFINITELY not a possessive girlfriend.”

Donghae’s POV:

I listened to what the PD told me about the scenes of the music video I would be in. I interrupted him for a second, “Wait a second PD hyung, I have to do WHAT?” The PD looked at me funny and repeated himself, “You will have to act all cheesy and lovey dovey with Tiffany the most. I won’t tell you guys what to do but I’m just saying, just do something cute that couples would do.” I sighed,”Neh PD-nim.” I plopped myself in the chair and thought to myself silently. Is Yoong gunna be mad I have to do this stuff? WAIT A SECOND. I JUST GOT THE BEST IDEA EVER. I’m gunna make Yoongie jealous~

No One’s POV:

The soshi girls had to film their dancing parts first and mouthing the lyrics too. They all filed into the filming area dressed in white with their hair all curled and pretty. Donghae looked over where Yoona was and thought, “MWAHAHAHAHAH. I’m gunna make Yoongie jealous~” Little did he know, Yoona was determined to not be jealous and understand what Donghae had to do completely.

After the girls filmed those parts, it was time to film the parts they had with Donghae. Well, what do you know; the parts with Tiffany and Donghae were to be filmed first.

Tiffany and Donghae took their places on the humungo pink chair. Tiffany gave Donghae a pointed look and said, ‘Hey oppa, I am SO sorry I have to film this stuff with you when you have a girlfriend. Well actually if you had a girlfriend and I didn’t know her, I would feel less guilty. But, you’re dating YOONG. OUR YOONG. My Yoongie, so I can’t help to feel a little bit guilty.” Donghae playfully glared at her, “Yah Fany, Yoong is MINE. Not yours. Anyways, it’s okay because I’m planning on making Yoongie jealous, just cause it’s cute when she’s jealous.” Tiffany laughed, “Aish oppa, I should tell on you to Yoong.”

After a while of scolding Donghae for fooling around, the PD finally started to film. Donghae was secretly thinking of ways to make Yoona jealous, so first, he told Tiffany to put her head on his shoulder. Yoona was at the side watching, and thought, “Jeez, oppa is SUCH an idiot. I know he’s just trying to make me jealous. PFT. Doesn’t work like that. Ms.Tomboy herself, shall not be jealous over such a measly action.” Jessica put her arm around Yoona’s shoulder and came up to her. Jessica said, “Yoong, your boyfriend is so cute. He’s trying to make you jealous! I’m guessing it’s working cause you look pretty mad.” Yoona looked at Jessica surprised, “Unnie, this face is not jealousy. This is the face of me being determined not to give in. I won’t be jealous of such a small thing as Fany unnie putting her head on oppa’s shoulder. I do that, ALL the time. PFT. PFT. PFT.” Jessica listened as she giggled.

Donghae thought of another idea to try and burst Yoona’s bubble. He told Fany to let him put HIS head on HER shoulder. Oh shizzle, some stuff is goin DOWN. Taeyeon stood next to Yoona and watched with her. Taeyeon poked Yoona, “Yoong look! Your boyfriend choding is at it again. Are you jelly now? Kekekekeke” Yoona looked and shook her head, “Nope unnie. Not even ONE bit. I’m just SO chill about it. :D.” Yoona was trying hard not to look peeved since she wanted to make Donghae mad that she wasn’t getting jealous.

Donghae kept on glancing at Yoona to see if she looked the least bit peeved. “Aish, why the heck is Yoongie so chill about this. I wanna see her jealous D:.” he thought. Fany poked Donghae, “Oppa, seems like Yoongie is a very chill girlfriend. But then, it looks like you want her to be jelly?” Donghae looked at Fany, “Fany, help oppa make Yoong jealous!” Fany sighed, “Aish oppa, FINE.” She jokingly blew a kiss at him and Donghae pretended to be so happy, that he fell back.

Yoona watched the scene unfold at the side, “YAH. LEE DONGHAE OPPA. WHAT IS THIS.” Yoona didn’t mean to scream out loud but she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. Donghae smiled and waved at her, obviously satisfied that his cute girlfriend finally got jealous. Fany shook her head and laughed while she looked at Yoona and mouthed, “His idea. Not mine. VELLY SOLLY YOONGIE~ Saranghae<3” After about 15 minutes, the PD called for a twenty minute break for everybody. Donghae quickly rushed to Yoona’s make -up room and opened the door.

“YOONGIE. OPPA IS SO SORRY. I just had to do it. You’re SO cute when you’re jealous and I wanted to see your cute angry face.” Donghae said happily. Yoona playfully glared at Donghae, “Apology not accepted oppa. I DO NOT FORGIVE YOU.” She pouted at him. Donghae went over and put his arms around her waist while putting his head on her shoulder. Donghae quietly whispered, “Oppa is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REAALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY a million times really sorry. :D” Yoona laughed, “Well, okay then oppa. Since you wasted so much breath saying really so many times.” She turned around and hugged him back. The rest of the music video shoot was great. EXCEPT, when the PD suggested Jessica and Donghae do a heart with their arms. Yoona was completely fine with it. But Donghae were nervous about it. Why? Donghae looked at Sica, “YAH Sica! If I make a heart with you, Heechul hyung is going to kill me! WHAT AM I GUNNA DO.” Sica looked at him back, “Hmm, well oppa. I’m fine with it, but according to the person Heechullie oppa is, yep, he’s probably gunna hurt you. But, I’ll try to get him not to :D.” Donghae rolled his eyes, “Mhm, yeah right Sica. You’re probably gunna be excited when you see Heechul hyung turning into a crazy mad man. Oh well, I guess Yoongie could protect me from him. WITH HER AMAZING HIDDEN STRENGTH.” Yoona was listening to their conversation on the side and giggled, “Nah oppa. I think I would rather watch with unnie instead :D.” Donghae started to fakingly sob and shook his head at his choding girlfriend. 


VELLY SOLLY GUISE. This is probably the longest I haven't updated. I was gunna update yesterday, but I totally had a brain fart and didn't know what to write, and the day before, I was busy. BUT HERE IT IS NOW. THE LONG AWAITED CHAPTER 4. Kinda cheesy but hey, cheesy makes me happy :D. ENJOY GUYS. and yes, I'm trying to get better at writing without point of view! 

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Chapter 5: update soon please
Pyro_Yoong_Hae #2
Update Soon!
llangel98 #3
well, I tried to type chapter 2 without POV, but I assure you, me writing without POV is even harder to read. ;3.
POV?? Can I request?? can you remove the POV? because I hate when there is POV and it's hard to read..mianhae..(sorry)but if you don't it's ok
Please update soon